This EA shark is just riding a wave. That wave is going to hit the rocks pretty soon, he knows this, and by then he will have moved himself up the corporate ladder and into a place where he can have the luxury of criticizing the fall out, rather than have to deal with it.
I cant for the life of me think how they came to the conclusion that cities are dependent on neighboring cities to exist, its nonsense. New York imports from Europe and Asia, not from Philadelphia. The whole thing is just a cover up for DRM
well, considering they refuse to update their console for the best part of a decade, what do MS expect? Have they noticed that people are FED UP with the aging crap that is available to buy?
Have they and Sony noticed, that while Real Racing 3 cant compete with either GT or Forza on simulation, the graphics on the iPad 4 version are so sharp you literally cannot see any pixel edges at all?
Do MS and Sony know that while they update consoles every decade, Apple updates its iPad EVERY YEAR? How long into this next console cycle will we go before the iPad has completely overtaken the PS4 and 720 in power as well?
been saying this all along;, now we find out it is true. Consider this statement...
"Lucy Bradshaw said in an interview with Polygon that "we offload a significant amount of the calculations to our servers so that the computations are off the local PCs and are moved into the cloud."
If that is true, they will need to set aside that computing power on their server, just to handle your game. For something as complex as Sim City that must be damn close to 1 core per user. Does the game cost reflect that? No, it doesn't.
They just did exactly what this inside source says, push out some social media garbage along with the heavy DRM to their underpowered servers, and we all know the result.
@dre256x @Coolgamer well, if I was convinced by your argument, I would have bought a wii U. I am not, and I haven't. It has 2005 era graphics and 2013 price tag. Sorry, no sale. yes it has a low rez iPad stuck between the sticks, but I dont recall asking for one, and with 2 retina display iPads in my home, I don't need one.
@MJ-X oh I get it, I used to work in this industry. My question is rhetorical and laced with irony. I know *exactly* what they are doing. The server side marketing is complete BS to disguise the DRM. And how is this for irony....They use DRM to stop people stealing from them, then ban paying customers accounts who ask for a refund, which is stealing itself. The only difference is they are more powerful than a lone pirate and can arrogantly get away with it.
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