EA does this and MS does that and Sony does something else. How about we point the finger at the puppeteer who's really pulling the strings: Makuch. He wants us to quibble between MS and Sony so none of us can see what he's up to. We are his social experiment. "Shake the jar and see if they'll fight" he says.
We can't allow the wool to cover our eyes any longer. Wake up gamers! Unite against the Makuchiarchy!!!
I'll watch it if they go back to proper mechanical transformations. In the most recent movie, the complete disassembly into little pieces and reassembly in a different place and different form was just plain dumb and a real copout.
@Sozialminister: If it's mind numbing, then don't read it. Oh, and that part about changing the "standards", you're gonna have to work really hard because the practice of downplaying obvious weaknesses in a product is something that every single company in the entire world does. I'm not trying to insult here, I'm just saying you can be angry about it if you want to, but none of your raging is every going to change anything. In other words, bark all you want from inside the house, the mailman will still deliver the mail.
93ChevyNut's comments