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8bit7055 Blog

I... only have a few hours left...

...Of being 13!!!!

Thaaat's right, folks! Come tomorrow, I will be 14!

Not only that, but I will also have been here for exactly one year!!!

On that very day, Friday, November 9th, 2007, I went to Gamespot, a much anticipated day, I had been watching the website, when I was finally old enough, I thought up a clever username, a password that only I knew... (and a bunch of other boring stuff...) and then...



(God, that's a mouth-full!)

I was somewhat a loser back then, I didn't have many friends, pretty naive about the outside world, and frightfully, frightfully shy... but one day, a nice man: IsaiahAllen taught me everything I needed to know about Gamespot, and I met the nicest of gamers a young teen could meet, you guys rock!

I would totally have left if I didn't have as many friends as I do now!

8bit7055-- Status: Logging Off

Well, Obama won, and I am Rock Band Platinum!

Well, since it's November 5th, I have finally beaten the endless setlist on expert!

At last, I have done it! I think I did pretty well too, I FC'd at least 11 songs, Gold starred probably 36, 5 starred 35, 4 starred 4 songs, and 3 starred one (visions, by abnormality, no surprise! :D) When you beat in on expert, you get this platinum medallion over whatever instrument you were playing, just make sure you are playing as a character you want to be remembered as!

What to do on election day? The endless setlist!

Well, since today's a no school day... I figure I should try to beat...

The endless setlist 2 on expert!!!

Some of you may have no idea what that is, the endless setlist 2 is a gig in Rock Band 2 where you play each and every song in the game in a row with no breaks whatsoever, that's 84 songs!

I'm going to try and 5 star as many as I can...

If you wanna see how well I did, check back later, I will post it in the comments...

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to fight my brother for the Xbox...

Okay, I'm sick of October, and I NEED to vent

Before I start, I would just like to point out that I hate Halloween.

"Why" you ask? Well I can safely say I'm not a big fan of getting scared.:D

October's just been a little too long for me. Do you remember Green Day's song "Wake Me Up When September Ends"? Well I frankly don't get the nerve of that guy; I'd rather sleep through October.

Now for the happiest part of the blog; (are you ready for the lie?) Last Sunday, my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday which is in only nine days, (and no, this isn't referring to a band, whoops... spoiler...) AS I WAS SAYING...

I told her how I wanted an Xbox360 to expand my gamer universe... and Rock Band 2.

The bad news is that November is going to be a tough month for her, she has to start paying for the mortgages, taxes, and other things about the new house that gives me a headache. So she wouldn't be able to get me one.

So she went ahead and got it that day! WOOOOOOT!!!

So yeah. I am oficially an Xbox player!

I have been playing it nonstop for days, so far I have started a band, which only has me and I added some created rockers so I don't have to play alone, I've gotten 18 achievements, and I already became a rock immortal on expert! Go figure!

And so far my favorite song is "Let There Be Rock" by AC/DC, and my least favorite is "Chop Suey" by System of a Down.

And I really want to connect it online... so I'm hoping I get at least $100 for that connecty thingy... WTH it's called... (I'm ofically and Xbox noobie:P)

Now as for those of you who want to brawl me, I'm really trying to find a way to connect the Wii online, I think I might have a solution, but even if I do I'm gonna need to borrow 59 dollars.

Any donations?

101, not really, even if I do get it online, I can't play Brawl anyway, the Wii's broken as it is.

One word:


Okay, I'll be rocking out now...

-8bit7055 (on the Xbox as you speak)

YES!!! I'm moving!!!

YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS! HA! I can't believe it! We finally found a house!

You have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, do you?

Well, the house we are currently living in, we are merely renting...

We had to find a house by the 30th of November... and we finally found one!!!

Just 6 minutes ago, my mom was screaming with joy. I couldn't wait to find out what was going on. See, this house was offered for 157K, but my mom could only put out 152K, and they took the deal!

It's in Clarksville, which is only 20 minutes away from Springfield, and I've been there, it's an awesome town; it's the 5th largest city in my state! I'm so excited to be going there!!!

(Sorry if you expected me to be moving to another state, Sorry! My life isn't that exciting!):P

Sadly, getting to school will be twice that long...:( Yeah, and no one got the boot either!:evil: What a rip off!


I only have a a few weeks left of being 13!

That's right!

Come the ninth, I shall be 14!!!

I miss Brawl/fall break (double blog)

When I played it in March for the very first time...

It blew... my... mind...

Then in June, the Wii was broken, and I could no longer play it. We let our cousins borrow our games, they could play it, we weren't able to... then later that summer, it got fixed... except it wouldn't play double-layered disks like Brawl... oh how disappointed I was.

Ladies and gents, this is what you'd call... a gamer sob-story... LOL

Yeah, it's sad I really want another Wii for my birthday, or get my current one fixed so I can play Brawl again. Whenever I go to our younger cousin's house, I just play it there. (they're starting to think I'm using them... oh wait, I kinda am... XD) Brawl has been my favorite game 4 a long time. And I'm still thinking of a way at getting back online with my Wii, and I know what to do... a wireless access point, I'm still finding a way around all the problems...

Since I'm boring you...

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while, so here I go.

It's been fall break all week long, and I can honestly say that it has gone by way too fast. My dad says he'll do something with me and my brother, BlokE, tomorrow after church as sort of a... fall break end

And I'm not too excited for school on Monday; not just because... well... it's school, but also since there's gonna be CUTBACKS!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!

There are some people who are getting kicked out of the advanced 8th Grade, there are some not doing too well, and some who deserve to be in the advanced 8th Grade more than others, and I'm afraid, I might be getting the boot...

They better not try me... cause if they do...

Mr game and watch I has a bucket Pictures, Images and Photos


I was right in the middle of playing "Run to the Hills" on expert drum

The dang pedal broke!!!:evil:

Well, I kind of saw this coming, it had to happen sooner or later...

my broken rock band pedal Pictures, Images and Photos


In case you have no idea what this means, I was playing to drums on "Rock Band". I was doing the hardest song for drums, (actually, the hardest tier song is Won't Get Fooled Again, but I think Run to the Hills is harder) And I was playing the drums on expert, I was kind of struggling for a moment there, I was in the middle of the bridge, when suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, the kick pedal suddenly "jumped". I was basically banging on plastic when the game was paused I picked it up and it was in two pieces... DANG!

This makes me REALLY excited for Rock Band 2 now! They said that the new peripherals would be a lot harder to break... That's good news for MY foot! XD

Game & Watch has a heavy foot!

WHOA! How long was I dead?

Lulz, not really :P!

Well, I haven't blogged for a long time, much less been on for the long and short of it... I've been up to my neck in 8th grade. There's very little time for fun anymore, fortunately I'll always have spare time.

So, I've been playing lots of Rock Band lately (the crappy PS2 version... HELP!) I think I'm getting Rock Band 2 for the Xbox360 on my birthday, well. It's what I want. But that's not all! I would also like another Wii, my old (oh, I'm sorry) "current" Wii will never be able to play double-layered discs again, and I think I have a way to play online, (not yet, though... I'll find a way around it soon)

I've wanted to play online brawl with you guys for a long time... that moment has been very anticipated for quite an amount of time... as soon as I get it online and everything, I'll be there just about 24/7. I got tons of spare time. (yes, I have no life. SHUT UP!:))

Oh, and next week...

Fall Break!!! WOOT!

8bit's Q and A!!! (I'm answering questions)

All right, I've got the results right here.

Q1. "How old is U be?"

I'm only 13, but I'll be 14 in November.

Q2. "Fave Color?"

I'm using it!!!

Q3. "Fave Mario game"

Ugh yikes... umm... I'd have to say... Mario Galaxy, all the fun of 64 and Sunshine, but no gravity! Who doesn't like that?

Q4. "Favorite console"

The N64 was my first, and I'll always have special place for it.

Q5. "Who's better? Mario or Sonic"

(I was afraid of this question) I would say Mario. (don't kill me I'm really good at Guitar Hero!!!) XD I would say this mostly because Mario sort of started the whole gaming thing. Don't get me wrong, Sonic's awesome, but Mario's games are never the same, they're always different and sort of random. Miscalleaneous so to speak.

Q6. "What was your most embarrasing moment?"

1st Grade, 'nuff said.

Q7. "Favorite superhero"

I'm not into superheros at all, but I'd say Iron Man is pretty cool.

Q8. "Favorite TV show"

Whose Line is it Anyway? I love improvisational comedy...

Q9. "Why did I write my blog in red?"

Becuse white is boring...

Q10. "What system did I grow up with?"

The Nintendo 64 I will never forget the fun times I had playing Ocarina of time, Banjo Kazooie, Vigilante 8 and Mario Party... They just don't make games like those anymore...

Q11. "What was the first game I ever played?"

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. I was only three when I first played it. I used to sit in my dad's lap and he'd say "shoot!" when he was aiming for a TIE fighter. Mom thought it was cute :D.

Q12. "Altiar25: Do you like my picture?"

Yes, now don't kill me!

Q13. "MarioSonicMan: Should I make a question blog?"

Heck yeah!

Well, that managed to kill 20 minutes...