this is almost a guaranteed win for ms considering how china has felt about japan since world war 2.
AD216's forum posts
[QUOTE="AD216"]lmao no. i'm complaining about how they made the console basic. as for kinect, it has potential but it always had potential on the 360. it has never accomplished anything. all it will do is let me change apps, channels and possibly video chat. again, how will that improve gaming? in the big picture. next gen is this gen 2.0LegatoSkyheart
So how exactly would putting in those DRM methods change anything?
It really does sound like you're complaining about nothing.
Digital sales will always be there. Did you not see Xbox 360's holy crap amazing Deals this past week?
They had The Witcher 2 selling for $9.99, that's Steam crazy there.
as for the Games themselves, Dude every gen since the beginning of pong has been almost literally "this gen 2.0". I made a post this week showing off Rayman 1 for the PS1 and Rayman Legends for the PSVita.
Both games were in 2D but they were made in different time periods, the Tech is better so we can have smoother frames and better art style.
Xbox One will be a different console than the Xbox 360, the inclusion of the TV features is part of that, but if you want the Gameplay to change you'll have to go to the developers on that.
The New Policies only change the 24 hour checks (that you hate SO much), the Used Game and Sharing Policies (you don't have to be friend someone on Xbox Live and wait 24 hours to loan someone a game or go to a specific store to trade in a game that can be reactivated only once.), and there are no regional restrictions on all Xbox One titles that includes (get this) DIGITAL GAMES (unless I'm not reading that correctly, but they did say all Xbox One titles can be played on a Xbox One console.)
the 24 hour check was asinine to begin with. the region lock was terrible only because it alienated certain people. i do not buy used games often enough to care. the family sharing imo is leaps and bounds better than trusting someone with my disc. u know what, i'll make the same statement for an unprecedented 5th time in the last hour. they shouldve kept disc based gaming as is and implemented the new policies sans the 24 hour check and region locking for digital downloads that way they wouldve at least had a chance to see if it could be successfulno. they shouldve kept the disc based games as is and added their policies to encourage digital downloads minus the 24 hr check. that was a stupid movejust make it an option via XBOX live account, I want alwayson more than anyone on this forum!!!
i have 0 faith in corporations and after vista who could really have faith in ms?Yea me neither. But MS kind of redeemed itself with Windows 7.....then they released 8. windows 8 smh. what the hell were they thinking?[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="MirkoS77"]Of course they would. Guess now we'll never know, but considering all their DRM BS happened in the first place doesn't give me any faith in anything they say.
[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"] family sharing is not loaning out a disc kid. that's playing from my virtual library. how can u not understand this? and i've said i was against the 24hr check. never said it was the future. wow. keep reachingLegatoSkyheart
So you're pretty much complaining about stuff that's going to be on Xbox One anyway. MMMMMMMMMMMMkay.
how is live tv and mandatory kinect moving gaming forward? that gives u things to do outside of gaming that make u really not have to turn the console off. how is that going to improve my gaming experience in any way? there is no contradiction at all. like i said, gaming wise the only thing we get gen after gen is better graphics. this wouldve been revolutionary. it wouldve let me share games with family members in cali, michigan and ect. i wouldve been able to play any of my games anywhere without the disc. how can that not appeal to u?AD216
How is Live TV and Mandatory Kinect moving gaming forward?
Lets see, in SciFi movies and TV shows we see people talk to their appliances and tell them they want to watch X show or play Y game, that's Kinect and I've always figured that intergrating consoles in TVs was the future.
I actually thought next gen the consoles were going to be actual TVs.
Wasn't too far from the target with Xbox One and WiiU.
lmao no. i'm complaining about how they made the console basic. as for kinect, it has potential but it always had potential on the 360. it has never accomplished anything. all it will do is let me change apps, channels and possibly video chat. again, how will that improve gaming? in the big picture. next gen is this gen 2.0ms already confirmed it was the full game and that was a lie[QUOTE="AD216"]
[QUOTE="MirkoS77"]Not sure if you guys have seen this:
Of course they would. Guess now we'll never know, but considering all their DRM BS happened in the first place doesn't give me any faith in anything they say. i have 0 faith in corporations and after vista who could really have faith in ms?[QUOTE="AD216"] it was the full game not the demo. so that takes care of that. as for the drm. i dnt loan out games and barely play used games. the bottom line is, i'm anti 24hr check and that's it. this time next year i'll still have both consoles but i still feel like it was a wasted opportunity to move gaming in the right direction. like i previously stated time and time again. they should have had a disc based policy similar to the way it is now and a digital download policy without the 24hr check and no one wouldve said anything at all. LegatoSkyheart
You don't loan out games yet you wanted Family Sharing.
You're anti 24 hour check, but you think it's the future of gaming.
keep contradicting yourself, besides it's not like Digital games for Xbox One is completely lost.
family sharing is not loaning out a disc kid. that's playing from my virtual library. how can u not understand this? and i've said i was against the 24hr check. never said it was the future. wow. keep reachingserious as a heart attack. why wouldnt i be? to each his own right? i've been gaming since 1990. i've owned every console nintendo, sony and ms has had to offer. not to mention segas and ataris. the industry has been at a stand still since 95. we see minor advances here and there but besides xbl making online gaming popular on consoles, there has been no forward movement. the industry is basically at a standstill. besides the live tv, multitasking and mandatory kinect, we r getting the same 2 consoles all over again. slightly beefed up. why would that make me happy? i could get a high end pc and be 2 gens ahead graphically if that's what i wanted[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"]
yeah, you're not really serious.
I'm really impressed in your efforts of trying to make a sound argument, but I'm fully convinced that you're not serious at the moment because no one liked the old policy. Taking Used Games out of the picture is not a "bold move to the future" nor is going Online all the Time, or even having Region Locking. It's very backwards honestly.
The Used Gaming market shaped the industry to what is today. The Xbox 360 community is nearly based around that, everyone I've ever talked to that has Xbox 360 has had to deal with Used gaming at least once, not to mention a lot of them were/are College guys so Internet can be pretty expensive for them so Most of the time they don't hook up to Live to play a game. Making Xbox One have no Region Locking is a pleasant bonus too so now we don't have to worry about what game is going to get localized anymore.
Also to back up my "I'm fully convinced that you're not serious" argument.
"i've owned every console nintendo, sony and ms has had to offer. not to mention segas and ataris. the industry has been at a stand still since 95. we see minor advances here and there but besides xbl making online gaming popular on consoles, there has been no forward movement. the industry is basically at a standstill. besides the live tv, multitasking and mandatory kinect, we r getting the same 2 consoles all over again."
You contradict yourself. keep falling down those stairs.
[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"]lmao right. because everyone should want to pay for a beefed up version of the 360 and ps3 right? get real man, the policies imo were solid sans the 24hr check. who the hell cares if we can actually sell games for 1/4 what we paid and buy them for $5 cheaper because somebody else owned it first. only time i buy a game used is when i see one of them weak ass buy 2 get one free deals at gamestop and anybody i wanted to let use a game couldve did it through family sharing. now i should congratulate myself for a victory where i lost the policies i wanted and got back policies i dnt give a shit about? yay This is the future Microsoft wants for you and every Xbox gamer. Proprietary accessories = Huge inconvenience and cost to consumers. Lack of indie self publishing = Where is the innovation going to come from? Certainly not from overplayed AAA FPS and generic hack and slash games. Always on kinect - No choice, privacy concerns and an added cost to the console. Now, after all these points, you want a console that is "of the future but not an Xbox 360 on steroids". You want Microsoft to reinstate the very anti consumer policies that would have been a part of the Xbox one like the "DRM" and other Xbox fanatics want the "24 hour online authentication" just for the family sharing policy. Did you realise that the family sharing plan was a one hour demonstration of the game. Where is the victory in that? Unless, you obviously count losing the ownership rights to your game, then by all means, that is a victory for you. Unfortunately, not everyone shares you sentiment on this and I certainly do not want Microsoft to reinstate these very policies that would have a catastrophic impact in their performance against the PS4 in the next generation console race. I want Microsoft to bring their A game to the table and I believe that as long as there are more strong competitive companies forcing each other to create better and consumer centered products (lack of DRM, more choices), we as consumers win. it was the full game not the demo. so that takes care of that. as for the drm. i dnt loan out games and barely play used games. the bottom line is, i'm anti 24hr check and that's it. this time next year i'll still have both consoles but i still feel like it was a wasted opportunity to move gaming in the right direction. like i previously stated time and time again. they should have had a disc based policy similar to the way it is now and a digital download policy without the 24hr check and no one wouldve said anything at all.And nothing changed about the console.
The Games you saw at E3 are still there, the Kinect is still there, and the Online is still there.
Best part now is that it's Region free (so Region Specific games are obtainable.) AND no Online checks.
Anyone who says the old policies were good has to be a troll.
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