As you can see here the DVD Drive blocks most the area for the heat to escape through the vents. And it being passive isnt going to help. Thinking that just because they lowered the power and heat used and created by 20% from jasper and just getting a cooler to allow intake. which they should havehad intaketo begin with to fix the issue, now that are ingoring heat build up from no forced exhaust.
ummmmmmmmmmm.......ok in english dude. seriously, im sure M$ tested this crap out first. they didnt test the first xbox because they were trying to beat sony and nintendo to the market first. they knew the first xbox was garbage and released it anyways. they know they cant afford another hardware issue. i think this is being blown up for nothing
Actually they tested the first 360 alot, i remember seeing a video before it came it how they were running it through the ringer, to make it fail on purpose. I think we should really look at what I believe is the number onecause for all the failures of the original 360 and thats cheap labor from countries that probably could care less about seeing an amercian company succeed.Maybe.
Or has everyone forget about the origianl xbox, you rarely ever heard of problems with it. It was built very good.
And I think alot of these issues are isolated but with the internet everything gets blown way out of proportion.
I think alot of these people that jump on this kind of stuff have some underlying desire to see everything MS fail.
...and fix that pic above and make it to scale.
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