I usually prefer JRPGs but I love both, though I have to say Bioware aren't a great developer, Mass Effect and Dragon Age just aren't great games and if all the west has to go on in terms of RPG is Bethesda and Bioware, I just can't see where it's taken off
Japan has Square Enix, Atlus, Level 5, Capcom, Konami, Sony, Namco, Tri-Ace, Sega, and much much more, the wealth of RPGs coming out of Japan at such a high quality just can't be ignored.
If we take two very different games from both Japan and the West we can probably compare them easier
Say from Japan I choseLost Odysseyand The Last Remnant and from the West I chose Oblivion and Mass Effect
In Japan, they obviously paycloser attention to elementslike story and audio where as in the west they preferto put all of their attention on the gameplay and the world in which the game is set.
Lost Odyssey has a brilliant and engaging story with a very basic gameplay mechanic and some wonderful audioin a world that is very cliche but also is nice to look at
The Last Remnant's story is great but you do not engage with the main characters in the story as much as you do Lost Odyssey, the gameplay is brilliant and innovative if left slightly unexplained and the music in the game is some of the best of this generation along with some pretty famous voice acting talent. The worlds however are left grim and lifeless with no real hustle and bustle in the cities and lots of grey colourless environments elsewhere.
Oblivion has very little in way of interesting story but the gameplay is magnificent in the level up sense (a practise makes perfect system) with a basic hack and slash style battle system but has some amazing audio, great soundtracks and voice acting from Patrick Stewart and Sean Bean. The environments are beautiful, you can walk through the world, staring at how amazing it looks, there is one area where the flowers are fully blossomed the trees are full of life and then the sun starts to set and the colours go crazy, that is true attention to detail and is one of the most magnificent moments I've had in gaming, something I will never forget.
Mass Effect has a better story than Oblivion but it doesn't even slightly match up the depth of LO or TLR, the leveling system is very simple but effective in which you chose how your character grows at each level but the battle system is basically Gears of War's cover mechanic and run and gun TPS gameplay, there are some simply amazing vocal talents at work in this game but unfortunately aside from the ending song there is nothing here musically that you can actually remember and the environments are very sterile, I understand that this is how the game is meant to look, but it isn't meant to look like this on uninhabited planets or ravaged warzones, each planet is just a copied and pasted template in a different colour except from the main story planets.
Those are the flagship arguments for this generation, so I feel that as a whole JRPGs still have the edge.
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