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*michael_LB92 Blog

It's My Birthday =)

I'm just making this blog to remind people and because I said I would make it on my birthday... which is today.

I haven't replied to any of the comments on my last blog, cause I'm still kinda sick, and can't even find the energy to do that :( ) Well anyway, have a nice day :D

I'm Sick =(

I've got a cold. Not like one of those fake colds, where people sneeze and then think they're dying or something. :roll: This is a real, 38.9 (celcius) degree body temperature, coughing like a biatch, sneezing like I've been swimming in pool of dust and pepper, cold!

The ones where you can't go outside, where you can't do anything but sit on the couch and watch TV (or go on Tv.COM - haha), and where you have to take about 20 pills a day, just so you don't feel like you're going to die from feeling so crappy and deciding not breathe.

It may sound nice that you don't have to do anything, but watch TV or go onthe computer,but really, when you feel as crappy as you do when you get sick, it reminds you of how much you miss being healthy. It sucks.

ESPECIALLY, when it is the school holidays! Unfair, much?

Of all the time I could've gotten sick (e.g: on a school week), fate just had to make it during the holidays AND a few days before my birthday (which is on Friday - I'll post a blog to remind you all! :D)

Well, anyway, how are your lives? Anyone else sick? Maybe you have a painful alcer that will make me appreciate that it doesn't hurt when I eat - I just feel sick when I do. :P

Bad Blog - No Comments Required =P

So, I'm very bored.
AGAIN! :roll:
I'm not sure why when I am bored, I decide to make a blog about it!
I'm bored and YOU people have to suffer because of it!
Well, I'm sorry. :(

Anyway, due to this blog being a TOTAL waste of time, I give you permission to leave now, without posting a comment, because this is a very. BAD. blog!


LoVe Video Finished

This video took me way longer than the other one, but for some reason I don't like it as much.
I'm a little unsure about some clips I used, and I really overdid the fading.
But I was just too sick of this video to be bothered to do anything about them, so I give you:
My LoVe Video.
Enjoy :P

Plain Bored (Only read if you want the disease)

So, I'm bored...
and felt is neccessary to tell everyone.

I got a new avator.
The Canada Room in VM. Haha.
Best. Scene. Ever.

Anyway, I can't be bothered editing that LoVe video I am doing
cause Windows Movie Maker is stuffing up every 5 seconds
and I'm kinda running out of clips.
I'll have to find more or just repeat some I guess.
And I'm regretting the effects I'm using,
but when I try to change them, it stuffs up, or I regret it, and then it's ALL GAH!

So I guess that's all, really.
Have a nice day.
Don't do drugs.
And stay in school. ;)
Unless your out of school, then in that case...stay inwork.

Quizzy Goodness =) And Test Your Eyes =D

Another quiz from another user, who I suspect stole it from another - but I won't jump to any conclusions just yet. This quiz is about 100 questions long, so I highlighted all the ones I think are important - for all you lazy scanners out there ;)

1. Are your parents married or divorce? Divorced

2. For how long? 2 or 3 years

3. How old are they? Mum is recently47, Dad is nearly 49

4. Do you think heaven exists? Something like that.

5. Ever run away from home? Yes - for about 10 or so minutes.

6. Favourite place? My house, probably.

7. Favorite time of the day? Night

8. Favourite website? or MySpace :P

9. Would you ever have plastic surgery? If I got shot in the face and I really needed it, then yes.

10. Are you homosexual? No

11. Ever kiss someone of the same sex?Probably a relative when I waslittle, but besdies that - no :?

12. What do you wear to bed?Boxers/pjama pants anda shirt

13. Ever done anything illegal? Yep. Shoplifted (I was four or so, but I've still never confessed :?)

14. Been arrested? No

15. Fired a gun? No

16. Shot someone? No

17. How many illegal drugs have you tried? Zero

18. Did you get caught? No

19. Hair color? Dark Brown, but it used to be Light Brown.

20. Short or long? Right now? For a guy, it's long-ish.

21. Eye colour? Blue, sometimes green. It vary's. :P

22. Favourite saying? Betch. (It's between friends, lol)

23. Ever wore pajamas to ****or work? Only in the Wear Pjamas days

24. Do you like The Lord of the Flies? Never seen it, but I think that's about eating people...

25. Do you like The Lord of the Rings? No

26. Harry Potter?Yeah :oops:

27. Future childrens name? Sarah or Jacob. Off the top of my head. :P

28. Do you snore? No, but I kick. :)

29. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No :?

30. Do you like to sleep in? Yes :D

31. Gold or silver? Silver

32. How long did your longest phone conversation last? 2 hours and a half-ish

33. With who? Olivia

34. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?Enchiladas! :P

35. Ever go scuba diving? No :(

36. Ever change a lightbulb? YES!

37. City, Beach or Country? City

38. Sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? Closed! :evil:

39. Where did you eat last? The Dining Room

40. Are you allergic to peanut butter? No

41. Are you an artist? Not like a drawing one - but I am artistic. Or so I'm told ;)

42. Musician? Not really... unless the triangle counts! :P

43. Athlete? A bit, yeah...

44. Bookworm? Only if it's a good one.

45. Writer? Yes. I used to write books all the time. I don't anymore, but I might one day again.

46. When's the last time you cried!? I don't remember...

47. Why?I dunno.

48. Do you read other people blogs? Yes - but only if I know them kinda. And if it's not too long. And if the title is good. And if there are pictures of shiney things in them. :)

49. Do you talk in your sleep? Err... don't think so.

50. Window seat or aisle? Both are good.

51. Ever met anyone famous? I saw Geoffry Rush in the city. Oh,and the guy that plays 'Kel' on Kath & Kim, buying a book from Angus & Robertsons Book Store. And that woman off SeaChange. And some guy that was on Neighbours. So yeah, I guess. :P

52. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? Not yet really, but hopefully I will.

53. Twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I do that thing where you scoop it up, and then let it dangle, and then like slurp it all in, in this disgusting fashion, and end up making a big mess. :oops:

54. Are you ticklish? Extraordinarily.

55. Ever bite someone? Not recently. :P

56. Ever push all the buttons on the elevator? Yep, like 2 weeks ago. But there were only 5 levels! :P

57. Ever makeout in an elevator? Nope

58. How long do your showers last? They used to be like 30 minutes, but cause of the drought, it's like 7 now. :(

59. Are you self-conscious? Pretty much...

60. Ever have a crush on a teacher or coach? In Prep and Grade 1. :D :oops:

61. Ever drunk so much you threw up? No..

62. Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis? No..

63. Do you smoke? No..

64. Smoke a pack a day? No... :roll:

65. Do you drink alot of milk? I try to, but I don't think I do. I eat a lot of ice cream, how much calcium is in that? :P

66. Ever stay out all night without getting caught? No

67. Have you ever given money to a homeless person? Yes, in Bali. That's right. I'm a giver. ;)

68. Have you been in love? No

69. Do you bite your nails? What else would I use to cut them?

70. Have you tried sushi? Yes

71. Escargot? What the hell is that!?

72. Caviar? Not sure what that is, either...

73. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yep. My dad is a paramedic.

74. Police car? No

75. Fire engine? No

76. Ever had the chicken pox? Yes, it's oh so itchy.

77. Can you tango? Never tried.

78. Ever been to Niagara Falls? No

79. Europe? No :cries:

80. Germany? No

81. Africa? Nope

82. Mexico? Nope

83. Last gift you received?Ermm... can't remember. Probably in Christmas, so lots and lots of presents. :P

84. Last sport you played? Volleyball in P.E today.

85. Been on a blind date? No

86. Dated someone with more than 10 years age difference? No. :?

87. Been fired? Haven't had a job...

88. Thing you spend a lot of money on? DVDs... :roll: Damn them!

89. Where do you live? Australia!

90. Where were you born? Australia!

91. Last wedding attended? My cousins. It was SO boring. It was one of those Church ones where they make it all about God, and stuff.

92. Have you ever been married? No

93. Divorced? No

94. Most hated food? Probably Chilli Con Carn or something :?

95. Last person you text messaged? I don't remember, I haven't had credit in so long... :cries:

96. Saying what? Probably something about betch. :P

97. Favorite regular drink? Coke or Pepsi.

98. Favourite person? PEOPLE THAT COMMENT MY BLOGS! (hint hint ;) )

99. Least favourite person? Osama Bin Laden or someone.

100. Current Crush? ... people that comment my blogs! :P (not really, though :| )


Now, for the eye testing part, where YOU, gentle viewers (lol), get to test how good your eyes are! :)

Can u find the B?


Once youve found the b

Find The Mistake.


Once Youve Found The Mistake

Find the 1


Once you found the 1..............

Find the 6


Once youve found the 6...

Find the N


Once you've found the N...

Find the Q...



I hope you enjoyed this multicoloured, multicultural, multitalented blog. (Well, multicoloured anyway :roll: )

If you ever need a kidney, I've got one with your name on it

Greetings (lol, that word is so cool. It's right up there with siblings, and incognito.)
A few things:

- I've got a new icon. It's from the How I Met Your Mother episode, Slapbet, and it's Robyn in the 90's (which apparently is when the 80's came into Canada.) :P

- I've reached Level 8! :) I'm no longer still stuck on the chain of constant crap levels, like Thighmaster or other unearthly things. :? I'm a Super-Friend! :D And moving up the food chain of Tv.COM :P.

- New About Me section, but nothing most of you really didn't know anyway. :)

- I need advice on a few shows I'm considering getting into.
I obviously won't go to the forums of these TV shows, because... well, about 99% of the people on those forums are fans of the show, so I thought I'd ask you guys, who, if you've seen a decent number of episodes of one of the series I am about to mention, whether or not those TV shows are worth investing my time in.
Well, I managed to fit all that in one sentence. :P

Anyway, I'm thinking of getting into:

- One Tree Hill - I've seen the first 8 episodes, and I'm relatively interested in it, and I've gotten advice from at least two people on what they think of it, but I'm wondering what other people think of it? Does it turn into absolute crap, or is it worth buying the DVDs over?

- Supernatural - I'm basically 100% sure I'm about to buy the DVDs, but I'm just curious as to what other people think of it.

-Torchwood -We don't have the DVDs over here, cause the series has just started, but has anyone seen this series? I've never watched Doctor Who, but this series has been heavily advertised by Channel 10, so I'm actually considering giving it a shot. Anyone?

- Jericho - I'm interested merely because all of the fuss the fans made. I've never really considered watching it, as my science teacher said it was so unrealistic, but I guess I can look past that, cause I'm not that great at science anyway. :P Sadly, it's not being broadcasted here anymore, (unless it comes back in summer) so I'm wondering if I should invest in the DVDs. Anyone?

Anyway, if anyone watches (or did watch) these shows, can you please tell me your opinion on it? :)

I Remain Coeliac-Free...

Just thought I'd let you all know that I don't have coeliac disease.
Or colitis or something like that. :?

I'm just very low in fibre. :P
Turns out I need to eat more of that gross bread with seeds in it,
and less of that good bread that is just plain and boring.


Level 7! =O

Level 7 - 72%
By the way, so glad that the Level 1 bug is gone...

I'm having a gastroscopy(sp?) tommorrow, cause I might have coeliac(sp?) disease.
Which might mean I can't have gluten (i.e wheat, flour, etc.)

No more KFC if I do have it... :cry: