If this took off, it would be sweet. But I think I have to agree with Pachter on this one (it's killing me to say that). I think MS and Sony have created the living room gaming market and it's gonna be tough for any new device to take that space.
The Wii U is failing because of lack of 3rd party support. What's interesting here is the Steambox already has the software support. It's just a matter of getting the gaming community to understand its value. It may not really take hold until the next console round. It would be sweet if the fanboy wars were between the X2/PS5/Steambox!
I got x360, PS3, and a 4th gen i5/GTX 770 PC. When given the choice, I preferred to buy games on my PS3 (except for BF3, which I bought for PC). But I gotta say, before GTA V I was playing Batman Arkham City on Steam at full graphics and insane frame rate. GTA V on console is great but the the framerate is nowhere near my PC's, especially when driving the sports cars really fast.
This has given me a lot to think about going into next gen. At this point, dare I say it, I'm going to crossover and only buy games on PC unless they're console exclusives. I'm not going to spout "PC Master Race" or anything like that, but consider me an educated gamer who has made a paradigm shift in his thinking.
And I'm not sure that Android does "everything" better. One feature I love on my iPad that my Note 2 doesn't have is the ability to double-tap on a block of text on a webpage and it zooms in until that block of text fills my screen. On my Note 2, it just zooms in and I still have to adjust it to fit the screen.
Don't get me wrong, I like them both for different reasons. It's just ignorant to say that iOS "completely sucks" and Android is "perfectly amazing".
The people on this forum that viciously rag on the "sheep" that buy Apple products are a different type of sheep themselves. Android is its own bandwagon.
Just so you don't assume I'm an Apply fanboy, I have an iPad 3 and a Samsung Note 2. And guess what, I like them both.
@jflkdjs @RedLegZeff @desert_thief You gotta be careful with the "fastest growing" statistic. Going from 1 app to 2 is much "faster" than going from 10,000,000 apps to 15,000,000.
93ChevyNut's comments