Funny... these devs have no complaints when us players are getting threatened(as if anyone should take internet threats seriously), bullied, and otherwise screwed with on the games they are supposed to monitor. I own 2 CoD games, and all I've ended up with is two places to go and get hacked and insulted for a few hours by a horrible community of pests(most of whom justify their actions with, "everyone else is doing it"). The funny thing is I've gotten rid of hackers by insulting them back, so clearly they move on to better things if you actually challenge the cowards, but Treyarch and Activision won't even acknowledge them. I guess if the old game is filled with hackers, buying the new one is helpful and perfectly fair in Activision's mind. Poor you, a bunch of losers who take gaming too seriously and don't even leave their houses threatened to fly across the country/globe and burn your house down. As if they have that level of commitment to do ANYTHING! Meanwhile hundreds of thousands if not millions of your customers own 60 dollars coasters thanks to these same badass types and you do nothing about it. Honestly for every one modder there are probably a hundred legit players/customers who stopped playing thanks to encountering them.
You trust Hollywood to do what they do? What they do is just awful! Hell the whole industry is going through a revolution right now thanks to poor blockbuster performances(in the box office and onscreen) in the last couple years. The Lone Ranger and that Will Smith movie are two recent examples.
Source Code was a POS in my opinion but Moon was a pretty sweet movie you fans are lucky. I'd still expect Dungeons and Dragons quality from any movie tie in.
I like how the devs complain about CoD players bullying but do nothing about the worst bullies in those games using hacks and screwing with LITERALLY the whole community. But encouragin those aholes makes them money so screw it I guess.
7.5 is probably more than it deserves and not bad by any means. I especially love the "original games don't get the respect they deserve line". Yeah COD blows, this game is still original in all the wrong ways. "Hey kids, remember that great sandbox game where you could equip what you like and do what you want in a carefree OR meticulous manner? Well we've removed the freedom, the sandbox, and the options for variety in gameplay. We've also added linearity and dumbed down mechanics to suit the dumbed down AI, but the graphics are better than they've ever been!" 7.5 is generous to me, and I don't want another game in the series and don't really expect one if they continue this trend. Square Enix should just open a butcher shop and find a way to deal with their sick obsession.
Actually the multiplayer in their games forces you to use auto-aim and is typically incredibly dumbed down, with way too much of an emphasis on headshots. Cheating is common and so are trollish clans who just gang up on new players leading to few people even trying to play. If the MP was so great, people would still play it. They don't and they probably will do the same thing with the next game. RDR full games are so few and far between there is no point trying to search for them. They should focus more on co-op and free roam like in Red Dead Redemption, that kind of multiplayer is fun and rewarding for everybody. And the more team-oriented, the less reason for any losers to cheat and hack. The versus is shamefully one sided and repetitive in Rockstar games. It's understandable though, when they test the games they play by the rules and balance the teams. That doesn't happen in the real community once it's released.
Well that's nonsense logic. There's a reason so many people are unhappy with Bioware and especially the Dragon Age devs. In fact there are hundreds of reasons but the main ones involve lacklustre gameplay and lazy, greedy developers and publishers(when it comes to not releasing patches or continually releasing over-priced shallow DLC, take your pick). Three years ago this comments page would be filled with hype and fanboyism. Now here you are. And less than seven of us even care.
You can be happy with your product all you want, there were thousands who weren't and are done with the "epic" series as a result. I recall 100 full pages on one forum of complaints on EA's website, and the response people received was pathetic and went something along the lines of: "we have no obligation to patch our glitchy games, despite their linearity and our deep pockets and continuous stream of even more glitched DLC." The ass who said that was more frustrated than the people complaining so this is nothing new. To this day they only released one actual update, the rest were patches to connect the vanilla game to new DLC(although you have to wonder why they'd need to they were so insignificant).
It seems most of the fans just crave a Baldur's Gate reincarnation that isn't coming. Even the first which stayed true to Bioware's dated RPG platform had so many glitches, remained unpatched, and had the worst contemporary visuals of any game I've owned from that time. Ahh the glory days. :D Just the other day in my local paper there was an announcement about the head developers and creators of Bioware stepping down because they had, "lost the creative drive and interest in making games". One is starting a beer website dedicated to "reviewing" beer, the other is going into a business that will help young, creative entrepreneurs startup their own projects. If that doesn't say everything I don't know what does. Not trying to change your mind, just stating my opinion and peppering it with some facts. Let's see you unravel a conspiracy of bitter people out to get Bioware. On another note I'll sell you Dragon Age and Awakenings for 15 dollars if you want to spread the gospel.
Alex_09's comments