@olegavi323 @Supabul People must abandon this childish idea that there are "good" companies and "evil" companies! We are talking about corporations, and they are "amoral" entities. You should not anthropomorphise them and judge them as you would judge human beings!
@Epicurus-Reborn I think we should not confuse Cronenberg-like depiction of horror, and Star wars' style of mass murder; in Star wars Luck kills millions of droids and clones but it's inconsequential; you don't feel morally troubled because it is a purposely unrealistic. You can not say that Luck is a mass murderer, because the movie wasn't design to convey that message.
@KittyHeart Saints row 3 was a good game and I enjoyed it, but it wasn't comparable to a Rockstar product; it was goofy an fun, but its story was more like an average B movie. It also lacked production quality of a GTA; Steelport felt like deserted city with dull buildings and no level of details to speak of.
I think Dan Houser is one of the best, if not the best, writer in the gaming industry and Rockstar represents the acme of production quality.
@thequickshooter @DJKrayz_basic I don't think that it is going to be an awful experience on current gen because Rockstar is developing the game for this consoles. I guess they would port them to next gen ASAP, and it's going to be slightly better but not optimized for them.
@Alex323 People keep saying that old REs were methodical and that was brilliant! I find it difficult to believe the mechanical shortcomings must be an essential part of scary games; Dead Space 2 had competent and fluid controls and yet it was scary!
I don't understand why Politicians and game Journalists consider themselves competent enough to address questions about human psychology! What we need is "scientific" studies and experts' point of view, not uninformed opinions!
@boredom_kills I think the main reason that some people in the west perceive the country to be a hotbed of terrorism is that the country in question is a hotbed of terrorism!
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