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8bit7055 Blog

Yes! I'm going to see Whose Line is it Anyway? again!


This is so great I'm finally going to see my favorite show after almost 8 and a half months! I had almost forgotten how much I love the show... (oh, wait... uh... no I haven't) If you see my TV.com profile, you'll notice it's all tricked out with the Whose Line pics. But I hadn't seen it on TV like I always used to do... I haven't done that, I guess since the ABC Family showing of Whose Line won't be until 12:00 Eastern Time (11:00 my time 8)) I really miss that show.

Tomorrow will be sort of the family relaxation day, we're all going to take a day off and just relax, and the whole family will stay up until 12:00/C just to watch Whose Line, in order to get a good laugh to end our day of fun. Sorry, not too articulate today.

Oh, look it up!

Game & Watch!

Game and watch

My brother, BlokE64, is turning 11 today!

My brother, (call him BlokE64), is having his birthday today. He was born around noonish 11 years ago. I can't believe I forgot! I was getting online this morning and my mom said. "Hey, get dressed," I was like, "what?". Cause usually she never said that unless it was a school day, or church, I started to feel bad inside. Then she said, "It's your brother's birthday,"

And I was like, "Dang! I forgot my brother's birthday!?!," I usually never do anything that stupid!

Dad got him Rock Band the other day since he wasn't going to be there. Mom's getting him a motorized scooter:o (don't tell nobody) We've got a long day ahead of us, so I'll be back at around like maybe 8 o' clock.

Game & Watch FTW.

Is it me, or is Gamespot getting boring?

It's nothing really, but I'd just assume that nothing good is happening to me right now, so many of my good friends are getting banned, and almost all the games I want I already have. This is weird, but I'd like something to wait for. My Wii's broken I've tried so many times to send it away, but I never had the chance. I want my games back; I'm letting my cousins have Brawl and Guitar Hero III until mine gets fixed, but will that ever happen? What if I have to get a new Wii? Will I have to do everything over again! :AUGH:!!!:evil:

Anyway, the whole point is: I come here to do something, all that's happening are banishments, union invites, and a whole bunch of boring. Maybe something interesting will happen soon...

And I'm NOT leaving! I will never leave Gamespot; it's like my virtual home!

We can talk to the banned!

I just figured something out! If you have a friend who got banned. You could still talk to them!

My list of banned buds (LOL, catchy) is:

ljlrj, Zman_, gamer_unleashed (whom is on his fourth profile, I think), and a newcomer to the list YoshiRules123.

The banned friends you know may be banned from Gamespot, but they are not banned from TV.com, MovieTome.com, and MP3.com, which are the same thing as Gamespot, but with different intrests. (per se: TV.com is based on TV shows). If only they knew that there was... "another ways to escape teh b&" (a little Leet in myself)


I dunno i just feel like making a blog for no reason, nothing's happening right now, so... er...

What's up, all?

Computer bugged! Also; might make a union.

I was online this morning, suddenly there's this pop-up that's saying that there are several infections, do a test? I thought what the heck, so I clicked, and I had 64 INFECTIONS! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!? I'm typing from the school's computer so I don't have to worry about-- KJ:SDLKFJPSODIFHOSDIHFPOSIDF...............

LOL: Gotcha! :P

BTW, I might make a union based on Smash Bros. and Guitar Hero.