8bit7055 Blog
I'M GETTING WI-FI! Come March 25th. The Brawl is on!... and the guitar battle...
by 8bit7055 on Comments
You heard the news, what more do I need to say? I'm going to get the software for my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector! Since Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out, I've been waiting for internet, and now I can finally fight someone who is actually better than me! (or are they?... :D) I will also be looking to the Guitar Hero III's Nintendo WFC! So, both Smash maniacs, and guitar afcandios will have a chance to battle me!
Can't wait for a true challenge! I'll give you my FC as soon as soon as I can.
Does anyone still play Melee?
by 8bit7055 on Comments
What with all the hype for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I'd just assumed that no one plays Melee anymore. I wasn't around while Melee was anticipated, but now that Brawl is out, I'm afraid that they may throw Melee in the trash.
I'm just here to say, DON'T!!! Melee was a great game and really deserves more than it's given credit for these days. I fear that Melee is going to be gone and forgotten, It has become so much in the past seven years! Melee was an awesome game. I still play it to this day, when I first got it, it blew my mind. Not to be dissing Brawl or anything, but I want Melee to be immortal.
Some dude who calls himself, "Shippidge" made a machinima out of Melee. (if you don't know what a machinima is, look it up on www.wikipedia.org) I'd like to tell you all about it, just go to www.youtube.com and search for "smashtasm".
WE'VE BEEN HACKED! (please click)
by 8bit7055 on Comments
:evil: Someone's hacked Gamespot again! I got online on March 13th at 3:00, the peculiararity started when I tried to watch the other videos, and they wouldn't play. Then, I went to my profile, suddenly, I saw that I was no longer a level 12, I AM A LEVEL 00! We've all been hacked!
But I'm not too worried, remember the infamous "super spy" hack of December 2007? everyone was a level 6! I didn't mind that much I was only a level5 or whatever it was.We got out of that well, in a matter of a week, we returned to our old rankings. (except me; I went up to a level 8 :P ) We can last for a bout a week as a level 00 can't we?
SO totally worth the wait!
by 8bit7055 on Comments
You don't have to click if you know what I mean. (well, I guess that's too late to add :P) If you are a good friend of mine,( and you read all my blogs) you probably know that I had a reservation and I will be enjoying Brawl on March 9th. Well, I did have that reservation, and look at the calendar.
Needless to say, the 1 year, 6 month wait was so totally worth it, I had already written that review.:arrow: (man, I wish I could get that thing to point down!)
Wait, if that's such a great game, what am i doing at the computer!?
Super Smash Bros. Brawl is like a LOADED VOLCANO!
by 8bit7055 on Comments
Okay, I don't want to sound paranoid by saying this. I think that there's just too many blogs that have to do with SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL!!! Not to diss it or nothing, but it's all just too much! TOO MUCH, I SAY! I'm not dissing it or nothing, but I'm just somewhat overwhelmed by the superfluous amount of Brawl listings; I must play Brawl as soon as possible. THE WAIT FOR BRAWL IS KILLING ME!!! I MUST PLAY BRAWL RIGHT NOW OR I AM GOING TO BURST!!!!:evil:
Well, it's good to get that off my chest...
I got a computer Mic!
by 8bit7055 on Comments
AAIIIGH! I need some technichal help!
by 8bit7055 on Comments
Okay, as you know. I finally have high-speed intenet at my house. No, it's great and I'm happy. But you see, I thought that I could FINALLY get my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector to work, but everytime I try, they keep flashing up ERROR CODES! Error code this! Error code that! I need to talk to someone who knows how to connect the Wii to the internet! Please! I'm desperate!
(I apologize for the superfluous exclamation marks [look it up] but this is serious!)
Finally! I have succeded!
by 8bit7055 on Comments
If you are reading this, I have finally got the internet! Now, I can be here 24/7. Whenever I want to!
Even better, now i can access some of the websites that used to be blocked by K12TN. (Tennessee's website) Like YouTube, MySpace, and much more!:D I am very happy :D
WTH? A Dreamcast?!?
by 8bit7055 on Comments
I was at an old hardware store, and I saw a Sega DREAMCAST!!! Yes, Sega's last system. I saw it, it was real too :shock: I was wondering...
If there's anyone who has or had a Dreamcast, please tell me if it's any good. I was very curious... Tell me, is a Dreamcast worth keeping stashed in your closet, or is it an undiscovered gem? When I saw it, it was only $49.99. Should I get it?
Oh, BTW, I'm a level 10 now-- just saying.
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