28, but with a family and career i don't get to play as much as i would like too........
90xGrad's forum posts
i have a mic, but don't think you need one for every online game. i have to mute a lot of people though because they are ridiculous. also, sometimes i don't want to play online because some people take it way too seriously like it's their job. guess i'm old.......
ha! i remember that game. i bought it because i love beat em ups. it actually wasn't that bad. how'd that game do in terms of sales anyway? it may have not done that well to get a sequel, but i may be wrong...
i hope they improve the sequel. i enjoyed the first one, but it did get repetitive. itried to play through the game asecond time as the oppositekarma and stopped halfway. i may jump back into it and avoid all sidequests. it was very enjoyable the first play through except for those counter surveillance borefests....
assassins creed 2, now playing infamous
i watched the cutscenes of the first one on youtube or read about the story on wikipedia instead of playing the first one. i just completed the second one (except those feathers!) and feel like i didn't miss anything. the second one is truly a fantastic game.
i would get both. my friends and i are mixed martial arts fans and have a great time playing against eachother in the ufc games; however, i think RDR takes priority over ufc 10 in the buying order.
that's right. assassins creed 3 is due out before christmas. from what i've read it will be set in Rome and feature the addition of multiplayer. i wonder how the multiplayer would work?
i have the original six axis controller (not dualshock) and have had no trouble using it on any game with the exception of assassins creed 2. if i hold up on the left analog stick he is supposed to go forward. instead, he will go, stop, go, stop, go a little longer, stop, etc. anyone else have this issue or is my controller not working properly? i bought a dualshock today because if my target is running from me it is extremely difficult to catch them because my character studder steps the whole time! i was unable to complete a mission because of it. input would be greatly appreciated....
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