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8bit7055 Blog

Hundrth balog! Southern Translation: 100 Blogs!!!

I'm typing in yellow just to celebrate!

100 times now, I've either been giving y'all a heads-up, complaining, or just being stupid. And today, I will do all three!!! Yippee... :P

Okay, Item number one.

#1. I've been at the infamous level 20 for a good eighty-twelve months now... and just 8% left... weirdly though, it doesn't feel like I leveled up much...

#2. Oh, gee. This is kind of embarrassing... should I say it... It may ruin my rep-- Waitaminite... I HAVE no reputation! (slaps forehead) Did you guys know that there was a Sega Genesis game calledMichael Jackson's Moonwalker? Yeah, you read that right, there's nothing wrong with your computer... yet... Hmm... "Michael Jackson..." That name sure rings a bell huh? Well, I downloaded the game online, and I'm not gonna lie, it's purdy fun. You go around beating up kidnappers, and anyone who has a bone to pick with MJ, and saving kids. Yeah... don't worry, you're just RESCUING them... I promise. The best part is, you can make every enemy on the screen dance, if you have enough energy. The music that plays throughout the game are some of MJ's hits such as Beat It, Billie Jean, and Smooth Criminal. You're trying not to laugh at me... I know you wanna chuckle, but back in the 80's, EVERYONE was into Michael Jackson. Let's not forget... He made the best-selling album ever... "Thriller"!!!!!

#3. Dr. Pepper is godly...


They don't call me 8bit for nuthin'!

I have acquired many old systems. This was one heck of a week!

On Sunday, Grandma let me have her old Sega Genesis! Nintendo's longtime competitor from the 8-bit and 16-bit days. And as we all know, Mario's so-called rival, Sonic the Hedgehog, made his first appearance on this console in the early 90's... I just wish I had the TV adapter for it... :?

My brother, BlokE, got this cool console this week. It is called the FC Twin, I believe, or something close to that, and it plays both NES and SNES games! I am now able to play ANY Nintendo game on ANY system! I may have said this before, but now is the only reasonable time... "I AM 8BIT!!!"

And my spree hasn't ended yet... there's one thing that has been promised....

It's time to play with power...

The Wii remote from the 80's... no joke!!! (with pictures!!!!)

Those highly addicted to newer technology, looking back will go...

"Wow, this sure looks like good old-fashioned stuff...It's just too bad that old games didn't have motion control."

YOU'RE one of those?

Well guess what, back then there was a controller that did just that, even back then there was a revolutionary new way to play games!

It was revolutionary, it was kinda dorky, it was way ahead for it's time!

It was a...

A... glove?


Yeah, that's what it was. A glove.

You put this son of a gun on, plug it in to the NES, and you actually move your hand to control the game.

Now, you're playing with power!

Now you're playing with power!

So... why hasn't anybody nowadays heard about it?

Because it sucked...

Let's face it. If anything... it was a pretty interesting experiment... but the technology was just too young for it's time.

To start off, you had to place these three sensors on the top of your TV, simular to the sensor bar. Having trouble putting that bar on top? Keep slipping off? You're glad you never had the power glove... most people needed TAPE to get this thing to stay...


See the three things connected to wires? Those are the sensors...

For another thing... you had to put in a code for every game you played. There were five digits to put in for every freaking game there was...


So, if you're looking for a challenge, the power glove is a no brainer...


Now, I told you THAT story to tell you this one...

I was surfing the internet... and there aren't words used to describe this... Only 1 picture...


Uh oh...


A Blog About My Youtube Series

Okay, you may know about my series on youtube, The Bit-Bros. Well, I looked back and thought... "Wow, this is crap... " so I then deleted those prior to impending embarrassment, and started over. I used the footage that was originally episode 8 , and used it for the pilot. I usually get a total of... 10 views per video I WAN'T MORE! I gotta admit, it's kinda silly, but my brother, my cousin, and me all enjoy doing it. And we all think it's funny.

Okay, so that's it, and if you like Psyco, then you might never see him again. You're gonna have to watch this video FAST! I might have to delete them before you know it! Now, I don't wanna do this, but Psyco's parents don't want him online, and I was gonna upload a new episode featuring his brother too... his parents are making me delete the videos he was in!

I REALLY don't wanna do this, I just about REFUSE. These guys are hilarious, and I was SO excited to upload 1-3...:(

If you have an account there, PLEASE leave a comment while you are there, I can use that to convince them to let me leave it up!

My YouTube username is smashc0m. http://www.youtube.com/user/smashc0m/


Just may be the perfect food...

It's high in calcium, goes great with anything, and is usually short and sweet unless you're in Wisconsin!


Just like BlokE...

I got's teh Halo!

BlokEtraded in some games at the local Gamestop, and got Halo 3! He was excited, way more than me, I hadn't played it, so I didn't know what to expect out of it... He had first played it two days before and thought it was one of the best games he had ever played. (I still don't think it should be an M-rated game, I'd give it a "T" if I were ESRB) I'm no good at it, but then I played a few multiplayer matches, and found it to be quite fun.

Yes, QUITE fun. I can't say it's the best game I ever played, don't get me wrong, it's fun. But it's not the best thing I had seen since sliced bread :?. Nevertheless, it's a good game.

Let's play ANOTHER little game shall we?

Remember back when I posted the blog titled: "Let's play a little game, shall we?" Where I made you list 5 things about yourself and one of them had to be fake? Well I had a record amount of comments; 18!!! Well, iiiiiiiiiiit's.... baaaaaaaaaaaccccckkk! (echo) All right, who took my tape recorder?

Remember in my last blog when I said something about not liking V-Day? How I'm fine with being the lonely hillbilly? (well, not in those exact words:P) And how I'm more of a comic relief than a real dramatic person? Well here's a little game for you...

I was watching this video online titled, "Try Not To Laugh! Doubt You'll Last!", BlokE (the one with the girlfriend, grr...) was watching it and I happened catch sight, there were these random clips, and we both tried not to laugh, but it was too hard for us, we barely lasted 2 minutes! And we were only 1/5 of the way through! Tell me how far you made it... and I'll grade you on a scale of one to ten, it's a test to see if you have no sense of humor! Lol, not really, it's kinda silly, but I LAUGHED!

Here is teh Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJs-uXIgvUk