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I'M GETTING WI-FI! Come March 25th. The Brawl is on!... and the guitar battle...

You heard the news, what more do I need to say? I'm going to get the software for my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector! Since Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out, I've been waiting for internet, and now I can finally fight someone who is actually better than me! (or are they?... :D) I will also be looking to the Guitar Hero III's Nintendo WFC! So, both Smash maniacs, and guitar afcandios will have a chance to battle me!

Can't wait for a true challenge! I'll give you my FC as soon as soon as I can.

Does anyone still play Melee?

What with all the hype for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I'd just assumed that no one plays Melee anymore. I wasn't around while Melee was anticipated, but now that Brawl is out, I'm afraid that they may throw Melee in the trash.

I'm just here to say, DON'T!!! Melee was a great game and really deserves more than it's given credit for these days. I fear that Melee is going to be gone and forgotten, It has become so much in the past seven years! Melee was an awesome game. I still play it to this day, when I first got it, it blew my mind. Not to be dissing Brawl or anything, but I want Melee to be immortal.

Some dude who calls himself, "Shippidge" made a machinima out of Melee. (if you don't know what a machinima is, look it up on www.wikipedia.org) I'd like to tell you all about it, just go to www.youtube.com and search for "smashtasm".

WE'VE BEEN HACKED! (please click)

:evil: Someone's hacked Gamespot again! I got online on March 13th at 3:00, the peculiararity started when I tried to watch the other videos, and they wouldn't play. Then, I went to my profile, suddenly, I saw that I was no longer a level 12, I AM A LEVEL 00! We've all been hacked!

But I'm not too worried, remember the infamous "super spy" hack of December 2007? everyone was a level 6! I didn't mind that much I was only a level5 or whatever it was.We got out of that well, in a matter of a week, we returned to our old rankings. (except me; I went up to a level 8 :P ) We can last for a bout a week as a level 00 can't we?

SO totally worth the wait!

You don't have to click if you know what I mean. (well, I guess that's too late to add :P) If you are a good friend of mine,( and you read all my blogs) you probably know that I had a reservation and I will be enjoying Brawl on March 9th. Well, I did have that reservation, and look at the calendar.

Needless to say, the 1 year, 6 month wait was so totally worth it, I had already written that review.:arrow: (man, I wish I could get that thing to point down!)

Wait, if that's such a great game, what am i doing at the computer!?

Super Smash Bros. Brawl is like a LOADED VOLCANO!

Okay, I don't want to sound paranoid by saying this. I think that there's just too many blogs that have to do with SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL!!! Not to diss it or nothing, but it's all just too much! TOO MUCH, I SAY! I'm not dissing it or nothing, but I'm just somewhat overwhelmed by the superfluous amount of Brawl listings; I must play Brawl as soon as possible. THE WAIT FOR BRAWL IS KILLING ME!!! I MUST PLAY BRAWL RIGHT NOW OR I AM GOING TO BURST!!!!:evil:

Well, it's good to get that off my chest...

AAIIIGH! I need some technichal help!

Okay, as you know. I finally have high-speed intenet at my house. No, it's great and I'm happy. But you see, I thought that I could FINALLY get my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector to work, but everytime I try, they keep flashing up ERROR CODES! Error code this! Error code that! I need to talk to someone who knows how to connect the Wii to the internet! Please! I'm desperate!

(I apologize for the superfluous exclamation marks [look it up] but this is serious!)

Finally! I have succeded!

If you are reading this, I have finally got the internet! Now, I can be here 24/7. Whenever I want to!

Even better, now i can access some of the websites that used to be blocked by K12TN. (Tennessee's website) Like YouTube, MySpace, and much more!:D I am very happy :D

WTH? A Dreamcast?!?

I was at an old hardware store, and I saw a Sega DREAMCAST!!! Yes, Sega's last system. I saw it, it was real too :shock: I was wondering...

If there's anyone who has or had a Dreamcast, please tell me if it's any good. I was very curious... Tell me, is a Dreamcast worth keeping stashed in your closet, or is it an undiscovered gem? When I saw it, it was only $49.99. Should I get it?


Oh, BTW, I'm a level 10 now-- just saying.