@jayjay444 @JLCrogue @dashboardman God of War did have a fair amount of QTE, but it was only used on the larger enemies and bosses. Ryse seemed to have QTE for every single enemy. That would get old fast.
@jayjay444 First off, learn to use periods. Secondly, where did Sony lose half the market? Worldwide, the PS3 outsold the 360 despite the 360 having a year head start.
@SniperFire17 @Aaronp2k @jophy @zintarr @bradleyg2013 The fact that they were able to reverse those policies so easily this late in development tells me they knew they would be unpopular and needed a back up plan. But MS decided to see how tight they could squeeze us first. They were counting on blind loyalty to force gamers to accept their restrictive policies. I can neither accept or forgive this.
I think Gamespot should get an X1 and do some experiments. Play games in silence and see if any ads are displayed. Then start adamantly talking about how great Diet Coke is and see if Diet Pepsi ads start showing up.
93ChevyNut's comments