@Xirtahm: The story can't be expanded because Bowie isn't around anymore.And nobody can replace him for the Goblin King. Jennifer is still beautiful and could play as the new Goblin Queen,but I doubt that will happen.
I have to laugh at you guys when they say Female Gamers don't exist, that they always use only other mens consoles. Way back in 1987 I was stationed in Germany and one of the Ladies in my flight had a Atari 2600 and She was the ONLY ONE in it that played video games. I played hers for a little bit, then bought my own. So if you think that only men have them and Women never own them, you obviously live in a different world of reality. I've seen Women buying games at GameStop, Best Buy, Walmart, etc. so many times, and almost all of them are getting them for themselves, not their boyfriend, husband, kids or as a gift. Jeez, are you guys really so much of an egotistical chauvinist that you CAN'T accept Women as gamers, especially when you find out that some of them are better at the games than you are?
@Zloth2 Then watch "Rush in Rio". That outta help you get rid of Duran Duran. I'm a Drummer & have seen Rush in concert more times than I can count,starting with the "Permanent Waves" tour.
Agents,eh?Hmmm. I wonder if they'll be anything like the Assassins Creed had us sending 1st level Assassins out then returning back after their missions getting raised in rank. Or they let US to be the ones temporarily as Agents on missions,but either one will be interesting.
I plan to get this because I'm from Chicago & I want to see how well they've done on the city itself.Especially around Soldier Field.I've eaten & drank at all the taverns & restaurants around that area.Remember the flat where the Blues Brothers were staying & you could hear the trains? I do & that scene I saw them use was right!
@ThrashMatt26 And we all know the next Abstergo Employee will be playing Kenway,right? I wonder, will the new Employee be a Guy or a Gal. And if it's a Gal,could she be someone we know about or a completely new face. Naw, it'll be a new Guy,and he's probably gonna die,too,only in a totally unexpected way.
I've already Pre-Ordered the Limited Edition version, it's bought & paid for already. Now I just have to wait patiently. I am getting rather impatient about it already,though.
@fritzpereskia You do have to consider the fact that this game is played for the way back days,and whaling was so common that doing that was not considered a bad thing. It was a way of life for many and was used for things we today have never thought about.Remember,it's just a game,not reality.
1stormbringer77's comments