Me and Mindy finished watching Pride and Prejudice today during the morning, and I finished reading it today during the evening,. Such a wonderful book! Truly great! No book has yet captivated me so much! No book have I found so wonderful, so enthralling, and so enjoyable. By the end of the movie, I was very happy in the ending and it truly made my day. The book however, left me wanting more. When I turned to the final page of the story, and saw in the bottom of my eye the large blank space insinuating the end is soon, I began to feel remorse. And I was sad to reach the end of the book! It was a great ending and all, and quite like how I wanted it to end, but I still wanted it to keep going. I actually whined to myself after finishing the book. It is so great. More than worthy of all the praise it has received.
Now this Sunday, I remember earlier sometime in the month, Mindy mentioned that her friend, who lent me the videos for the movie, was anticipating my character analysis and comparison to people in my life. Now I have most of the character's related to someone in my life, with well reasons to back up my opinions, but I've found no one to resemble her. The problem is that I don't know her character well enough to compare her to someone in the story, nor vice versa. I presume that she'll be slightly offended at this, which vexes me. She is the dearest friend Mindy has, other than myself of course. And she's always thought slightly negative about me, but lately she's been coming around. She even baked me a scone! Now I fear that she'll take this lack of knowledge about her character as an affront! And I very much wish to be in her good graces. The dearest of Mindy's friends (other than me) should think I have a well bearing or else trouble shall surely supervene at some time or other.
She is a wonderful young lady, and I've seen little of her character's entirety, but enough to make a rather good opinion about her. She goes to school with me, as does Mindy, but due to some foolishness, on my part, of last year, I've rather lost her good opinion. Now I'm slowly regaining it, and I'm sure I have Mindy to thank completely, as I'm sure she praises me often I arise in any of their conversations. I'm also sure that with my constant presence alongside Mindy, she's been able to see my good character and how very much I've grown and changed for the better. I'm still nowhere where I'd like to be, but I'm getting there. Christ builds us overtime. But now I'm sure this predicament will hinder her growth of a good opinion towards me. It won't cause it to cease completely, but I'd prefer if nothing were to hamper it.
Well, I'm sure you're all half-asleep after reading all that, so I'll use this to say good night.
P.S. Spellcheck reports no errors! :o
202318322857207330839281179821 Blog
Simply splendid!
by 202318322857207330839281179821 on Comments
Monday, other than being insulted, was a great day! It started out a bit uneasy, due to certain things, but eventually I came back to my usual spirits. Mindy and I watched the second of the six videos of Pride & Prejudice over the phone. That night, I planned on only reading for half an hour in P&P, but because I got to such a great point in the story, I ended up reading for three hours! I was obsessed! I couldn't put it down! Truly the mark of a great book!
Today was slightly similar in that we watched the third of the six and I once again ecame enraptured in the story and ending up reading more than I planned, but that was during the afternoon. But I knew that I had to keep going in Tales of Symphonia at some point, and I eventually did. I played ToS for roughly a little over four hours, I must admit that everytime I was in the "world" view, my mind could not stop going back and theorizing what is to happen in Pride & Prejudice. I don't recommend anyone I know to read it, because I can guess who would like it and who wouldn't. But since I'm so romantic, things like this are like a drug to me. I love a love story. Now start with the flaming and the "TH is teh ghey!" remarks!
Today was slightly similar in that we watched the third of the six and I once again ecame enraptured in the story and ending up reading more than I planned, but that was during the afternoon. But I knew that I had to keep going in Tales of Symphonia at some point, and I eventually did. I played ToS for roughly a little over four hours, I must admit that everytime I was in the "world" view, my mind could not stop going back and theorizing what is to happen in Pride & Prejudice. I don't recommend anyone I know to read it, because I can guess who would like it and who wouldn't. But since I'm so romantic, things like this are like a drug to me. I love a love story. Now start with the flaming and the "TH is teh ghey!" remarks!
Well I never!
by 202318322857207330839281179821 on Comments
A certain board, whose name is of no importance, just completely shunned me in a sense. They modded me twice for giving a final reply to a topic. A certain user, whose name is also of no importance, outright told me that I don't fit in and don't belong. I gave a reply to that stating my departure of that board solely because of his atrocious manner, but then was modded by another user who was a moderator saying that I just need to let things go. So I swallowed my pride and responded one last time to the mod's reply and I look back and I was that was also deleted and he once again told me to let things go coerced me by saying if I didn't, I'd be banned. Funnily enough, it was all in one topic and my final say in that topic (prior to all THIS) was my last one concerning the topic, and I believe I clearly stated well in that post that I would discuss the topic no more (I was arguing with another user). Then the first person I mentioned told me that I need to stop bringing it up, and then the drama began. But whatever, and don't ask me what board or who these two were, because it's frankly no one's business but my own. But never have I seen such segregation and hierarchy in a UCB. Truly appalling.
Also, please don't think that I'm not a forgiving person either, but I wouldn't accept the first one's apology (even though I doubt he'd lower himself to apologize). I wouldn't because I know he wouldn't mean it. He'd only say it because he was coerced into doing so, or feel it obligatory to apologize, thus losing any sincerity. I almost always forgive someone if they do or say something to me that's offensive. I can instantly tell by the way the person did or said such action, if they apologized, whether or not they would ever give me a sincere apology. If I know they could or if I knew it wasn't worth getting so upset over, my opinion of them would not change. If I know they couldn't and it was very offensive to me, then to quote Mr. Darcy: "My good opinion once lost is lost forever."
Also, please don't think that I'm not a forgiving person either, but I wouldn't accept the first one's apology (even though I doubt he'd lower himself to apologize). I wouldn't because I know he wouldn't mean it. He'd only say it because he was coerced into doing so, or feel it obligatory to apologize, thus losing any sincerity. I almost always forgive someone if they do or say something to me that's offensive. I can instantly tell by the way the person did or said such action, if they apologized, whether or not they would ever give me a sincere apology. If I know they could or if I knew it wasn't worth getting so upset over, my opinion of them would not change. If I know they couldn't and it was very offensive to me, then to quote Mr. Darcy: "My good opinion once lost is lost forever."
by 202318322857207330839281179821 on Comments
A lot's on my mind right now, but I'm not going to say what. I'm in a torrent of emotions, yet my lips are still. All I can ask for is that (believers of course) pray for me. Pray that God relieves my necessary pain and hurt. That He lets my sorrow subside. But most importantly, that He guides me in the right direction in a very tough part of my life right now. Pray for me... Please.
"I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (Heb. 13:5) I need to remember that.
Well some stuff happened today, but you know what? I don't even want to type, I don't want to do anything, I can't focus. My mind is going in all directions, and I don't want to waste my time posting. I just came on to ask for prayer from those who are willing to give it. Please do. Goodnight everyone.
"I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (Heb. 13:5) I need to remember that.
Well some stuff happened today, but you know what? I don't even want to type, I don't want to do anything, I can't focus. My mind is going in all directions, and I don't want to waste my time posting. I just came on to ask for prayer from those who are willing to give it. Please do. Goodnight everyone.
An analysis and crossroads from an old Sony fan
by 202318322857207330839281179821 on Comments
Alright, let's get the boring stuff out of the way. Worked, came home, talked to Mindy, wrote something that was on my mind in my personal journal and it was 4 pages long, now here I am. Anyways, the following is my take and my predicament about next-gen. I posted this on the GGC hoping ot get some help, so this is a direct copy & paste of what I posted there.
Revolution is like the fiddler on the roof, it's a constant. I'm definitely getting it. But I'm probably only going to get one secondary system and I'm not sure which. I use to be a minor Sony fan, until my 3rd PS2 broke down just recently. And all this talk about Blu-ray makes the games sound like they are really going to be a sight to behold and experience, but this also tends to cause more money for development. I was going to get a PS3 just because of MGS4 alone, but recently for a reason I'd rather not discuss, I got completely off the series. There's only one thing left on PS3 that I want. Final Fantasy XIII.
I'm now worried however at Square-Enix's reliability. Let's face it, their best game thus far was X-2 and while a great game in it's own merit, it didn't really give me what other Final Fantasies have given me. Also, Minstrel Song in Japan has gotten good reviews, with Gamestats reporting a press average score of 8.4. Now 8.4 is usually a great game, but this is being made by the guys making the next Final Fantasy! I expect AAA status. But also, the GS hands-on states the game is more of an action-RPG rather than a standard turn-based one. Now I don't mind MUCH, considering I have no problem with either types of gameplay (though I prefer turn-based). Yet GS says it's a breath of fresh air and is looking pretty good. Simply put, the outcome of Final Fantasy XII will almost seal the deal for me to decide to buy a PS3 or not. I need to know of more noteworthy games coming out for the system. As much as I entirely love the FF series to death, I can't get by on just that alone. Not to mention that $400 predicted price tag doesn't make it look all the better.
Then you have 360, made by a company I equally hate. Yet unlike it's predecessor (forgive for bring SW in here a bit) the 360 actually HAS interesting looking games. It's getting two games from Mistwalker, the company headed up by the creator of the Final Fantasy series! Verrryyy interesting. But they've yet to prove their worth. You have Perfect Dark Zero, the prequel to the greatest first-person shooter ever made (IMO). Yet it's made by Rare, the company whose recent games live nowhere near up to games they have made in the days of yore. So like the two Mistwalker RPGs, this is also on the fence. Then you have Halo 3, the sequel to a bad FPS (if you don't have Live), which was the sequel to a great FPS! Argh! You have Oblivion, the sequel to Morrowind, which I hear many, many good things about. This game is certainly very interesting. 99 Nights also looks to be of good quality. There are other interesting looking games as well.
So right now, I'm actually leaning towards 360, which I'm shocked to find myself saying as I've always been against Microsoft. But it doesn't matter who makes the system, it's all about the games. And as of right now, 360 is winning that battle. The PS3 on the other hand, looks expensive, and I'm worried about its fragility. I also don't really know of any exclusives hitting the system that I'm very much interested in, other than FFXIII. In the end, all I can do is wait. Just wait until both consoles show what they got and see who has the better-rated and more interesting games. Meanwhile, I'll be sitting nice and cozy with my GC, my PS2 (which I plan to purchase days before FFXII releases, as well as getting FFXII myself), and my DS with a very strong list arriving this Q4 and spilling into Q1 2006. As well as a rather large GBA library that's gone untouched by me, and will probably remain so considering everything else I have on my hands.
Edit: Metroid Prime review is done. Tried my best.
Revolution is like the fiddler on the roof, it's a constant. I'm definitely getting it. But I'm probably only going to get one secondary system and I'm not sure which. I use to be a minor Sony fan, until my 3rd PS2 broke down just recently. And all this talk about Blu-ray makes the games sound like they are really going to be a sight to behold and experience, but this also tends to cause more money for development. I was going to get a PS3 just because of MGS4 alone, but recently for a reason I'd rather not discuss, I got completely off the series. There's only one thing left on PS3 that I want. Final Fantasy XIII.
I'm now worried however at Square-Enix's reliability. Let's face it, their best game thus far was X-2 and while a great game in it's own merit, it didn't really give me what other Final Fantasies have given me. Also, Minstrel Song in Japan has gotten good reviews, with Gamestats reporting a press average score of 8.4. Now 8.4 is usually a great game, but this is being made by the guys making the next Final Fantasy! I expect AAA status. But also, the GS hands-on states the game is more of an action-RPG rather than a standard turn-based one. Now I don't mind MUCH, considering I have no problem with either types of gameplay (though I prefer turn-based). Yet GS says it's a breath of fresh air and is looking pretty good. Simply put, the outcome of Final Fantasy XII will almost seal the deal for me to decide to buy a PS3 or not. I need to know of more noteworthy games coming out for the system. As much as I entirely love the FF series to death, I can't get by on just that alone. Not to mention that $400 predicted price tag doesn't make it look all the better.
Then you have 360, made by a company I equally hate. Yet unlike it's predecessor (forgive for bring SW in here a bit) the 360 actually HAS interesting looking games. It's getting two games from Mistwalker, the company headed up by the creator of the Final Fantasy series! Verrryyy interesting. But they've yet to prove their worth. You have Perfect Dark Zero, the prequel to the greatest first-person shooter ever made (IMO). Yet it's made by Rare, the company whose recent games live nowhere near up to games they have made in the days of yore. So like the two Mistwalker RPGs, this is also on the fence. Then you have Halo 3, the sequel to a bad FPS (if you don't have Live), which was the sequel to a great FPS! Argh! You have Oblivion, the sequel to Morrowind, which I hear many, many good things about. This game is certainly very interesting. 99 Nights also looks to be of good quality. There are other interesting looking games as well.
So right now, I'm actually leaning towards 360, which I'm shocked to find myself saying as I've always been against Microsoft. But it doesn't matter who makes the system, it's all about the games. And as of right now, 360 is winning that battle. The PS3 on the other hand, looks expensive, and I'm worried about its fragility. I also don't really know of any exclusives hitting the system that I'm very much interested in, other than FFXIII. In the end, all I can do is wait. Just wait until both consoles show what they got and see who has the better-rated and more interesting games. Meanwhile, I'll be sitting nice and cozy with my GC, my PS2 (which I plan to purchase days before FFXII releases, as well as getting FFXII myself), and my DS with a very strong list arriving this Q4 and spilling into Q1 2006. As well as a rather large GBA library that's gone untouched by me, and will probably remain so considering everything else I have on my hands.
Edit: Metroid Prime review is done. Tried my best.
Revitalization loading....
by 202318322857207330839281179821 on Comments
Well my tracked games are back on there, but my wishlist and Now Playing are still not working right. I can fix Now Playing, I was only playing one other game. Also, I just noticed one GBC game, one GC games, and 3 DS games are missing fromy my collection, but I think they were gone when I mentioned it before, but I just didn't notice. Well GS seems to be fixing the problem... SEEMS. Thank you if you are, GS.
So I played about an hour of Tales of Symphonia, I just beat the "calamity" that made itself appear as the Wind Spirit in Asgard. Also talked ot Mindy, and she's now grounded from her comp because she called her dad "stubborn" (which she really shouldn't have) because he recently maximized the security settings and set a password, and now she can't get in her xanga, nor her email. Xanga is an online journal service. She's kept her xanga for 2 years and now he won't lower it for a while so she can send all of the stuff in her old email, to one that she can access now, and I don't know what she wants to do about her xanga. So I'm sure she's frustrated. Also, there was no discleship tonight because Troy couldn't do it because blah blah.
Also, I just finished working out... To Tetris music! Speaking of Tetris watch this video. Speaking of videos, watch this one too! Both are quite funny, especially if you know a lot about the game. first one's funnier though IMO. Check out the main site and click the River City Ransom one if you ever played it. But yeah, Tetris music! That Alexey Pajitnov (creator of Tetris) sure got some catchy tunes on that thing! You can tell it was made by a Russian! So that's about it! Night y'all!
EDIT: GS fixed the bug! Huzzah!
So I played about an hour of Tales of Symphonia, I just beat the "calamity" that made itself appear as the Wind Spirit in Asgard. Also talked ot Mindy, and she's now grounded from her comp because she called her dad "stubborn" (which she really shouldn't have) because he recently maximized the security settings and set a password, and now she can't get in her xanga, nor her email. Xanga is an online journal service. She's kept her xanga for 2 years and now he won't lower it for a while so she can send all of the stuff in her old email, to one that she can access now, and I don't know what she wants to do about her xanga. So I'm sure she's frustrated. Also, there was no discleship tonight because Troy couldn't do it because blah blah.
Also, I just finished working out... To Tetris music! Speaking of Tetris watch this video. Speaking of videos, watch this one too! Both are quite funny, especially if you know a lot about the game. first one's funnier though IMO. Check out the main site and click the River City Ransom one if you ever played it. But yeah, Tetris music! That Alexey Pajitnov (creator of Tetris) sure got some catchy tunes on that thing! You can tell it was made by a Russian! So that's about it! Night y'all!
EDIT: GS fixed the bug! Huzzah!
My account is fading right in front of me!
by 202318322857207330839281179821 on Comments
When I came onto GS today, I saw all my tracked games have been deleted. But then I saw that on the home-page, where it says any recent updates for your tracked games, my updates were still there. So I figured it was just a bug that it didn't show them, but it knew they were still there. So I didn't worry about it. Also, earlier I wasn't sure if it was working earlier, but now all the games in my wishlist except Silent Hill 2 disappeared (and I had a HUGE wishlist). But then, if I look in my profile under "Now Playing" and both games I'm playing were there (Eternal Darkness & Meteos). Then I look under the actual whole page for my "Now playing" games and it only states one of them (Eternal Darkness). I look back at the Now playing tab in my profile and only Eternal Darkness is listed. Is my game collection next? I already reported this on the tech help board. I'd hate to have rebuild my wish list and such again.
Awww...... Baabbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
by 202318322857207330839281179821 on Comments
Mindy was at the beach yesterday, and she took a picture with probably her digital camera.

Awwwww..... It always feels good to know when someone is thinking about you, especially when that somebody is so significant in your life. And because she means so much to me, it's like infinity times as great knowing. Mmmmm..... I miss her :(
She also did a whole bunch of other stuff with her friend. Didn't get to talk to her much, but it's nice to know she was thinking about me even when she's having fun.
So today was fun! Youth group was a blast! We had like this water wars thing and it was a lot of fun! Very silly and wacky stuff. "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." Then we had service and I won a fancy pants water pistol! Six people came up (including me) and they were asked how many times the word "worship" appears int he Bible and I won by quite a large margin. It wa 198 and I said 192. Other people's we like below 100 and above 250. But yeah I won it! I think this is the first "contest" thing I ever won! So yay me! Mindy gave me gum and near the end of service, after we prayed, I was seriously TIRED of having it in my mouth. I'd rather hold it in my hand than in my mouth. Well it was very sticky and "stringy" and when I had it in my hand, I couldn't get it off. So I use my other hand to help, but in a cartoon-like fashion, that made things worse. The fingertips for both of my hands were covered in gum. I didn't want anyone to know so I curled my hands together as to not be noticeable. And then I had my friend Gustavo just put all my stuff on the breadth of my arm. Then when I was nearing the gym door, I saw a friend of mine named Mr. Ferrin and he ALWAYS shakes hands with me. So I try rush, but that causes my newly procured watergun to fall. I didn't care anymore, I quickly picked it up with one of my hands (which was still technically attached to the other via the gum) and ran to the bathroom to get all the gum off. I felt like I was in a sitcom.
So I plan on playing some more Tales of Symphonia tonight! Night all!

Awwwww..... It always feels good to know when someone is thinking about you, especially when that somebody is so significant in your life. And because she means so much to me, it's like infinity times as great knowing. Mmmmm..... I miss her :(
She also did a whole bunch of other stuff with her friend. Didn't get to talk to her much, but it's nice to know she was thinking about me even when she's having fun.
So today was fun! Youth group was a blast! We had like this water wars thing and it was a lot of fun! Very silly and wacky stuff. "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." Then we had service and I won a fancy pants water pistol! Six people came up (including me) and they were asked how many times the word "worship" appears int he Bible and I won by quite a large margin. It wa 198 and I said 192. Other people's we like below 100 and above 250. But yeah I won it! I think this is the first "contest" thing I ever won! So yay me! Mindy gave me gum and near the end of service, after we prayed, I was seriously TIRED of having it in my mouth. I'd rather hold it in my hand than in my mouth. Well it was very sticky and "stringy" and when I had it in my hand, I couldn't get it off. So I use my other hand to help, but in a cartoon-like fashion, that made things worse. The fingertips for both of my hands were covered in gum. I didn't want anyone to know so I curled my hands together as to not be noticeable. And then I had my friend Gustavo just put all my stuff on the breadth of my arm. Then when I was nearing the gym door, I saw a friend of mine named Mr. Ferrin and he ALWAYS shakes hands with me. So I try rush, but that causes my newly procured watergun to fall. I didn't care anymore, I quickly picked it up with one of my hands (which was still technically attached to the other via the gum) and ran to the bathroom to get all the gum off. I felt like I was in a sitcom.
So I plan on playing some more Tales of Symphonia tonight! Night all!
Opinions are immunities from being told you're wrong
by 202318322857207330839281179821 on Comments
And your opinion doesn't matter, in my opinion. And my opinion states that Tales of Symphonia is definitely picking up! I didn't get to play it last night, but further details on that later. I really wished more people would've commented constructively on my last entry, considering how much time I put into that thing! But ah well, c'est la vie. :P
I raked all that grass or fodder or whatever it's called, the green stuff that's left after mowing the lawn, but I couldn't clean it up because I had no one to help me. I'll have to do that tomorrow. Also talked to Mindy for about an hour or more, I can't remember (time goes by too quickly when I talk to her), in the afternoon and also from 8:00 PM to 8:35-8:40 PM. The latter conversation was really one of the best conversations I've had with her. I don't know what it was, but I left the conversation extremely happy. I really was. Maybe it was because it was a breath of fresh air after our former conversation, which I didn't find as pleasing as usual. I'm sure that must be it! Yes, quite positive as a matter of fact!
In between the time I was finished raking and her calling me back after she got back from the movies with her parents (she saw War of the Worlds and said it was very good) I was playing Tales of Symhponia. I played for about 3 hours. I got past where I was stuck and the story is getting more interesting IMO*. I've also begun to have my bit of fun with the battling system. Thank goodness for backlogs that ARE available to me.
Then shortly after getting off the phone with her, SPIKE TV (which I never watch due to its usual immature shows) started playing a very famous movie I've never seen before. I've seen three of its many sequels and the star of the movie was a unique man named Sean Connery. Give up? I'm sure you all know what movie it is, so I see no point in saying the name. Anywho, truly a spectacular movie! Very well done! I liked it very very much. I usually hate most of the movies in this "series" but this particular one I loved! Very good, I recommend you all see it!
So tomorrow is youth group and I'm going of course. I also plan to get those hay bunches or whatever prior to going. And I'll talk to Mindy before going, hoping that she may be able to go as well. I'm also in a skit where I play someone I'm nowhere near close to worthy of being called. I shall play Jesus.
Goodnight all!
* And by the, people really need to take others' opinions with respect. So what if someone hates SSBM or Metroid Prime? Am I going to jump down his/her throat? No, and neither should any of you. I don't care if you're a Nintendo fan, Sony fan, or a Microsoft fan, treat others' opinions with respect. I hate most FPS's, does that mean people should throw garbage at me? Learn to respect others' opinions, please. And the movie was Dr. No. :P
I raked all that grass or fodder or whatever it's called, the green stuff that's left after mowing the lawn, but I couldn't clean it up because I had no one to help me. I'll have to do that tomorrow. Also talked to Mindy for about an hour or more, I can't remember (time goes by too quickly when I talk to her), in the afternoon and also from 8:00 PM to 8:35-8:40 PM. The latter conversation was really one of the best conversations I've had with her. I don't know what it was, but I left the conversation extremely happy. I really was. Maybe it was because it was a breath of fresh air after our former conversation, which I didn't find as pleasing as usual. I'm sure that must be it! Yes, quite positive as a matter of fact!
In between the time I was finished raking and her calling me back after she got back from the movies with her parents (she saw War of the Worlds and said it was very good) I was playing Tales of Symhponia. I played for about 3 hours. I got past where I was stuck and the story is getting more interesting IMO*. I've also begun to have my bit of fun with the battling system. Thank goodness for backlogs that ARE available to me.
Then shortly after getting off the phone with her, SPIKE TV (which I never watch due to its usual immature shows) started playing a very famous movie I've never seen before. I've seen three of its many sequels and the star of the movie was a unique man named Sean Connery. Give up? I'm sure you all know what movie it is, so I see no point in saying the name. Anywho, truly a spectacular movie! Very well done! I liked it very very much. I usually hate most of the movies in this "series" but this particular one I loved! Very good, I recommend you all see it!
So tomorrow is youth group and I'm going of course. I also plan to get those hay bunches or whatever prior to going. And I'll talk to Mindy before going, hoping that she may be able to go as well. I'm also in a skit where I play someone I'm nowhere near close to worthy of being called. I shall play Jesus.
Goodnight all!
* And by the, people really need to take others' opinions with respect. So what if someone hates SSBM or Metroid Prime? Am I going to jump down his/her throat? No, and neither should any of you. I don't care if you're a Nintendo fan, Sony fan, or a Microsoft fan, treat others' opinions with respect. I hate most FPS's, does that mean people should throw garbage at me? Learn to respect others' opinions, please. And the movie was Dr. No. :P
Large backlog unavailable to me. Everyone who's not 56k, check this out.
by 202318322857207330839281179821 on Comments
And tell me what you think. I still haven't bought these games, but I thought I'd just make an idiotic entry just stating all the games I WANT to buy badly, but don't have the money to. I'll list them in order from those I want least, to the those I want most. I'll state PS2 games as well, despite a recent lack of one *raises fist at Sony*

Feel the Magic XY:XX (or as the Japanese name that I like to refer to it as, I Would Die for You)
I've played the game only for a little bit and I must say I found it rather enjoyable. It seemed pretty fun, and since we all know I'm a romanticist, the whole "Chasing after a girl" factor aroused my interest and curiosity to as how it pans out. Knowing though with the upcoming slew of quality DS titles (as well as some console titles), I know that this will always be out of my grasp. But C'est la vie.

From what I hear this game is something I could really get into. It's gotten great recommendations from everyone and being the quirky gamer that I am, I don't see how I could let this title fall through my fingers unnoticed.

Silent Hill 2
I've actually beaten this game already. This game was just so great and eerie when I first played it. Having to return it to my friend after I beat it however, left me missing it. Great story, and moderately scary. But yet as we all know, money and time are a problem. I don't have the money to buy a new PS2 (yet) and a copy of this game. But even if I could buy a new PS2, with the upcoming great DS titles, some GC titles, and very little PS2 titles. Getting it now would be near impossible.

Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2
I have to chalk this up to nostalgia for the most part. I remember the days of yore when I was just a child. Back when Sony was not being a jerk, and Sega and Nintendo had a friendly rivalry. Back when I played on my SNES back in the family room. And what was I playing? The best Super Mario game ever, Super Mario World. At the time of it's release, it was huge. I love that game and still do. But sadly, I sold it along with my SNES and all my other SNES games when I was just a lad. What a fool I was.

Kingdom Hearts
A famous RPG I haven't played? Being the RPG aficionado that I am, I'm appalled at myself for having neither played nor bought such a highly rated RPG yet. Is it the Disney relation that makes me stand-offish?Or the fact that it's an action-RPG? It's neither actually, but is the reason we all know. Neither before nor after my third PS2 broke did I have enough money to purchase this game that's been beckoning me to give it a ride. Yet because of lack of funds I can't afford neither the game nor console yet. *looks at leprechaun trap wistfully*

Dark Cloud 2
It's rare and wonderful moment when you play a game's predecessor beforehand and deem it as merely "good", but then play the sequel and see the large and vast improvements and changes that certainly make it much better than the original. Another great title I rented before on PS2, but missed out on buying. This was certainly the greatest Action-RPGs I've ever played, next to most Legend of Zelda games. The light-toned environment, the invention factor, the quality of it all as a whole is something that shouldn't be missed out on my any RPG fan or any gaming fan period.

Viewtiful Joe 2
I have a GC, I have the original that I loved wholeheartedly, yet I don't have this in my collection. It's very sad that this game isn't in my hands, I really did love the original. Very fresh, new and just plain fun. I know it's a worthy sequel, yet I never got around to getting it. It seems like I would have a blast with this, considering my loving to the first one.

Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zer Macht (The Will to Move, for our less German-friendly viewers)
Rave reviews, is in the RPG genre, was on a system known as the RPG-haven that I once had access to, why didn't I buy this? It looks great! As you may or may not tell, I'm a huge RPG fan. HUGE! And a title of this acclaim should not have been missed by me. Curses!

Final Fantasy X
Clearly one of the greatest RPGs of all time. One of the best titles the PS2 has to offer. Certainly stands above the league of mediocrity and sits among the places of kings in the RPG world. Yet I still haven't beaten it, nor have I ever bought it. I remember renting this and extending the rental, and to no avail have I beaten it. I borrowed it from my friend and I nearly reached the end. The story is immersive and wonderful. The soundtrack is great and inspiring. This has everything an amazing RPG needs! Yet I still never got it. This is one of my biggest regrets; missing out on such an amazing title.

Soul Caliber II (GameCube version)
Having never played the prequel to this title, most gamers would scoff at me and then commence hurling garbage at me. But I've always generally liked fighters, and from what I hear, the GameCube version is the best. It seems like a lot of fun, and besides, it has Link. Therefore it's already better than you. Unless you're talking about those old CD-i garbage things that should never be mentioned again.

Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3
Why is this higher up on the list than Super Mario World you may ask? Because I played Super Mario World via an emulator about half a year ago. But even if I didn't, I still believe it would be higher up. I'm probably drastically alone on this, and it may just be old age getting to me, but I remember this being better than Super Mario World. I don't care what people say or what the hype says, I remember fonder memories with this title than the other. Both are excellent and superb titles and should be played at least once by all, but for some reason, Yoshi's Island pulls ahead.

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Never played it before, but I have played Paper Mario both the original and Thousand-year Door; so I know Nintendo can make a quality RPG title. The two titles I mentioned have this innocent charm, unique story, and are rather humorous. From what I hear, so is this. I really wished I could get my hands on this, and I might, but only time will tell.

Skies of Arcadia: Legends
It may just be a DreamCast port, but from what I hear, nothing has been sacrificed and this proves to be one of the best RPG titles for the GameCube, which it needs considering it's lacking in that department. It should be cheap to find a copy of this now and it's on a system I own that actually works! Unlike the vast majority of titles on this list, I see myself buying this in the near-future. Got to do something during that drought the GC will have after Twilight Princess. Unless I hopefully DO buy a used PS2 and recollect on all my old titles (if I have the money). But at times I may get sick of playing on PS2 and go back to the Cube for a while just to add some variety. Who knows.

Fire Emblem
On top of being an RPG fanatic, I'm also a turn-based admirer. I like turn-based strategy games and this, from what I hear, is the highest rated one the GBA has to offer, other than Advance Wars. But Advance Wars: Dual Strike is coming, so it need not be on the list. Not to mention, this is already a very very popular series in Japan and this is actually the 7th iteration of the series, but the first to make its way to the US. Many times do Japanese gamers taste and mine sync up and match. If I loved this game and the series, I shouldn't be surprised at all.

Metroid Fusion
Havign never played a classic side-scrolling Metroid in my life, I must say that sheer curiosity compels me to place this so highly on my list. I also have to give credit to that I loved Metroid Prime and that game has piqued my interest in the series as a whole. And for my first 2D Metroid outing, I want this one to be it. I'll get it some day, trust me.

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wing and the Lost Ocean
Surprise, surprise! Another RPG added onto the list. Wow for such an RPG-fan I sure am missing out. This little title hit back in November and I remember playing the demo of this at my GS at one time. I found it to be quite entertaining, even though I absolutely hated the voice-acting. And I mean absolutely ABHORRED the voice-acting. Yet I looked past that and found the game both enjoyable and interesting. I left the demo wondering many things, but I knew one thing was for certain, I needed to get this game when it released. Yet sadly, roughly 7 and a half months later, here I sit with no Baten Kaitos to add to my collection. Maybe someday, maybe...

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
I've only played one Castlevania game before. It's name was Symphony of the Night. I remember when I first played it, despite my young age of 11 or 12 or something, I knew I was playing one of the greatest game sof all time. Now here I am and haven't played another game in the series since. Do I regret this? Heck yes! I loved that game, yet I never even got to play Aria of Sorrow (which from what I hear is the bes tone for GBA). I can't really blame myself though, I never had a GBA. Well I did, but then.... Long story. I never was able to purchase nor play this. Now with my purchase of the Nintendo DS, I have quite a backlog to go through. The backwards compatibility to GBA is what sealed the deal for me to get a DS back in March or April (can't remember). I knew if the drought continued, I'd have a very large library of GBA games to rummage through that have never once been opened to me. This title was on the highest shelf of all.
And my most wanted title is..........

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Yes! The sequel to the GameCube's most phenomal and impressive title. I remember back when I first bought a Cube back in late 2003, there was a bundle that had it come with a little title known as Metroid Prime. At first I was disappointed, because I wanted another game, but thankfully the bundle was with Metroid Prime only (and that demo disc). Now I'm very grateful that THAT was the game that came with it. Little did I know that the first game I played on MY GameCube would be the best game I'd ever play on my GameCube. The atmosphere, the beauty, everything about the game went unappreciated to me at the time. I could see part of it's greatness, but not all. But the mor eI played it, the more it grew on me. This title use to be at the bottom of my top ten GC games list, and know sits high and proud on the pedestal that is #1. So I'm absolutely shocked that I haven't bought the sequel yet. From what I hear, it's worth the full $50, and I don't need to hear it to know that, I just KNOW it's worth the $50. Out of all the games on this list, I'm more sure with this one than I am with any other that this WILL be in my collection sometime in the future. It will be mine one day, just wait.
So...... opinions?

Feel the Magic XY:XX (or as the Japanese name that I like to refer to it as, I Would Die for You)
I've played the game only for a little bit and I must say I found it rather enjoyable. It seemed pretty fun, and since we all know I'm a romanticist, the whole "Chasing after a girl" factor aroused my interest and curiosity to as how it pans out. Knowing though with the upcoming slew of quality DS titles (as well as some console titles), I know that this will always be out of my grasp. But C'est la vie.

From what I hear this game is something I could really get into. It's gotten great recommendations from everyone and being the quirky gamer that I am, I don't see how I could let this title fall through my fingers unnoticed.

Silent Hill 2
I've actually beaten this game already. This game was just so great and eerie when I first played it. Having to return it to my friend after I beat it however, left me missing it. Great story, and moderately scary. But yet as we all know, money and time are a problem. I don't have the money to buy a new PS2 (yet) and a copy of this game. But even if I could buy a new PS2, with the upcoming great DS titles, some GC titles, and very little PS2 titles. Getting it now would be near impossible.

Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2
I have to chalk this up to nostalgia for the most part. I remember the days of yore when I was just a child. Back when Sony was not being a jerk, and Sega and Nintendo had a friendly rivalry. Back when I played on my SNES back in the family room. And what was I playing? The best Super Mario game ever, Super Mario World. At the time of it's release, it was huge. I love that game and still do. But sadly, I sold it along with my SNES and all my other SNES games when I was just a lad. What a fool I was.

Kingdom Hearts
A famous RPG I haven't played? Being the RPG aficionado that I am, I'm appalled at myself for having neither played nor bought such a highly rated RPG yet. Is it the Disney relation that makes me stand-offish?Or the fact that it's an action-RPG? It's neither actually, but is the reason we all know. Neither before nor after my third PS2 broke did I have enough money to purchase this game that's been beckoning me to give it a ride. Yet because of lack of funds I can't afford neither the game nor console yet. *looks at leprechaun trap wistfully*

Dark Cloud 2
It's rare and wonderful moment when you play a game's predecessor beforehand and deem it as merely "good", but then play the sequel and see the large and vast improvements and changes that certainly make it much better than the original. Another great title I rented before on PS2, but missed out on buying. This was certainly the greatest Action-RPGs I've ever played, next to most Legend of Zelda games. The light-toned environment, the invention factor, the quality of it all as a whole is something that shouldn't be missed out on my any RPG fan or any gaming fan period.

Viewtiful Joe 2
I have a GC, I have the original that I loved wholeheartedly, yet I don't have this in my collection. It's very sad that this game isn't in my hands, I really did love the original. Very fresh, new and just plain fun. I know it's a worthy sequel, yet I never got around to getting it. It seems like I would have a blast with this, considering my loving to the first one.

Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zer Macht (The Will to Move, for our less German-friendly viewers)
Rave reviews, is in the RPG genre, was on a system known as the RPG-haven that I once had access to, why didn't I buy this? It looks great! As you may or may not tell, I'm a huge RPG fan. HUGE! And a title of this acclaim should not have been missed by me. Curses!

Final Fantasy X
Clearly one of the greatest RPGs of all time. One of the best titles the PS2 has to offer. Certainly stands above the league of mediocrity and sits among the places of kings in the RPG world. Yet I still haven't beaten it, nor have I ever bought it. I remember renting this and extending the rental, and to no avail have I beaten it. I borrowed it from my friend and I nearly reached the end. The story is immersive and wonderful. The soundtrack is great and inspiring. This has everything an amazing RPG needs! Yet I still never got it. This is one of my biggest regrets; missing out on such an amazing title.

Soul Caliber II (GameCube version)
Having never played the prequel to this title, most gamers would scoff at me and then commence hurling garbage at me. But I've always generally liked fighters, and from what I hear, the GameCube version is the best. It seems like a lot of fun, and besides, it has Link. Therefore it's already better than you. Unless you're talking about those old CD-i garbage things that should never be mentioned again.

Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3
Why is this higher up on the list than Super Mario World you may ask? Because I played Super Mario World via an emulator about half a year ago. But even if I didn't, I still believe it would be higher up. I'm probably drastically alone on this, and it may just be old age getting to me, but I remember this being better than Super Mario World. I don't care what people say or what the hype says, I remember fonder memories with this title than the other. Both are excellent and superb titles and should be played at least once by all, but for some reason, Yoshi's Island pulls ahead.

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Never played it before, but I have played Paper Mario both the original and Thousand-year Door; so I know Nintendo can make a quality RPG title. The two titles I mentioned have this innocent charm, unique story, and are rather humorous. From what I hear, so is this. I really wished I could get my hands on this, and I might, but only time will tell.

Skies of Arcadia: Legends
It may just be a DreamCast port, but from what I hear, nothing has been sacrificed and this proves to be one of the best RPG titles for the GameCube, which it needs considering it's lacking in that department. It should be cheap to find a copy of this now and it's on a system I own that actually works! Unlike the vast majority of titles on this list, I see myself buying this in the near-future. Got to do something during that drought the GC will have after Twilight Princess. Unless I hopefully DO buy a used PS2 and recollect on all my old titles (if I have the money). But at times I may get sick of playing on PS2 and go back to the Cube for a while just to add some variety. Who knows.

Fire Emblem
On top of being an RPG fanatic, I'm also a turn-based admirer. I like turn-based strategy games and this, from what I hear, is the highest rated one the GBA has to offer, other than Advance Wars. But Advance Wars: Dual Strike is coming, so it need not be on the list. Not to mention, this is already a very very popular series in Japan and this is actually the 7th iteration of the series, but the first to make its way to the US. Many times do Japanese gamers taste and mine sync up and match. If I loved this game and the series, I shouldn't be surprised at all.

Metroid Fusion
Havign never played a classic side-scrolling Metroid in my life, I must say that sheer curiosity compels me to place this so highly on my list. I also have to give credit to that I loved Metroid Prime and that game has piqued my interest in the series as a whole. And for my first 2D Metroid outing, I want this one to be it. I'll get it some day, trust me.

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wing and the Lost Ocean
Surprise, surprise! Another RPG added onto the list. Wow for such an RPG-fan I sure am missing out. This little title hit back in November and I remember playing the demo of this at my GS at one time. I found it to be quite entertaining, even though I absolutely hated the voice-acting. And I mean absolutely ABHORRED the voice-acting. Yet I looked past that and found the game both enjoyable and interesting. I left the demo wondering many things, but I knew one thing was for certain, I needed to get this game when it released. Yet sadly, roughly 7 and a half months later, here I sit with no Baten Kaitos to add to my collection. Maybe someday, maybe...

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
I've only played one Castlevania game before. It's name was Symphony of the Night. I remember when I first played it, despite my young age of 11 or 12 or something, I knew I was playing one of the greatest game sof all time. Now here I am and haven't played another game in the series since. Do I regret this? Heck yes! I loved that game, yet I never even got to play Aria of Sorrow (which from what I hear is the bes tone for GBA). I can't really blame myself though, I never had a GBA. Well I did, but then.... Long story. I never was able to purchase nor play this. Now with my purchase of the Nintendo DS, I have quite a backlog to go through. The backwards compatibility to GBA is what sealed the deal for me to get a DS back in March or April (can't remember). I knew if the drought continued, I'd have a very large library of GBA games to rummage through that have never once been opened to me. This title was on the highest shelf of all.
And my most wanted title is..........

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Yes! The sequel to the GameCube's most phenomal and impressive title. I remember back when I first bought a Cube back in late 2003, there was a bundle that had it come with a little title known as Metroid Prime. At first I was disappointed, because I wanted another game, but thankfully the bundle was with Metroid Prime only (and that demo disc). Now I'm very grateful that THAT was the game that came with it. Little did I know that the first game I played on MY GameCube would be the best game I'd ever play on my GameCube. The atmosphere, the beauty, everything about the game went unappreciated to me at the time. I could see part of it's greatness, but not all. But the mor eI played it, the more it grew on me. This title use to be at the bottom of my top ten GC games list, and know sits high and proud on the pedestal that is #1. So I'm absolutely shocked that I haven't bought the sequel yet. From what I hear, it's worth the full $50, and I don't need to hear it to know that, I just KNOW it's worth the $50. Out of all the games on this list, I'm more sure with this one than I am with any other that this WILL be in my collection sometime in the future. It will be mine one day, just wait.
So...... opinions?
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