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8bit7055 Blog

I'm sending my Wii away... AGAIN!

This is getting sooooooooooooooooooo annoying, the only way for me to enjoy life is to send away the Wii to get it fixed just I can play Brawl! This is getting exhilirating. Not to mention the fact that I'm looking for a way to connect my Wii to the internet, but that's basically IMPOSSIBLE in this day in age!

Sorry, Maybe I over-reacted there..., but oh well, I'm working on it. It's just really hard for me to do all this, it's possible, but until then, you might as well call me the seeker.

As soon as I get online, be prepared to face the Watchman!

Mr. Game & Watch

I am probably the saddest person alive... :( I can never play Brawl again...

:cry: I can never play Brawl again! When I got my Wii back, I put Brawl in, but then it wouldn't read..., so then I listened closely, it didn't even try to read it! The disc was rejected like a PS3 disc! (pardon the pun) I then looked, Brawl didn't even look like the other discs I have :cry: :cry: I can never play it again! I cried, I was so upset. :cry:

:cry: I'm soooooooooooooooooo bummed :cry:

The Bit-Man is BACK!!!

Hello Gamespot friends!

I guess I've been back for three days, but I didn't bother because no one was ever commenting my blogs, except for Thug2Wasteland, and Mario_Sonic_Man. (I don't know how you spell it :P) Well, that last blog broke the ice. I do feel sort of guilty... it felt a little mean when I said that. But all's well that ends well, that's what I say.

I'd like to add a special thanks to Mad4Midna, for inspiring me to come back. Not in those exact words, but you know what I mean.

So guess what?

My Wii is Back! Yes!!!

I got it fixed, and we also rented Mario Kart for the Wii! Definitely some fun to be had there!

The bad news? My Wi-Fi is down, so you're going to have to wait for me to find an alternate route online.

The whole point of this blog is simply to announce that 8bit7055 has returned!

Game & Watch rules!

Game and watch

I'm off! On a double vacation!

Yous read that right... I'm going to Florida!


My cousins, (mom's side of the family) are taking us to a condo near the beach, I'll be staying there for a week! However, this means there will be a carpool. :x UGH! :x It'll be a tight trip... AH, WELL! It'll be worth it.

I'm leaving first thing in the morning, won't be back 'till Saturday, oh wait, that would be my mom. I'm going away for a little while longer, my dad is picking me up and driving me to Arkansas to come and see his play. (He's kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda famous, but like, State famous, not like Hanna Montana famous:P) Can't wait guys! Peace out!

Game & Watch FTW!

Mr. Game and Watch Taunt 3

What did I ever do to you?

I'm just guessing, but I'd say that I'm getting less and less popular around here. My blogs used to have like 18 comments tops! Now, I didn't even get one last time! Is it the blogs? Or is it just that people don't really care about blogs anymore? If that's the case, maybe I should stop blogging.

Don't get me wrong; I don't want to, but I don't wanna waste my time either.

I'm hoping for a lot of comments here.

Game & Watch!

game and watch