@boogie25I never had Wrex die.He made it all the way to the end of ME3,and it was cool with what he said to his troops on earth,then talking to Shepard for his last talk. I do have to agree with how the ending was terrible though,even with the 3 ways of left,right or straight in the middle in the Citadel. But Buzz Aldrin telling his Grandson there will be more stories made me happy knowing there would be more Mas Effect games(minus Shepard & the rest,of course).
@darktruth007: I bought the collectors edition with the hardback guide for over $100 and will do it again,even if Andromeda turns out to be not all it's cracked up to be. And you've been smoking something if you think ANY games are gonna be worth only $15. Get into the real world and accept it that not everything is cheap,especially games of any console or PC.
@mihnea93:I have played all 3 ME games in every way(Adept,Engineer,Infiltrator.etc.) and have slept with all of the available Gals and Kaiden Alenko. Liara does have the nicest ass in the end of ME1. I even did the Gay Shepard once. I've played all of them more than 50 times in so many different ways and I hope the next series will be as good as the last ones were. I still play the whole series at least 3 times a year. Yeah,I'm a Mass Effect Junkie!
@reaper12:I'd like to see all of the Assassins Creed games added to it,but I'll still have that old XBox360 for it's use of all those games,plus the many others(Bioshock,Blazing Angels,Dead Space,Halo,etc.) that don't get added to the new console.
@Alecmrhand I've already got the Super Deluxe Version bought and paid for,as well as the Prima Guide! I pre-ordered for ME1 , ME2 & ME3 with the Prima Guides and have been a very happy camper since then. The ending of ME3 was a shocking disappointment,but the game itself was excellent. I don't think I will be disappointed on ME:Andromeda,and the release date,even if it gets delayed will be worth the wait.
@asnakeneverdiesI have to agree. I got DA:I for Pre-Ordered w/the Guide and I felt so ripped off I didn't even finish the game with progression system and quest design I might go ahead and finish it some day,but I won't be getting excited about it.
@jayskoon93You have to consider that,1,she's not 14 anymore.2, remember she didn't have tattoos as a teenager,3, everyones face changes a little as we all age an,4, her face still pretty much looks like the one she had.Joel? Well,he's probably going to look even older and still be the Man we all knew he was,and will probably lie to her again about what actually did happen in the end. Maybe she will find out the truth and still trust him (even though not so much as before). The game will still have the fantastic TLOU universe and will be a great game with an excellent story to it,so don't say it's unnecessary.Even at the end of it,it was obvious that a sequel was going to happen since the Firefly Queen was dead and there wasn't dozens just like her.Then again,there might actually be dozens like her.We won't know any time soon,will we?
@mrmusicman247I changed Commander Shepard's face so many times as the Male/Female Character. I had my Male Engineer look almost exactly like Howard Stern! Disturbingly Hilarious to a few people.
@myhomieyoda: What have you been smoking? As many times as those various Morons have tried to remake a movie,they have all failed poorly! And trying to do it with this one will make them look bad and fail, AGAIN! The Original couldn't be made better with new actors and story lines, muppets being made by someone other than the Hensons and look as good or better in any way,shape or form.
@_plaguelight_: Look at what happened to "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". You can't reboot any movie,slightly change the name and expect it to become a classic.Willy Wonka is one of my favorites and I watch it at least once a year,along with Labyrinth (and a few other classics).
1stormbringer77's comments