@00J here is the problem, console games are getting bogged down with money grabbing schemes not seen to the same level in PC or in mobile games. You pay more to game on a console than any other system, that is an undeniable fact and people are sick to death of it. As for the hi def tv comment, the iPad 4 is already running 3D games at a much higher resolution than *any* hi def tv you can buy, and with yearly updates it is breathing down the neck of consoles for graphics right now.
wow, just wow. The guy in charge leaves, and now an exec goes on record saying DRM is a failed strategy. Looks like EA is taking note of comments at last. Whether these words turn into action, remains to be seen, but it's a positive move nevertheless.
@jtthegame316 agree completely. The number 1 sticking point for 360 fans thinking of jumping ship to the ps4, is that bloody awful light weight plasticky controller.
been saying this, will say it again. with pads being updated every year, and consoles updated once in 8, and console makers treating customers with outright abuse, mobile is going to crush console gaming dead. This site is a console stronghold but that wont change things. The console makers have 1 chance over the next 5 years to change their practices or perish.
read between the lines; he is confessing he has no clue how to make a game get into the lime light on an app store and confesses his 70's glory days won't cut him any slack in trying.
@hugoadan I think he is right. iPad gets a yearly update, followed closely by its Android competitor. Game consoles are now in 8 year cycles.
Mobile games are yours for pennies. Add up the cost of an xbox game; the game, xbox live fee, DLC often part of the release game cut off so they can charge you for it. Both platforms have microtransactions, but here is the kicker; on mobile that means the game itself is free, on consoles you pay for the game PLUS microtransactions.
Lastly, and I have been gaming a long time, when I first saw the PS1 in action, I said this thing is going to grow and kill arcade machines stone cold dead.
I have just played Real racing 3, and yes it has crap AI and nasty microtransactions courtesy of EA, but the graphics, on my iPad 4 are so high you cannot see any pixels at all. No next gen console is going to get anywhere near that definition. It makes several car games on the 360 look very poor. And this thing is a mobile game.
I say it here, unless console makers start putting the consumer first, mobile gaming is going to kill console gaming stone cold dead.
slightly confused, please somebody help me out here. I thought this was Gamespot, but based on the last 7 days news feed, its actually Bioshock informercial.com. The biggest gaming story of the week, proof that the next gen xbox will require always on connection and mandatory game installs, hasnt even made the page.
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