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8bit7055 Blog

Got any plans for V-day tomorrow?

Well, heaven's for sure I don't! :(

Yep, it's true, your friendly neighborhood Game & Watch is a loner. :cry: WHY MUST THE GOOD GROW OLD ALONE?!?! :cry:

(quickly bucks up)

Aw, well!

Really, it's all fine. I never did like Valentine's Day myself... what with the most amount of love and passion for the longest time, it kind of gets on my nerves.

Oh, and get this: A few months ago, BlokE, and my mom and dad (divorced), and just about everyone in my family was alone, and now... THEY'VE ALL GOT GIRLFRIENDS! (except my mom, she has a boyfriend:P) Yes ALL OF THEM!!! Even that dorky blonde kid you saw in the videos! And all I can get is a cold! Maybe I'm just not attractive...

Oh well, I'm just a comic relief anyhow... plus I like chocolate and candy... :D:P

Watch my videos no matter how stupid they are...


I made these videos with my brother BlokE, and to be honest, they're kinda stupid... :D Oh well, I only made these for fun, and I'm gonna KEEP making these for fun.

And if you have a request for a video... please ask, you WILL get it, since there's only gonna be a few...


He's Lonely

Hey, You know my bro, Right? Blok-E64...? Anyway, he asked me if I can post a blog telling people to be his Xbox Live friend. He's "Lonley".:oops: Now for His quote; "Hello Gamespotters,I'm Blok-E64.(Not the best name :P) I'll be joining you 2 years from now. But you see, I have an Xbox 360, and I'm....Lonely:oops: But I have no friends:(... And my bro got friends by Rock Band 2, I cantplay that game!:shock: And I'm just very Upset!!!:cry:" Sorry To waste your life but c'mon what do you got to lose?;) Hello, this is 8bit, sorry, my bro typed this...

BlokE- Hey, wait a mi-- oh, wait yes I did...

Anyone have an Xbox 360?

I just got an internet connector for mine, and my gamertag is "Ben8bit" (with the caps on the 'B') If anyone has one let me know; I'm lonely :oops:......

And if there are any games you recommend, tell me about them.

BTW, I'm usually playing Rock Band and Guitar Hero.

Wi-Fi and stuff...

Okay, let's get the bad news over with: I didn't get a new Wii, so no Brawl for now... :cry: BUT..... I'm starting to work and earn money and once I break the $250 line, I'll be ready to FIGHT!!! fight...fight...fight... (sweet, and echo!)

However... I DID get Mario Kart, and #I'm online, I'm online...# If you wanna race, my FC is: 2106-2751-3693

(that actually took a long time for me to type, I had to run ALL the way to my room and back up TWICE!)

Happy Holidays.

It's winter... WHERE'S THE SNOW!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Well, I hope you guys have snow where you live, cuz here in TN... the air is very... very... dry...

:cry: Why won't it snow?!?!?!?! :cry:

We've been getting lots of cold misty air for while, and there've been chances of the stuff all month long, even once in November! Nevertheless, my city has been rejected like a babboon's heart... :roll:

Come snow or... dryness :? there's still Christmas. I tell you BlokE (my brother/future GS user) cannot wait, we are anxiously awaiting the 25th.

FYI: Remember when I said not to tell anyone about him liking Sonic '06, THAT BLOG WAS A JOKE!!! Tell everyone you know!

oh, let's hope he doesn't read this blog...

Hey, have you ever tried melted cheese with jerky?

A new school?

Well, you all know that I moved recently; and when I say that, I mean all of you who actually read my blogs... Well my old school is a bit far away for me now, so I now have a chance to go to different schools and there's one close to me and some say that it's one of the best in the state! I don't know anything about it, but all I know is that I'll be leaving my old school, either forever, or for a little while, I'll see how the school is and if I don't like it there, I'll be back.

That all in 90 seconds!

If you're interested in brawling Game & Watch...

I know I've said this a billion times, so after this blog, it'll be a billion and one:

Many have asked if my Wii has been fixed and since it's Christmas, and Wii's are getting a lot more common in my state I'm hoping I could get a new one this Christmas, AND I've got a wireless access point, so I can just about say I'm online!

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaah... There's... uh... One thing though. I might not happen since I already have one, and it costs a lot of money, and people keep telling me how mine works fine, but I keep telling them it's broken, yes I love Brawl that much. And another thing, I let my cousins have my Brawl, and since it's been so long, they've been claiming it's theirs now... but they weren't the ones who begged their dad to get a reservation just so they could play it on launch day! Talk me down here?

But I'm definitely ready to Brawl anytime soon, and if I get any other Wi-Fi enabled games, I will more than likely break them out.

Coming soon, it just might finally happen!!!

Awesome! An iPod Touch!

To my own disappointment, my mom said that I'd only be getting one present... it was very expensive so that all of my family had to pitch in to get it, when we were at the pizza party, my little cousin gave me a small present and said "Open it now! Open it now!", after a contemplation, I opened up to a box, and I said, "cool, a box" with definite sarcasm in my voice, when I opened it... Well, just read the title...