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AirGuitarist87 Blog

Dear Infinity Ward,

Your idea to remove dedicated servers from Modern Warfare 2 has not gone down well. In fact, I feel that my friend may have been onto something much better when he suggested head butting nails into wood when he lost his hammer. Attempting to join a game in this mess you call a multiplayer is as reliable as a horoscope foretold a bipolar paranoid schizophrenic.

In other words: It shouldn't take 3 and a half minutes just to join one game.

Furthermore; this is a Barrett light .50

It is cIassified as an anti-materiel rifle. That is, it is designed to shoot at cars and armoured vehicles. It shouldn't take two or more body shots to take down a man.

Forever yours,

What's the deal with EA?

So I buy DragonAge: Origins. It's a fantastic game and I'm very happy with it.

I've put about 9 hours into it so far and I got up to the first camp.


So...what, £34.99 retail price isn't enough? I probably wouldn't be so annoyed if I hadn't sat through and listened to this bugger for 5 minutes before realising I can't do anything for him until I fork over real money to EA. And more to the point: this is in the clean install of the game. DLC to me should be things like an afterthought - "you know what would have been cool?" sort of idea.

The fact he even exists in the game means that it was part of the original. Yes there's 60+ hours of other stuff which I will do instead, but I honestly don't get why EA felt the need to keep this cheeky bugger, this salesman in the game.

Just to get one thing clear: expansion packs such as Shivering Isles and Half Life: Blueshift, I'm fine with. But...this? No. The sooner devs realise this is a completely asinine stunt to pull.

I've been tagged

Damn you C-Lee! a

Okay, so 5 random facts about myself...let's see.

1. I have a degree in Psychology with Law, that I'd dead proud of. My dissertation was on Loneliness and Internet Usage, which I was proud to have shoehorned some psychoanalysis (which my department hates) and still got top marks on it.

2. I have well over 200 games, including downloaded PC games from Steam, so now I'm sorting out which ones to throw out. I've decided on these so far.

3. I'm currently learning Japanese. ぼくはすごしわかります。

4. I always have really bizarre dreams. I love recalling them from time to time.

5. My favourite band is Edguy.

Reet, I'll choose my next tags in the comments when I'm done scheming. Mwahahaha.

Six Degrees of Awesome

Lil experiment I've been putting off for a while. It's based on the Six Degrees of Separation and what I'm asking is simple:

1. Bookmark The Foreign Grounds.
2. Go into the forums.
3. Sign up.
4. If you find it as awesome as I think it is, post a blog about it.

Using the SDoS we hope to get a nice big pool of members who are handsome and/or pretty. The more awesome you are the better, which accounts for all people who've read this blog. (^_^)

In other news: I forgot the clocks went back an hour today and now I'm all confused. More punctual than usual, but still confused. >_

Jobs, Macs and Legends

I haven't updated in a while nor commented on other people's blogs. Apologies for both, I've been rather preoccupied recently. I am reading a lot of blogs, it's just sometimes I can't fathom what to say, but I'll try harder from now on. :P

Anyway: I got a job! At a games shop of all places. :D
I just finished my first shift today; it was actually just watching Health & Safety DVDs for four hours but I still got paid for it. I get a super sweet 25% discount on all games. It's my first job in two and a half years so I'm pretty nervous about it. Hopefully I'll do good enough of a job to keep it after Christmas.

Currently playing Brutal Legend on the PS3. T'is awesome and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes things that are funny and/or about metal.


I'm also in the delightful mood to buy a Mac Mini. I don't know, I've wanted a proper Mac for ages. I have a very old G4 Power Mac but it has a fairly recent OS on it that just borks near enough everything every couple of hours.


What's on everyone's Christmas list?

Death of the conversation

More and more I find myself in this situation:

You meet someone you know from school/work/wherever and you strike up a conversation. But what is there to talk about? Your day? You blogged it. How school is going? Was on your Facebook update. The fight you had with your girlfriend at the party last week? You tweeted it.

With all these instant updates which don't even require you to be at a computer at the time, I find that a lot of people I talk to are running out of things to say. Luckily I don't divulge much information about myself as broadcastable news. My Facebook updates are rare and usually satirical, often the only one on my update page that has proper spelling and grammar. My tweets are fun little links I find. I don't announce my feelings or goings on en masse as I prefer to talk to people face to face about it. Trouble is now I look like I can only talk about myself. Well, at least I have something to say. >_>

What do you think? Does announcing every little thing that happens negating more from what you can say in person?

Christmas is coming early

Well, first thing's first: I upgraded my PS3 with a 160GB HDD.


It took 5 different screwdrivers, two pliers, a wrench and a hacksaw to get it in. The screws holding the HDD in place are both overtightened and very soft. Any attempt at getting a screwdriver near them strips them fast. But I managed eventually.

Went into Manchester and had some ramen at this restaurant called Tampopo. Very nice but the portions are massive.


I've been craving some udon recently too, but nowhere seems to do it in miso soup. (T_T)


Also found these pants. The picture didn't turn out so great, but they were sparkly and gold. I've been told I'm not allowed to buy them; for myself or otherwise. :(


Everywhere's getting Christmas stuff in already. Marks & Spencers have already got advent calendars in. I can never be bothered keeping up with advent calendars and end up eating several days worth because I missed a few days.


Also, in celebration of Arkham Asylum, I made a Batarang out of a caramel waffle. (^_^)

How's everyone's week going?