@dlCHIEF58 @canuckbiker Love that commercial! I like how he greets the lamp as if it's someone completely new but he talks to his pants like they're an old friend.
GTAO caters too much to groups of friends. I bet GTAO would be a lot more fun if I had 4 or 5 friends to coordinate with and perform missions or races together. But that fact is, none of my friends even play GTA and even if they did, we're all busy with jobs, wives, kids, etc. R* needed to offer more to the lone wolf.
I think some progressive missions would be fun. For example, you could perform a robbery, a gunfight, a street race, another robbery, etc. etc. and each time you pass the level, you get more cash. But making me run the same race 8,000 times to save up enough to buy a semi-cool car? I've got better ways to spend my time.
93ChevyNut's comments