@game4metoo: Could also be the fact Playground and Turn 10 aren't all that experienced in PC developement. Gears 4 runs AMAZING on the same rig I play Forza on. A lot of the guys at The Coalition have some PC dev experience.
@sellingthings: I mean the rest of the game is absolutely fantastic with no drops, but Surfer's fricken' Paradise is the problem spot for a lot of people. Game is gorgeous and an incredible experience, so don't let that one area stop you.
@Asukafan2001: I have an overclocked 980ti and overclocked 4770k and can't keep a solid 60 in Surfer's Paradise. If I locked myself to 30 it would never dip, but where's the fun in that? I could get 30 fps on my Xbox.
@game4metoo: The game has pretty steep requirements on PC, most PCs that people game on really aren't good enough to handle this game. Those people (hopefully) aren't buying a game with these requirements.
@GOG3: It's an architecture change from the Wii/WiiU architecture to the new one for the Switch along with the fact that the new architecture is no longer a Wii, which was an overclocked Gamecube, and a WiiU That had the Wii processor baked right in. Couple that with a change in vendors from AMD to Nvidia...
Gaming is as cheap as it's ever been. The cost of games has remained steady for years now, and with this promotion, you're getting it on two platforms for the price of one.
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