Yes Microsoft shot themselves in the foot right out of the gate, dropped the ball, screwed the pooch, walked out farted and vomited in front of their customers. . . . .however you want to put it. Regardless of all that I do still want an XB1 simply because I spend a lot of time in front of my TV and the idea of being able to switch between TV, games and movies with just my voice seems pretty dang awesome. However I'm not a console fanboy and the PS4 looks amazing as well. Right now for me the question is not will I got both consoles it's simply which one will I get first as money allows. The Vita being packaged with the PS4 for 500 bucks is a game changer for me. I've wanted a vita for a while but there just aren't enough games for me to spend the money. This combo deal is indeed something I would take advantage of. Then I can finally play Uncharted Golden Compass and the Vita Assassins Creed game.
Looks like the season pass is gonna pay off after all! I couldn't be happier with the direction they are taking this first DLC. Back to Rapture for one, well one alternate reality version of Rapture anyway. Getting to explore Rapture while it's alive for two! I love that Booker is still a detective. From the trailer it looks very Noir. My two favorite things are scifi and noir. When they cross over I climax.
From what I have read and seen from many different videos and interviews it looks like the single player portion of this game is going to be more or less just like the two Rocksteady games. As for people thinking it's going to be more, arcadey, I fail to see any basis for that poor assumption. If anything it looks to be less arcadey than the first two, with a stronger bases on Batmans detective work and even deeper combat with enemies that can now counter Batman.
As far as the multiplayer goes it's impossible to say weather it will be good or bad at this point, unless of course your the weak minded kind of person who has to quickly make assumptions from watching one video. It all comes down to the mechanics. I almost never play the multiplayer portions of games. I'm much more interested in story above anything else. However in my opinion the concept for the multiplayer does seem interesting. The idea to have it be 3 vs 3 vs 2 sounds compelling to me. It all comes down to if the gameplay is fun and as of right now it's just to early to say. However that wont stop the more childish of people from saying whatever first enters their mind with little to no actual reason for their assumption.
I am completely against the idea that every game needs to have multiplayer and if that is in fact the only reason they are making this mode than that's too bad. However if the development team came up with the idea and generally thought it sounded cool, like it might be fun, then good for them. Only time will tell.
@fedetaco What do you mean? There are fantastic games on the DS and the Vita. There are games on the DS that are just as good as any console titles. Your comment doesn't make sense. It's like eating an apple and saying I've had coffee that was better than this apple. Durp.
This is truly a sad story. When this game was first announced it looked so awesome. The developers behind it really wanted to make an awesome open world game with a meaningful story. They were headed in the right direction. I really think it had the chance to be something great in the vein of Sons of Anarchy. Sadly the game hit a rough patch to say the least and a new developer took over and. . . . .well. . . . it all went to hell from there.
Cevat Yerli's sentiment disgusts me. It also explains why, in my opinion, Crysis 3 was mediocre.
I've been gaming since, well as long as I can remember honestly. One of my earliest memories is my father siting me down at the computer and showing me how to play the original pitfall. Once I was old enough to actually understand what I was doing it was all about the story. The only games I played were the ones with interesting stories or worlds.
Now I'll admit some times I'll play a game with a bad story if the gameplay is really good. Or if the concept is really cool. But graphics have never sold a game to me. Great graphics are a bonus, icing on the cake if you will. The most important aspect of a game should be story and gameplay. If a game has good story and gameplay the graphics really don't matter. The fact that Cevat Yerli doesn't comprehend this shows that he is not a real gamer. No, he is a dreaded graphicswhore. I just totally vomed a little in my mouth. Seriously though, get that guy the hell away from the gaming industry.
@Einstein24 They are not talking about how good the game is. They are not saying that the game failed to be awesome. I too absolutely loved the new Tomb Raider. The game is a failure because they spent more money making the game than they can recoup. It's not a failure as a good game, however it is a failure as a successful product.
1valiantknight's comments