Another day, another story about MS throwing around money trying to buy their way to the top. Does anyone even care? I don't care who's making Silent Hills. I didn't even know it was coming out LOL. I have no intention whatsoever of playing this game.
-ArchAngeL-777-'s forum posts
If Xbox is ever going to make the same first party comeback that Sony did, they have to start using all that cash to buy more studios or create them from scratch. They don't have as many first party studios as Sony, and most of the ones they do have are tied up pumping out sequels to Forza, Halo, Fable, and Gears of War.
Rare and Twisted Pixel are the only studios they have free right now. Twisted Pixel does stuff like Lococyle, so don't hold you're breath there. Rare hasn't been doing good stuff for a long time.
Microsoft actually has more 1st party studios than both Sony and Nintendo. They created around 5 more studios not that long ago, but they are small studios (practically indie), and most of them are for Hololens games.
Here are the studios that could possibly have their games announced at E3 (keeping in mind that MS shows their games earlier than Sony this gen):
- Rare - 2 unannounced games in development, 1 small (downloadable), the other is bigger (AAA)
- Black Tusk - Gears 4 (AAA) and Gears remaster
- Lionhead - new IP (AAA) in addition to Fable Legends
- Twisted Pixel - Lococycle devs but apparently this game will be their biggest yet (so far they've done downloable titles but it's possibly AAA/AA)
- Press Play - new IP (downloadable titles)
- Decisive Games - working on a strategy game (most likely multiplat)
- Undead Labs - not 1st party but they have a contract with MS
The rest of the studios are Hololens/Kinect/Mobile so probably nothing interesting.
While it pales when compared to what Sony and Nintendo are bringing, their 1st party is growing. Sony has a shitload of unannounced games left (far more than MS), from both 1st and 3rd party studios. Practically all of Sony's 1st party studios have unannounced games. Microsoft at least has a chance of winning this E3 since Sony tends to spread their announcements throughout the year since they have more conferences.
When I said "They don't have as many first party studios as Sony...", I was talking about studios that currently make AAA IPs directly for their leading console (PS4 vs XB1). I wasn't talking about Mobile, downloadable, or even Kinect or Hololens games which as you said are probably not going to be interesting.
So of those you list, again, Twisted Pixel and Rare are the only two they own with potentially an unannounced AAA exclusive title for E3. As you said, Twisted Pixel has been doing downloadable titles, and Rare hasn't done anything really good for a long while. Neither studio bring confidence of a hit AAA title in the works. Lionhead, Black Tusk, Turn 10, and 343 are all tied up with Fable, Gears of War, Forza, and Halo.
They have some second party studio agreements, but so does Sony (like with Bloodborne, Order 1886, and the studio Quantic Dream). At any rate, TC was talking first party exclusives, so that's why I'm asking where all these new games are coming from. The usual Halo/Gears of War/Forza/Fable cycle isn't going to get MS back in this race.
You got console only gamers who wanna go ps4 for exclusives, and you got pc gamers who buy consoles for exclusives.
Phil's strategy is flawed and the exclusives on the way are all timed and coming to PC! He needs to learn how to market products and start saying "only on xbox" and "best on xbox" just like playstation does when they advertise bloodborne or whatever. thats how you advertise for a product "best" "only" "period" you don't advertise it as "720p" "better other places" "everywhere"
Phil hasn't learned a damn thing he markets games like witcher 3 and playstation can still say "best resolution on PS4" or whatever there deals are trash and he doesn't understand what's going on.
This is another great point. The fact all these XB1 games keep coming to PC is definitely killing sales for the console. Not only that, TitanFall is probably the best game on XB1, and it released on 360 as well. What kind of strategy is that? lol If you want to get 360 owners to buy an XB1, why on earth are you going to pay Respawn to put TitanFall on 360? Respawn initially targeted PC, and MS paid them to bring it to XB1. I get that part. But bringing it to 360 makes ZERO sense. It's just like saying..."hey 360 owners, we really want you on XB1, but here's TitanFall to tide you over until maybe fall 2015. In the meantime, we hope you don't go buy a PS4." haha
This was a big deal last gen too. I owned a gaming PC all last gen. So when everyone was falling all over Bioshock and Mass Effect on 360, I could just get it on PC. Halo, Gears, Alan Wake, Left 4 Dead and more are on PC as well.
If Phil wants to truly compete with Sony year after year, he's got to start putting stuff out for XB1 ONLY. You can't play Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, Order 1886, DriveClub, Infamous Second Son, Killzone Shadow Fall, etc. on anything but a PS4. The only exclusives Sony has put on PS4 that can be played anywhere else is Last of Us and Little Big Planet 3. Even then you have to buy a PS3 which is still a Sony product. You can't play any of Sony's exclusives on PC.
If Xbox is ever going to make the same first party comeback that Sony did, they have to start using all that cash to buy more studios or create them from scratch. They don't have as many first party studios as Sony, and most of the ones they do have are tied up pumping out sequels to Forza, Halo, Fable, and Gears of War.
Rare and Twisted Pixel are the only studios they have free right now. Twisted Pixel does stuff like Lococyle, so don't hold you're breath there. Rare hasn't been doing good stuff for a long time.
Yeah we heard the same thing the past two E3's and what did you get? Ryse, Crimson Dragon, Lococycle, Scalebound, and a few more that are completely forgettable. In the mean time, MS is already on their 3rd Forza release of this gen. They are on track for their annual Halo release. They paid big money for timed exclusive Tomb Raider and to publish a Sunset Overdrive IP they don't own anymore than TitanFall. Shocker...another Fable and Gears of War is coming.
Translation...the same old pattern as last gen. They are going to focus on first party exclusives, and it will mostly be Halo 5, Forza 6, the next Gears of War, and Fable.
The problem is, where will all these first party exclusives come from? 343 is tied up babysitting Halo. Black Rock is tied up babysitting Gears of War. Turn 10 does Forza. Lionhead does Fable. So who's left to push out all these great IPs your talking about?
Sony has more first party studios than MS which is how they built up all these exclusives. Not only that, studios like Naughty Dog, Guerrilla Games, and Media Molecule have multiple teams working on different IPs. They aren't just stuck babysitting the same IP over and over again. They move on and let another studio handle continued sequels like Little Big Planet 3.
I don't know. Its hard for me to say because I actually really liked PS2 and PS3 when I first bought those. I think when you take into account everything, this is definitely the most polished.
For me PSN isn't an issue because when PS2 launched, Live wasn't even out yet. When PS3 launched, it was the first shot at PSN which was in itself pretty cool. I actually think the DS4 is the best controller Sony has put out, so I will give it that. Both PS2 and PS3 were very powerful for their day too and pushed new technology like DVD and BluRay drives which was an added special feature of both.
As for the library, I don't think it's as lacking as people pretend. Infamous Second Son is awesome, as well as First Light. I really like Killzone Shadow Fall a lot as well. I like 3D platformers so Knack was actually a good game for me. Then you have Bloodborne, Order 1886, LBP3, Last of Us, and DriveClub. That's not a bad exclusive lineup at all for the first year and a half of a console. MS doesn't have anything coming out this year until Fall.
Nintendo most certainly sucks this time around. I don't think XB1 necessarily sucks as much as people are just tired of the same old Forza/Halo song and dance from them.
To me the foundation for this PS4 domination was set by the end of last gen. PS3 had all the momentum. MS had been messing around with Kinect for a few years and not doing much of anything with exclusives outside of more Halo and Forza milking. A lot of 360 gamers weren't even playing their exclusives anyway. The people I knew with 360s were playing Battlefield and Call of Duty.
Meanwhile, Sony totally reinvented themselves and were putting out new exclusive IPs like Uncharted, Last of Us, Infamous, Little Big Planet, and more.
So when MS came into this gen forcing Kinect on everyone with a $500 price, that just clinched it. All these people who weren't attached to Halo and Forza in the first place swapped to the $400 PS4. They could continue to play COD and Battlefield and get a taste of Sony's exclusives like Infamous, Killzone, Last of Us, and Little Big Planet.
Also, MS continues to throw money around at third party developers for IPs they don't own. TitanFall 2 is coming to PS4. From what I understand, Sunset Overdrive did not sell very well. If it gets a sequel, I'm betting Insomniac finds a publisher that puts it PS4 as well. Tomb Raider is a timed exclusive. I don't understand why MS doesn't use this money to build up more first party studios to make IPs they actually have control over. The fact that Halo and Gears of War were originally developed by third party studios has not helped them either. They have had to tie up 343 and Black Rock to babysit those IPs since Bungie and Epic aren't doing them anymore.
No, XB1 is getting worked over so badly right now that it wouldn't matter what happens this fall. Besides, Uncharted 4 is set for early 2016, and I'm sure Sony will have more announcements at E3.
PS4 is beating XB1 badly even with the price drop. XB1 is going to have to drop to $299 if they want to destroy PS4 this Christmas. Besides, I don't think Halo can save Xbox anymore, especially the way MCC was so broken last year.
I guess Titanfall 2 will be on PS4 soon. Anyone who thinks otherwise clearly doesn't know EA. This game was always a multiplat but how do you guys feel about this?
I dont think anyone is surprised by this. Respawn also has been on record as saying they picked one platform for TitanFall because they didn't have the resources to expand beyond that. In that article, they talk about bringing follow on games to other platforms.
TitanFall was originally supposed to be a PC release. That was before MS pulled up with a truck full of cash, I imagine. lol
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