The day has finally come! I finally reached the immortal level!
Lulz, not really, but it'll be while before I hit 21...
BTW, I'm typing this at the computer at school, so no picture today.
Game & Watch rules!
The day has finally come! I finally reached the immortal level!
Lulz, not really, but it'll be while before I hit 21...
BTW, I'm typing this at the computer at school, so no picture today.
Game & Watch rules!
Well, I just started 8th grade this morning at 8:00.
My mom teaches at another school, so she had my senior cousin drive me there, when I got there, the front part of it was completely destroyed, they were remodeling it, and apparently, they hadn't finished!:P Going through, we had to take all the alternate routes and any kind of shortcut there was, we used it; it was kind of like a maze, I should know, I like mazes. :D
I came in to my homeroom 4 people were already there, I thought to myself, "Hmm... they probably won't bother me..." Then later, some more people, and I noticed something: these were all smart kids! (well, pupils, rather:)) It was in 4th block that I realized that everyone in my homeroom scored very well on our T-CAP tests*, and I was one of them! That means... I'm smart!
The rooms looked horrible! They were all floorless (no, we didn't fall through! :P), no ceiling (but we couldn't see the sky) and well, it was still under construction, so it was kind of hard to work with.
Coming back was great, I'm actually greatful to be coming back...
But I'll always have a place here, I like to come the GS a whole lot, and it seems as though that, nothing much is happening here. Oh, well... I'll probably get more comments. (my record is 18!)
*in case you're wondering, T-CAP is this huge test my state's schools have in April every year, and my score rated me advanced! That means... I's is smart :D
Sadly, I don't have Wi-Fi yet though, that's the bad news. Teh good news, however... is that I know my Brawl code, I used to have Wi-Fi, and I made my own Brawl signature. Here ya go...
Wanna make your own? Click on my signature to make your own.
You guys must like the animation bits. With six votes, (including my little bro :)) My new icon show G&W doing his famous side taunt.
Game & Watch rules!
Okay, I feel I should change a profile icon, I have a few choices let me know what you want me to do.
A. Keep the same
It goes with out saying that I like Game and Watch. Which do you like best? Please vote.
Anytime I post a blog, I only get like, two comments. And that's not an exaggeration. Is there anything I did to upset anybody? Or does anyone even read blogs anymore?
Wow, this is the longest blog title ever! :P
I'm waiting patiently for Brawling online. So, I have a question or two for you all.
1. When you all play online, who's the most likely person you'd play as? (mine's Game & Watch)
2. What are you guys using to get online?
3. What are your Brawl FC's? Including those who already have mine. I erased all Brawl data, I forgot why... let me know what they are for when I do get my internet back, I wanna put a list down, so I don't have to do it when it happens. It's much quicker this way.
Oh and a special happy birthday to Mad4Midna!
Game & Watch FTW!
Back from Vacation and I am tired! I'm really exhausted, and I'm about to start school again. Strange as it is, I'm glad to be going back. I feel as though I'm just slacking off. I'm not even upset. I'm just going with the flow, I want eighth grade to be great. I'm turning 14 this November and I am trying to get better grades this year.
Mr. Game & Watch RULES!
We're packing hard. I can tell this'll be fun. This time, no carpool!
This time, we're going with the other side of the family. We're going to the same city we did last time, but in another much cooler place. With less people! YAY!!!
Hey, you wanna know something cool? The cousins that I am going with, I have a smash bros. alliance with called the Bit-Bros.
It consists of:
Me (8bit7055) I play as Game & Watch. (surprising, huh?)
My brother (BlokE64) who plays as Mario.
My cousin (BB) who keeps changing his character, but last time he was Yoshi
And my other cousin (Psyco) who I think is Luigi.
I hope to get a lot of comments on this blog. I love to hear what my friends have to say.
Game and Watch!
So, I got tagged, and I won't say by whom... He..., she..., it... (no offense, just creating the illusion of secrecism) told me to write ten things about myself. So, what the heck.
1. I am desperately searching for a way to get online with my Wii.
2. I drink lots and lots of Dr. Pepper.
3. I have a brother called BlokE64 whom will be joining on 6/06/2010 (his 13th birthday)
4. I'm a very lonely person. (never like-liked anybody)
5. I have Nintendo systems, except for one PS2, I've been hiding that for a while, the only reason is so I can play Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero 2, and Rock Band.
6. I've been afraid that if anyone found out about fact #5, they'd stop tracking me. (the truth comes out, doesn't it?) :D
7. I really wish I could upload videos.
8. I made my own version of Mad4Midna's and YoshiRules123's "Jail" stage.
9. I'm a MASTER at Guitar Hero; Beat every single game on Expert!
And number 10. I like the color orange!
Well, that about-- oh, wait a second.
Well, that about covers it.
Game & Watch rules! Sorry, no picture today.
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