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8bit7055 Blog

OMFG MARIO GALAXY 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (caps)

If you've seen the Nintendo E3 coverage, you'll already know this:




Yeah, I know, not the most creative name... :P

Looks fun. You know, for those people who mastered Galaxy 1, this should be a challenge.

And... Yoshi's in it...


WOOT! This should be fun...

They sold me a broken game!!!/Add my Wii #


LOL hey. It's... well you know who I am.

Anyway, sometime ago, I found my Grandmother's Sega Genesis which she had a long time ago, which she kept so her grandchildren wouldn't get bored when we came over. (The interesting part starts now) I found it in her closet and she said she didn't need it anymore. So that added ONE to my collection of game systems which are listed as follows!



Gamecube (broken)...




NES model 2...




Genesis model 1


and of course... WII!


That Genesis is MAHNE! The only problem? There were no games... :( Yeah, she lost 'em all, so I had to look for my own. Which upsetted me; I miss playing those old games such as Streets of Rage, Jurassic Park, and MY favorite of the Genesis bunch; Sonic the Hedgehog. She also had Sonic 3, which was my favorite, and my brother grew up with that game as a kid. (not saying that he doesn't ACT like one, but whatever) So then one day I went to this store where you can buy and sell your used or unused games. I was looking at the Genesis games and that's when I saw it...


FOR $5.00! I dunno, wild guess, don't remember. When I brought it home to put into the Genesis, it didn't work... :( :cry: awh, and I was so excited! So, you know what I did :question: BOUGHT ANOTHER ONE! Yeah, a model TWO Genesis


And guess what? It doesn't work either, so I guess that game was just busted. So that's about 40 DOLLARS I BLEW! Why would they sell a broken game at that store? DID THEY EVEN TEST IT?!?!?!?! I guess not, but still... I blew my money on a broken game...

Aright, anyway... I got my Wii working perfectly online, but it sure is lonely...

Add me? 5755 4571 1419 7657



Nintendo solved my Brawl problem!!!

HOLY JUMPING AIRSHIP MONKEYS!!! I just figured something out!!!

If you've been to a Gamespot lately, you may have seen a WII LENS CLEANER for only 10 US dollars!

Nintendo realized that some people had trouble playing Brawl because of a dust build-up in the console. Which is really a problem, without a dust cover, your game system will really have trouble reading the discs. Much like the Atari Jaguar...


See that? No dust cover... which resulted in trouble with reading the cartridges.

Luckily, Nintendo got right to work on that, and created the WII LENS CLEANER!




Just as soon as my cousins find the copy I lent them.......................:evil:

Made a Brawl Tribute!!!

I made y'all fresh baked cookies!!!

Well, not really, but I DID make a music video for Super Smash Bros Brawl!


TheMain reason I uploaded it here was that for some reason,YouTube wouldn't allow the song to be used there, so I uploaded it here. I made some more of these... I might upload them here... oh yeah, and you should let it load all the way before playing it or else it will be really laggy...

Answers Anyone?!?!? (interview)

Mad4Midna: "OMG YOU WATCH FRED TOO?! thats my question"

8bit7055: Nah, my bro does all the Fred-watching, but I did happen to figure out that he says "HEY IT'S FREEEED" a lot... Not that I have anything against him.

MagisterBurner: "Favorite genre of VIDEO GAME!!!111oneoneone!!! GOOOOOOOOO!"

8bit7055: Uhh... platformer?!?!?!?

nintendoecx: "I use 2 play dreamcast. but I dont have anymore. It was no mine it was my brother he sold it. long time ago."

8bit7055: Well, that's not really a question, but I'm easy...

dragonfly110: Did you get Jet Grind Radio?

8bit7055: No, but that's one of the games I plan to get if I can find it. Along with Vigilante 8: Second Offense and Sonic Adventure.

dang, no joke there...

GreenFire95: if you had the option to build thing to benefit human life for the better, what would it be? ex: Cars with jets instead of wheels, time machines, automatic TOASTERS!!

8bit7055: TOASTERS?!? Wow, tempting, very tempting... but I would go with time machines... so I can go back in time and get JET GRIND RADIO!!!

CazmoV: "if you were sat down and a walking comb came along and shot bruce wayne in your living room, what would you do?"

8bit7055: I would throw an Italian shoe at Billy Mays drinking a Sierra Mist.

AmyRoseRox01: "If you were a polar bear, how many cabbages would be at the Chineise airport?"

8bit7055: Too many for the monkey to count...

Mario_sonic_man: "do all toasters toast toast?"

8bit7055: Nope, some play NES GAMES!!!

Now, I've got an important question for you all...

Do these guys have enough cowbell?

Questions anyone?!?! (Interview)


Oh, well not really... I had a lot of fun doing that blog about you asking me questions and answering them. And I've grown up a lot... and I've gotten into old games lately, so...


Oh, BTW, less and less people are reading my blogs, so please ask as much as you want...

BTW again,


The top 10 most shocking moments in video game history part 1

8bit: We've all experienced them, you stare at your TV with your mouth wide open, and are shocked, surprised, or straight-up TICKED at what you just saw. These are the moments why we game* Now, I don't wanna spoil anything... so if you're playing Eternal Darkness or Star Wars: KOTOR, don't read this blog.

*FYI, this is not my list, I found it online.

8bit: Hey! I'm 8bit!

BlokE: ...and I'm BlokE!

Psyco: ...and I'm PSYCO!!!

8bit: What are you doing here?

Psyco: Oh. This isn't the chocolate factory?

8bit: Aw, you can stay anyway... and these are the top ten most surprising game moments in history.

#10- Star Wars: KOTOR

Widely regarded as one of the best Star Wars games ever made--


Do you have any money?

Uhh, do I need any?


Anyway, aligning yourself in either side of the force depending on your actions, talk to this guy, lightsaber that guy... so much fun...

Oh yeah, and find out the entire time you've been playing as the BAD GUY!

Yes, one of the BIGGEST swerves in video game history! I mean, what is this? Pro wrestling?

#9-- Eternal Darkness

Eternal Darkness? What's that?

It was a launch title for the Gamecube and now widely regarded as one of the hardest and scariest games ever. It was announc--

(Falls asleep)

Okay, while BlokE's waking up sleeping beauty here... Eternal Darkness just messes with your head. It's so ridiculously hard! So hard, the game actually shuts down right in the middle of it... or so you THINK...

(playing game) Wait, what? My MEMORY CARD was deleted? "Please restart your computer? Press any key to continue?" WHAT'S GOING ON?

Don't worry, the game's only messing with your head.

(wakes up) Can I have a glass of water?

#8 Mortal Kombat

It's the 90's and Street Fighter is the defining definition of fighting games.

But then one game came out that amazed people, and started racking up quarters in the arcades before you could say "Bob's your uncle". You know why?

No, why?


Really? Gross...


Blood was actually common in some video games, but one thing made it special...

When you first saw the fatality moves, your mouth dropped... Fatality moves allowed you to have fun even AFTER you knock out your opponent. Doing every thing from pulling their spine out, to turning into a dragon and eating the top half off of their body.


What the...

It didn't work...

It's an idiom...

No, you're an idiom.

#7 Grand Theft Auto III

Grand Theft Auto rocks... not that I played it...


You can literally play the game for hours and not even get into the story once!

So many options, so much to shoot, and so much... to do...

Well, as for this one, I'm not sure that I should say this in direct fear of moderators, but it's something you can do with the ladies on the street that you can do for cash...

You can tell me... (BlokE whispers in his ear) really? WHOA! In a VIDEOGAME?!?

Yeah, yet another reason to not let your kids play it.

My only dilemma is whether or not to beat them up and take my money back...

#6 Resident Evil 5--

Some say that Resident Evil 4 is the best game on the Gamecube, heck, maybe even the best game EVER! Thus when the trailer for RE5 came out, there was an uproar in fans everywhere... Not only fans, but anyone looking for something to complain about...

The trailer for the upcoming game featured a white guy killing zombies... in Africa... People then started to consider that Capcom was racist.

While they DO have a point, and it is sad that racism still exists. But what's so touchy about killing zombies? Wether they're Black, White, Orange, Blue, or Green, the point is... they want you dead.

I'm getting a soda.

Yeah me too...

One for me please?


10. The KOTOR swerve

9. Eternal Darkness's memory card glitch

8. Mortal Kombat's fatality moves

7. GTA III the... inappropriate thing

6. The Resident Evil 5 trailer...

stay tuned for part 2...

trust me, it'll get even more shocking...

Spongebob sped up...

Episodes of the awesomest cartoon ever sped up...

Yeah, I know. I'm running out of blog ideas... :P But still, they made me laugh!

Life of Crime: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bUhxra8I0I

I'm With Stupid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTvzG0apRPk

These are just some of them, they'll link to others...

BTW, Patrick's voice is awesome...

Haven't blogged in a while, but this is important!!!

So... I AM OUT OF LEVEL 20!!!

Finally, I've been there since... August 12th at 7:30 AM Central. Yeah, I checked.

Anywayz, there are a lot of things that I had wanted to talk about, but I just got bored, and stopped typing... (I get PLENTY of that at school!)

I hadn't blogged in a long time, so I just thought I'd let you know I am not dead...