@TheGreyArea Your wife has her own xbox, TV, and copy of GTA V? That's what we in the married gaming community call "the jackpot". My wife barely tolerates that I play GTA. She actually hates the game, but she usually keeps quiet about it. As for other games, she's not into those either.
@imuhboxer @Chief_Death @obsequies Are you still in school boxer? Because any "real world" computer engineer would know that a company would not invest in 5000 servers and the associated bandwidth to handle the day 1 load when they know 2000 servers will handle the load at day 15 and after. Those unused servers and bandwidth have a significant cost associated with them for them to be only used for 2 weeks.
You might look up something called asset utilization. You might learn a thing or two.
In economics, if supply is very costly, you're forced to control demand by limiting supply.
@crix01 If GTA V is not your thing, I'm perfectly ok with that. Calling those that do enjoy it "sheep" is just foolish. You imply that I play GTA V because I don't know any better and I just follow the hype. I can make the argument for you. I could say that you DON'T play GTA because so many people do.
That's called counterculture. And members of the counterculture are their own kind of sheep, buying into the anti-hype. Let me dumb this down for you:
Your "sheep" metaphor:
"Everybody thinks GTA is cool therefore I must play it!!!"
The counterculture:
"Everybody thinks GTA is cool therefore I must hate it!!!!"
Sounds pretty similar doesn't it? Just two sides of the "sheep" coin.
@tempertress You don't read from anything? That's really impressive. I'd require 50 takes for every 5 seconds of footage if I couldn't read from something. Props!
@MICHAELKNIGHT2K I do not agree with your opinion of GTA. However, I fully support your avatar. Such fond memories of that show! Although, I tried to watch it recently and I didn't realize how awful it was. :)
@cellblock1138 @CruiserCaptain You have every right to your opinion and you have every right to voice it here. However, when you say that the only people that like this game are "young tweens, people with out common sense or any sense of morality..." (to use your words) or implying that those who enjoy this game can't "think for themselves", you're attacking gamers, not the game. I like GTA V, but not because of its vulgarity and violence. I like it because of the gameplay and the open-world freedom.
I've been gaming for 28 years now myself so please don't call me some immature kid.
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