@Poinciana @-ArchAngeL-777- Vita has a large catalog of much cheaper games when you take into account the PSP games, many of which are excellent. Besides, I've had an iPhone since launch and would pay $50 for Uncharted, PS All Stars, Unit 13, etc. over anything on the Apple App Store any day of the week. I think I've found a grand total of 4 games I actually like on my iPhone in over 5 years of owning one. 5 if you include Angry Birds which is pretty good itself.
I had a lot of fun playing the demo at PAX East. As for the cramped spaces, have you played Uncharted 3? That was awful, yet got a much better score. I didnt really find it all that annoying. Its not unlike most action games that aren't sandbox. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I came out of the demo realizing I will definitely have to play this game. The gameplay was good.
I dont have a problem with FTP. Would you rather pay $60, then another $50 or so for premium memberships? That's what's going on now. FTP games actually get great support because they do make the money necessary to keep upgrading the game. DCUO is a perfect example on PS3. Nothing second rate about it. Even HOME is making a ton of money and adding spaces, games, etc. all the time.
@thatguy_b @-ArchAngeL-777- Mine too. My clan was one of the top clans in KZ1 and was highly active in wars throughout the first year or so of KZ2. Within the first month of playing KZ3, all our clan had quit. We actually moved on to Socom 4. Yes I said that...Socom 4 lol
I hope they go back to the KZ2 multiplayer formula. KZ3 had way too many compromises and ruined the class balance structure. If Infiltrators and Marksmen are running around commo/cloaked while firing and undetectable by bots, I will sell KZ4 immediately. Also bring back Tactician spawn grenades. KZ3 ruined the Tactician class.
@brunod_f @wwlettsome I'm looking forward to it as well, but we all know the history of hacks and glitchers in the game community. This is one feature you definitely want to have locked down and under complete control.
Well, its not like there isnt one on every block as it is haha. They have so many locations its amazing they have done as well as they have. Sucks for the employees though to have to find new jobs.
-ArchAngeL-777-'s comments