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8bit7055 Blog

Enter Freshman

I know, really early right? I can't believe I'm already in the 9th grade! And it seems like just yesterday I was trying to figure out how to get past that barrel thing in Carnival Night Zone.... (That was a Sonic 3 reference by the way) So yeah, I start school in the morning, I'm actually kind of excited.


Why? Because from January to May I was stuck in the worst school of all of tweendom... But I won't go into too much detail, I just can't wait to see all my friends again, all... 2 of them... or was it four? Wait what about the.... wait, what? Oh well. I haven't seen them in 8 months!

Then, a lot of people didn't like me there... oh well, rather go to a school where no one likes me, but they actually KNOW me... good times, good times...

Top 10 Most Shocking gaming moments part 2 (or whatever it was called...)

Sorry it took so long to get to this, but I just wasn't feeling up to it...

Because your old pal is lazy. But if you remember many blogs ago, I listed the top 10 shockingest (lol, fake word) moments in video game history. I promised 5-1 but it never happened. So the wait is finally over.

Sorry, I'm alone this time.

#5- Halo 2

If there's one thing that Bungie can do, it's raking in cold hard cizzash! (Proof that the cool is not for everyone) Halo 3 was one of the best games of 2007 (or at least according to SOME people :evil: )The only thing that people knew going in to 3 was that they were going to finish the fight, why? Because at the end of Halo 2, you beat the giant monkey man and save the ninth dimension, (or whatever it was...) Master Chief says, "Sir, finishing this fight". And you think your Xbox is broken because the screen goes to black, and then.... THE CREDITS?!?!?!?!? THIS IS IT??? How anti-climactic...

#4-- Metroid

Okay, you may already know where I'm going with this.... Metroid was one of the most groundbreaking, revolutionary games on the NES, and at the end when you defeat the mother brain, you find out that Samus Aran...

IS A CHICK!!! When I first played it, I had no idea! Who WOULD'VE?!?!?!?!

You admit she's kinda hot though...

#3-- Final Fantasy VII (MAJOR SPOILER ALERT!!!)

Cloud vs. Sephiroth. The debate will go on, as to who the cooler character is, but there's no question who the bigger butthead is.

Aeris was a character that was only a one time gimmick, it's not like she could've come back in VIII, because...

During one point in the story, Sephiroth just comes down from the ceiling, (like a Wallmaster, hate those things so much...) and just sticks his sword through Aeris's chest! (crickets)... and... kills her? (gasps) not only being one of the most shocking, but also one of the saddest. It gave even the toughest of gamers, a good reason to cry at a video game... when they had extra lives.

#2 Call of Duty 4--

One thing that should not be joked about, however, is nuclear warfare. At one point in the story when you make it to the helicopter fly away and think you're ready for you're next mission.


An atom bomb explodes in a shockwave that devours everything in it's path, even throwing a fellow soldier off the helicopter! It's only explored even more when you take control of your fallen US soldier to survey the scenes of this nuclear wasteland. If you weren't shocked when this happened, you have... no... soul...

Well, that's marketable at least...

OKAY, recap time...

#10- Star Wars: KOTOR- Bad guy swerve

#9- Eternal Darkness- Erased Memory

#8- Mortal Kombat- FATALITY!

#7- GTA III- The... you-know-what.

#6- Resident Evil 5 trailer

#5- Halo 2 ending

#4- Samus is a CHICK?!?

#3- Oh my god, they killed Aeris!

#2- Call of Duty 4- The nuke

Here it is... the most shocking ever...

#1-- Super Mario Bros.

Without a doubt, the golden age of gaming, and electronics themselves, was the 80's. And this was a game that was quite a challenge for it's time. It was different from the arcades that most were used to. But, for now, just imagine yourself as a kid, playing a game you thought was absolutely impossible. Trying to find out how to get past those dang koopas. Then one day, it finally happens...

You defeat the evil king koopa and SAVE THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM! FINALLY! He falls into the lava, you walk over to see a toad who tell y--... wait...

"Thank you Mario, but our princess is in another castle..."

You're a kid, and you manage utter the big mother of all words, and wind up with a bar of soap in your mouth.

Sure, today, most of us can breeze through Mario like it's nothing at all, but back then, skills weren't quite what they are today, and making it to the end of a level was a BIG. DEAL. So finding out that you weren't even half done after all that work was quite a slap to the face. That is why it's Number One.

Sorry, but I was in a rush to finish this, so it may not be so great.

...dang Toad...

Worst game EVAH!!!

Oh great! Now that I have your attention...

(it'll get interesting later on...)

I've seen so many people on YouTube posting videos about the worst games they have ever played. It's always the same...

"this is the worst game ever made, it sucks cuz of this, I don't like it cuz of that"

It's like Tweedledee and Tweedledum over there...

The main thing I hate about these videos, and also user reviews right here on Gamespot, is that they claim that all their opinions are straight up facts.

I will only say this once; Nobody has the same opinion, I REPEAT NO ONE has the same opinion.

There could be a game that someone likes, but someone else might think it sucks. Or someone could despise a certain game that someone else enjoys.

So HERE'S the fun part.

Just out of curiosity, what is the absolute worst game you have ever played in your entire life?

Now I don't wanna hear you say "Superman 64" unless you've actually played it, if you've heard it was bad, that's not good enough... you must have PLAYED it.

And don't you dare say Sonic 06 or I'll take your cookie...

Sorry... (throws bone to opinion)

Better than Fred?!?


Here's BlokE: Thank you for the strange theory about Crabs in cake form. ANYWAY, So You all know about my Show: Dr. Miy.You probably don't...I Posted the first episode a long time ago. And when I look at it now: 18 veiws (Mostly be me to check) And here's 8bit's opinion about Dr. Miy: Man bro, It's better than Fred! ................................Really? :oops:

So.............Why isn't it good? I mean, Fred has Millions of views! while I have a measly 18 :( He even has his own WEBSITE :x and myvoice is CUSTOM! While he used COMPUTER EFFECTS!!! :evil:

*sigh* :(

So the Main reason of this is just to get known... :?

So, after reading this, PLEASE watch Dr. Miy at youtube.com and search Dr Miy SillySlobProd, Comment and Rate Please..............


Where'd you get the big puppy picture?


BRAWL IS BACK!!! (give me your freaking codes!)

FINALLY!!! After all these years of me claiming to get Brawl back, and reaching nothing but delays, IT IS BACK!!! FI-NA-LEE!

One thing though, all my data got erased, so I'm trying to re-unlock everything, (so no Game&Watch... :() If you've had me registered previously, erase my FC, I have a new one.

5199 0379 9266


The reason for this rewrite is that many of you commented on this blog, but no FC's! If you wanna brawl me, leave me a code! :P

The red ring of death... YAY!!!

Today, I have a special guest-- Typing this blog will be the one, the only, the ignored majorly... My bro, BlokE64-

Ignored?! I'm not-- Forget it. Anyway so Here's our console list:

Genesis (does)


Super Nintendo

Nintendo 64

Wii (and GC)




...BUT NO XBOX 360 (anymore)

It broke...:cry:

Okay so I got Pretty dang pi@%3! (Who Wouldent?)

BUT, I can get it fixed. SOOOOOOOO...... If I can still work...

I guess I should introduce mahself...

BlokE Meet... MONEY!!!:lol:

I even Split it up into 6 Catigories:

Wires (3)

Controllers (3)

Dumbell (the console itself)

Memory (2 Including Hard Drive ;))

Games (11)

Accesories (2)



But then again, I like that console.

So, Tell Me if I should Keep it, or lose it (Money Way)

And that is why I have a Wii...

MOVIE POLL!!! (no caps required)

Sorry about the lame-ish title, but the only thing left to blog about is life, and who wants to hear about that? :P

With that, I ask a simple question..

"What is your favorite movie?"

Mine would have to be Ghostbusters, I saw it not too long ago, and thought it was amazing!

So, what's yours?

RIP-- Michael Jackson...

Sadly the king of pop has been done in. You know what that means? It's time to impersonate a news anchor...


Today at noon, the beloved king of pop, Michael Jackson, suffered a heart attack in Los Angeles; he was rushed to UCLA hospital where the doctors were unable to save him, he was pronounced dead at the age of 50...

That's right, Bob. (Okay, now I'm making up fake names... :roll:) It is sad; the middle-aged star was just about to go on his last tour, but little did he know that the one he had previously been on was the actual last.

Michael Jackson's career started even before he was an adult, in 1964, he and his four brothers formed the Jackson 5, with Jackson on lead vocals. The 5 released pop singles such as "I want you back", "The love you save", "I'll be there", and "ABC".

Although his popularity didn't really rise until he went solo and released the greatest selling album of all time, Thriller. He continued to release hits such as "Thriller", "Beat It", "Smooth Criminal", "Billie Jean", "Bad", "Jam", and "Black or White".

In the 90's, his career started to take a turn for the worse, but due to the censors, I will not mention them...

In 2009, he announced his last tour, the last thing he said... "I'll see you in July"


Michael Jackson 8/28/58---6/25/09

I didn't get to say much...

You can do the weather...

Weather? What weather? We're on a blog some 14 year old's writing on a game-based website! There's no weather here!

You can take it or leave it...

How can I leave it when there's nothing to take?

You wanna talk about the yellow-brick road being abducted by aliens?

Yes! Today, in the land of Xanthinos--

Oh, dear... we're out of time! Good night Gamespot!

Hardest Game Ever/ Florida

You're all familiar with the game Rock Band, right? No? Then...


Anyway, believe it or not, they released it for the PSP, you've heard of THAT haven't you? NO?!?

Come back, ONE YEAR!

Well, I got a PSP recently, and since I'm pretty good at the Rock Band games on the 360, I thought I'd try out the portable version, Rock Band Unplugged. And for 3 days, it kicked my butt! It was so hard, you had to keep pressing the buttons when they (the notes) came down the screen, and you had to keep switching between the instruments to keep from failing! And the notes never... stopped... coming... But I've gotten much better at it, there are videos of it on YouTube, check 'em out to see what I'm experiencing...

But don't get me wrong, it sure is fun. And it's good for a car trip. Which I WILL BE GOING ON! Yeah, you won't see me for a week. Guess where I'm going, come on, guess, goin once, going twice, lady in the back? sorry...



Song listening to while making this blog: "Truckin'"-- Grateful Dead*

*yeah, I stole that from GreenFire...

Quick, pointless fact before I leave!

"It costs more than a penny to make a penny"


Idiot contest...

HILARIOUS Monty Python sketch...


I remember seeing this as a kid, (even though it's somewhat PG-13...) and LOLing. It's just rediculous and funny... I think.