"I'm a member of the PC master race. I have 17 daisy-chained computers, each running quad gpus. I get 47 billion frames per second on all of my 85 screens running a total resolution of 1,500,000 x 900,000."
After awhile, this is what the "who's-got-the-bigger-junk" argument starts to sound like to me. Dudes who have to brag about their stats have something to prove. Real men don't have to say anything.
And no, I'm not a console fanboy. I have PS3 and Xbox 360 and a rig I built about 3 months ago. And I'm also in my 30s and married, so please don't call me a "kid".
Are the two circles a touch feature or do you press on them? If they're a touch feature, will it work like the on-screen directional circle on tablet games? If so, I want nothing to do with it.
@Evilgenius4u69 @lonesamurai1 @Xx_DemonSoul_xX Triple Titans!?!?!?!? If you are as smart as you think you are, then you know you've easily wasted about $1000 as a 780 is about as powerful as a titan.
@UNCStriker88 @Evilgenius4u69 @gilldominic It's well documented that the PS3 has sold more systems than X360 worldwide and had a 1 year late start. Not to mention, because of RROD, how many of those X360s were purchased as a replacement? Yes, they extended the warranty to cover that, but not everyone leveraged it.
93ChevyNut's comments