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8bit7055 Blog

Rock Band 2! TOMORROW!!!

YES!!! I can't wait for this game, ever since I first heard of it, I've been anticipating it for months on end! I saw the IGN review and it looks so much better, more challenging songs, more customization options, All the venues and songs from Rock Band 1, how can you not want this game!!!

There are so many songs on this game like:

AC/DC-- Let There Be Rock

Steely Dan-- Bodhisattva

Anarchy Club-- Get Clean

Beck-- E-pro

Beastie Boys-- So What'cha Want?

RATM-- Testify

Jimmy Eat World-- The Middle

Guns 'n Roses-- Shackler's Revenge

The Muffs-- Kids In America

Cheap Trick-- Hello There

...and that's just a handful!

I might be getting a 360 for my birthday, let alone the game, so I might get it a little bit later...

Just a blog... about me... on Gamespot

Yup, that's what this is... blog...

Now what?

I can't think of much 2 say, but I just feel like writing a blog.

There ain't much happenin' in my life. I started school a month ago, getting A's and B's so far, so that's the least of my problems.

I'll be turning 14 in November... I joined on my thirteenth birthday almost a year ago, a little birthday present to myself, so when I turn fourteen, at about 7:30 A.M. just a heads up, it'll be exactly a whole year since I first joined.

Such a long time and I've met so many people, my friends, you guys are the best, you know that? Gamespot is sorta like my home in cyberspace. It's a wonderful place.

I gotta go now, my brother tried to fix a fan with a shoestring and now he's all tangled up!


I can count to five!

Lolz, weirdest blog title ever.

So, what does it mean? Well, nothing.

I've been in school for a month now... and not much is happening, I'm in eighth grade and it's got some pretty hard work, I am really tired.

I might be moving later in the year... and I might be getting my Wii online, (sorry, no Brawl...)

My birthday is in 2 months, I'll be turning the big one-four...

and... uh... there's a big block of cheese in my room, BYE!

Top 5 Brawlers? (SSBB)

Mine would have to break down like so:

5. Mario-- The head honcho; king of all Nintendo! He isn't that powerful, not that weak either... an all around great character.

4. R.O.B.-- His way of fighting is completely unique, and is really fun to play as.

3. Samus-- She's got a great range of attacks, and all that firepower is amazing! But that's nothing once you get the smash ball!

2. Luigi-- He has his own unique way of attacking, he looks more like he's goofing around than actually fighting!

1. Game & Watch!!! This is one guy whom is burting with personality! Sub 8bit the whole way, this guy rocks!

Well, that sums it up...

For those of you who read my last blog...

I felt as though I may have upset anyone, and/or annoyed with the whole doomsday rant. I only wanted to hear your thoughts on the whole situation. I fell as though I may have caused minor upheval in this area.

I've gotta start being less gullible...

The... end of the world?

Those are five words that I dread to hear most of all! Hey, can I tell you guys something?

I've always had an... irrational fear that... one day the world will end and no one I've come to know will ever exist ever again. And I've heard rumors that the end of the world will be on December 21, 2012... I hope not! That'll be the year where I graduate! I've been trying to convince myself that it's not real... but it's really hard.

What do you guys think?

I'm so sick...

I was up all night coughing and sneezing, I've got a huge headache, and I'm so sleepy.

Yep, I've caught a cold...

The good news is, I don't have to go to school today!

But when I go back... lots of work for me... :( and I hate make-up work more than anything in the world! At least I get a day's break from school, but... there goes my perfect attendance record.
