@Fallenlords69: Sounds like you had a great opportunity to hear first-hand stories of WWI. I think it's so incredibly humbling to hear history come alive like that. My dad was in Vietnam, but he doesn't talk about it much and I don't ask.
With so many people ordering the $80 version and immediately trading in the new game and keeping the code for MW, can you imagine what the day one trade-in value at GameStop will be? I'm guessing around $4.
@butterworth: I've not played Judgment, but from what I've heard it's not very good. So I was thinking you were being polite and using "shake" instead of "bleep". :)
@leimonides: It's good stuff. Sort of reinvigorates tunes we all already know. He has an album you can buy if you don't want to just listen on youtube.
@afdrums: My only critique of him is that he's almost "too much" at times. I like your style. It's very clean with the right complexity of fills to match the spirit of the song you're playing to. Vadrum is also the only right-handed drummer that I've ever seen that has his toms going from lowest to highest left to right.
93ChevyNut's comments