@DemocraticTroll @uchihasilver @Coren_Larken Troll fits your name. Instead of presenting a well-reasoned argument, you call GS "stupid" and accuse Caro of being a talentless gamer. Reread your original post out loud, but use a whiny junior high kid voice and it reads surprisingly accurate (add some foot stomping and it's spot on).
These days so many devs are shifting resources to MP when they used to devote all of the resources to SP. In fact, games that traditionally lack MP now have it shoehorned in (God of War: Ascension, for example). As such, a separate score for the SP and MP will help the gamer understand whether he/she should play the game or not (depending on which mode is more important to him/her). So I think it makes sense. Even if you don't agree, I wouldn't say it's "stupid".
Take CoD for example. People pretty much buy the games for the MP. So much so that the devs put hardly any effort into the SP (resulting in a 3-4 hour campaign). Does the game deserve a 9 for a gamer who doesn't play MP? That answer is no. Wouldn't it be helpful to have a ratings system that would shine a light on that particular shortcoming? That answer is yes.
I would like to know what percentage of calculations the "cloud" is actually doing that makes a game operate smoother on my system. I just don't see it. Here's my logic:
1) I know how long it takes to download 2 gigs of data from the internet
2) I also know how long it takes to transfer 2 gigs of data from one SATA III drive to another in my computer. This speed is MAGNITUDES faster than the internet speed.
3) Now consider the speed between CPU cores or CPU to GPU. I don't know the exact figures but it's my understanding that's much faster than a SATA III connection.
Based on this logic, it's like saying my car goes soooooooooo much faster because I have one less key on my key ring.
Well said Danny. There's a lot of hatred towards Titanfall and I'm sure a lot of it is coming from leftover console war rage. And that's not right.
But my particular gripe with Titanfall is that the big breakout hit for the X1 is a game that continues CoD's progression: Started with great single player, then came great SP and MP, then came greater MP and reduced SP, now we have epic MP and abysmal SP. And this progression has proven itself to be one hell of a money maker.
We, as gamers, are being groomed by publishers to accept less and less effort for the same money. I fear that games with a lot of effort (Demon/Dark Souls, the Witcher series, etc...) may die off because the CoD formula forced it to.
I'm generally a PC gamer with some Sony gaming mixed in. That being said, if Dark Souls 2 was released exclusively on the X1, I'd be the first in line to get MS's system.
93ChevyNut's comments