The personal attacks are uncalled for. That I agree with. And I have no objection with GS calling out the extremely shorted sighted and rude. However, docking a point from a politically incorrect game for a political reason is like docking points from Call of Duty because there's not enough puzzles to solve or no turn-based strategy elements. That's not what it's trying to do.
GTA games make fun of EVERY single group of people that exist. Choosing "women" as the group that's being marginalized reveals the reviewer's bias. Once the reviewer as been identified as biased, it's going to make it hard to trust the review.
I'm sorry, but that's just the reality of it. It's like it's hard to watch political coverage from Fox News, because you know you're not getting the whole story.
@EngieTDR @bottaboomstick Sorry Engie, Boomstick has a point. Your criticism of the criticizers is rife with hypocrisy. And don't call me "kiddo"... I'm in my 30s.
I have this on PC and I'll admit I had fun with it. However, when I played online with characters that were at my level (lvl 30), they were a thousands times more powerful than me. Point is, for them to be that powerful (and still only lvl 30) they had to have purchased their gear at the AH. If they grinded for that stuff, they wouldn't have only been a level 30.
I then downloaded the D3 demo for PS3 and I gotta say, I would take that any day. Just the control scheme worked so much better. Endless clicking seems like a really stupid way to control a character. It reminds me of when Doom first came out and we controlled the character entirely with the mouse. Anyone remember pushing the mouse forward over and over and over again to make the character move forward?
I'll just say it, D3 works so much better on consoles with better loot. In fact, I'm not really sure what the point of grinding is. If I have to beat the same boss 100 times to get one legendary item, by the time I get it, I'm bored of the game.
I guess I'm not a "Diablo purist". Flame me if you want, I've got better ways to spend my time than endlessly grinding.
@Yatsukiii @Auriken There's trolling, and then there's vicious attacking. You can hate on a console, a game, or an entire dev studio. But attacking a single person over game review is just disgusting. Time for these idiots to grow up. I personally applaud Johnny for calling these morons out.
@brad12d3 You're thinking about this from a practical/functional standpoint. And you are correct that this extra feature doesn't make the console less capable. But from a marketing standpoint, it's a bad move. Let me explain:
If this is advertised as an all-in-one media device (games, TV, DVR, movies - both streaming and physical), why would MS provide a provision to hook up an external media device? That sends the message that they are not really confident that their box is truly the all-in-one device they advertise it to be.
Take Apple products for example. Apple sets their devices up to be a very tightly controlled experience. A side effect of that effort is that they significantly restrict the functionality of the device. However, Apple's marketing department was very successful in convincing their customers that they don't need all that additional functionality. And they were able to succeed in that effort because when the first iPod came out, Apple really didn't have any organized competition. Right, wrong, or indifferent, that's how marketing works.
MS tried to do the same thing with its original restrictive X1 policies (blocked used games, always on, Gold required for nearly everything). In other words, they tried to tell us what our next-gen experience should be. But, unlike the Apple example above, MS had a fully capable competitor (Sony) who didn't insist on restrictive policies which led to the policy reversals we've all heard so much about.
I have nothing against a pass through HDMI input on the X1, but that seems to counter their original concept of being an all-in-one entertainment device. Are they confused? Functionally, yes it makes sense. But anyone with any education in marketing will tell you this is a bad move.
93ChevyNut's comments