It's hard to believe (mostly because I'm a habitual liar), but today marks my one year anniversary at GameSpot. As you can tell by going back and reading my blog post from my first day there were a lot of unknowns about the job. I had new co-workers to get to know, a new writing format to adapt to, and I had to get familiar with the GameSpot way of doing things. Thankfully I've had Greg, Jeff, and Alex to guide me and answer my many questions along the way. I only got to work with Greg Kasavin for a few months, but I'm very thankful I had the opportunity to pick his brain before he left. Jeff and Alex have seen it all at this point so anytime I'm in a situation where I need some advice they're always happy to share. Ryan's always happy to share, but usually his method of sharing involves obscene gestures and/or knocking my toys off of our shared cubicle wall.
In the last year I've written 155 reviews, which is crazy. A lot of those were multiplatform so I haven't actually written 155 different reviews, but I have played 155 different versions of games. No matter how much you love a game it's pretty tough to enjoy when you're playing it on your fifth different console. I gave Call of Duty 3 an 8.8, but I was totally sick of it by the time I got through the PS2 version. The 8.8 I gave COD 3 was the highest score I've given to a game so far. Hopefully the next year will see me reviewing my first 9.0 (or higher) game, but you never know--they get what they deserve.
One thing I've done a lot of that I wasn't expecting to do was cover events. I knew I'd be going to E3, but I wasn't sure how much other preview coverage I'd be helping with. It turns out I've done a lot. I've been to events around San Francisco, EA Tiburon for Tiger Woods and NCAA Football, Santa Monica for E3, San Diego for Sony's Gamers' Day, New York City for NBA 2K8 and NBA Live 08, Leipzig for the game convention, and I'm writing this from Namco Bandai's Japan offices as part of my TGS coverage.
Now that I've written a bunch of previews I've got a newfound respect for our previews crew. You have no idea how difficult it is to write a preview based on 10 minutes with a game when we've already previewed the game three times. Brad, Justin, Brian, and Ricardo have an amazing ability to turn lemons into lemonade and turn bad demonstrations into good previews. I've gotten better at doing this, but I still have a lot to learn from the masters.
I haven't done as much on camera stuff as I'd like, but hopefully that will chance over the coming year. I'm the first to admit that I'm not great on camera, but I try to make up for my inexperience by carefully preparing for each appearance. That way if I'm boring at least I know I'll be informative and boring. GameSpot Live guys like Vinny, Frank, and Jim (and Rich, too) have been great sources of information and they've always been happy to give me feedback on my appearances. I've only made it onto our pod cast three times this year, but I look forward to being on the show more often and getting more comfortable there as well. I really enjoy it, so hopefully I'll get the chance to yap into a microphone on the Hot Spot again soon.
I've never kept a journal or blog longer than a few days before losing interest so it's somewhat surprising that I've kept up with my GameSpot blog as well as I have. I enjoy hearing from the readers and you seem to enjoy what I've got to say, which is crazy, but nice. Getting To Know GameSpot is still rolling along and I've done 21 episodes so far. Everyone wants to know when I'll turn the camera on myself, but I'd rather get to know my co-workers before I suffer the same torture that I subject them to. I'll also do my best to spotlight the UK and Australia crew this year. This is no small feat since the only time we're together is covering huge events, but I'll do my best.
Overall it has been a great year. I love the job as much today as I did when I started and I hope that never changes. Hopefully my writing and on-camera work will continue to improve, or at least not get any worse. Though I have no idea what's in store for me I'm looking forward to tackling some new challenges this year,
I'd like to thank you all for reading and watching my blog, especially those of you who have taken the time to comment on them or email me. As long as you keep coming back I'll keep coming up with new stuff.
Now, on to year two!
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