just watching the trailer made me remember how awesome SOTC was on ps2. i loved that game. the majority of you will not be disappointed. i never played ico though, so i'm definitely picking this up...
90xGrad's forum posts
i'll be honest i love the DMC series, but i was bored while i played DMC 4. i look forward to new direction in the series. the second one was my favorite.
You really have no idea how little PS3's have YLOD'd.... if everyone who has a phat came here and posted threads "My phat still works!!!" then your measly little frustration rant would be completely drowned...
my phat still works!!
i usually buy games used or when the price goes down. after i complete them, i usually keep them because i didn't pay full price.
aw man! i don't want to be considered a "cheap-o!" i definitely need to stop putting my family first....saving money.....what a waste of time in today's economy!
^ that's what i was thinking.
i buy used games over 90% of the time. in most stores that sell used games, you can open up the case to make sure everything is present. i like to support developers, but i have to support me first. anyway, i have never had issues with any used games or used consoles for that matter. then again, i have a family and career so i don't play as much as some people...
i bought a refurbished ps3 from gamestop two years ago and mine is in perfect working condition. also, i purchased a two year warranty to start after sony's one year warranty (yes, because sony fixed it they gave it the original one year warranty) so i still have it for another year protected under warranty. man, i just typed warranty a lot!..........WARRANTY!
my first playthrough i was good all the way :) however, i attempted a second playthrough as evil and got too bored to complete it.
i was disappointed in god of war 3. i loved the first two; but, the third one wasn't even close to being as great as the first two. like many others stated, it was way too short. the story even felt thrown together.
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