@experience_fade @ArabrockermanX Nice try. PS4 hasnt said anything about that stuff yet, granted, but that means that they are most likely not going to do that.
@Cruisemissile The X1 isnt bad because it does more. I don't care for the media either, but whatever! It's not hurting anyone. Might as well include it.
The problem comes from every other restriction and limitation that they impose on us. No used games without fees, no borrowing games, always online, must install games, no removable hard drive, etc... THESE ARE THE FUCKING ISSUES, not the damned entertainment crap. They can include what they want, just dont TAKE AWAY FROM US.
@ArabrockermanX Sheeple. They hop on the bandwagon of hate, and that was the first thing they saw. They don't realize what is actually wrong with the console, they just like to hate.
@experience_fade Ugh. People like you are completely deluded. The X1 isnt bad because it does more. I don't care for the media either, but whatever! It's not hurting anyone. Might as well include it.
The problem comes from every other restriction and limitation that they impose on us. No used games without fees, no borrowing games, always online, must install games, no removable hard drive, etc... THESE ARE THE FUCKING ISSUES, not the damned entertainment crap. They can include what they want, just dont TAKE AWAY FROM US.
@ivan_osorio Seeing a person with some sensibility on this thread seems to be like finding a needle in a haystack. I sincerely hope that this console tanks and MS realizes the error of their ways.
A_Rabid_Dog's comments