Aft3rsh0ck89's forum posts
Because put simply it contradicts the bible. The "theory" of evolution is just that a that has many flaws. A theory that was designed to allow mankind to live a life void of aknowledgement of God.
Without going to far into it like i have done before, sick of these arguments, the world, universe is way, way, way too complicated to of happened by mere chance. Scientist know this yet will not admit to.
Looks pretty cool, i liked the first one and this looks even better :)
Anyone know when it comes out?
i was just wondering is the merciless gladiator pvp gear better than the tier 4 raiding gear corruption raiment?
It has way more stam and int but it lacks in spell hit and spell critical strike
I have the merciless gladiator set, plus some other pvp reward spell damage is almost 800 with my own buffs, i have 12.5lk hp and like 10000 intellect.
Is the gear good enough to skip kara and go for the tier 5 gear?....or do i need higher spell damage than 800, spell hit and cspell critical strike?
someone told me that pvp isn't suited for raiding....but all the gear ive seen so far in kara has kinda been inferior to the gear i already have...except for like i said spell hit, crit etc.
So i guess my question is..what should spell hit, spell crit and spell damage be for tier 5 raiding? ( roughly) Thanks :)
Stupid greedy banks, they lend out way more than they should and in a lot of cases to those who can't repay the loans in the first place. Its the banks own stupid fault yet tax payers have to pay for the banks mistakes. If everyone was to withdraw their money at once the banks system would be screwed in an instance, the money you think you have is only figures on a piece of paper.
Thinking of starting a Rogue I was just wondering whats considered the best talent spec?
Also can't think of a good name, thinking of using the word phantom in the name. How do you come up with names?
Thanks for your help.
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