I can relate, but for me the only real issue I have is measuring distance, the anxiety goes away with practice I can tell. Even when I'm at the passenger seat and around traffic I can't tell if there's enough room to squeeze through traffic or when parking. The status of drivers around me and their dangerous behavior doesn't help either. I'm 25, got my license when I was 19 and I've only driven about 5 times in not-so-crowded areas. It's all about motory skills and mental state, if you get anxious alot or can't measure even after driving for so long then you're better off not driving. Think of it as a load off your mind, nothing to be ashamed about. I know I'll eventually be forced to start driving more often.
She probably just wants the best for you, a friend of mine was pressured into entering med school by his dad and a year later he swicthed to engineering, it just didn't suit him and he's as successful in engineering as he could be anywhere else. I believe that you should just go to school and get a degree in something that will potentially hire you into a successful business and life career. Be it medicine, engineering, law, management, finance... etc. Good luck.
So I went online only to find out the boss is nigh on impossible to beat unless you grind levels to max your characters at that point.
The entire game is pretty much like that, I always maxed out my grid whenever it got expanded before fighting the next boss and usually that's what makes you stand a chance (I think I know which boss you're talking about). It's intentionally built like that, the good thing is the battle system is fun and the grinding isn't all that boring IMO.
SMG made you lose hope in future Mario innovations. Why now?oldkingallant
The hype made me believe it will be the next "WOW!" in platform-games innovation, that it would do what Mario 64 did back in '96. Once I started playing it felt like a "Mario 64 3.0" (Sunshine being "2.0"). Same concept with added ideas.
Let me put it this way, I don't see any innovations as big as Mario 64 for platforming in the near future. I haven't even bothered beating SMG2
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