Fox News has never even had real news anyways, so who gives a ****? Just look at their top contributors... Sarah Palin(the one that claims all other news organizations are "lamestream", Glenn Beck, Donald Trump.. They might be the only network that will make you know less about current events after watching an hour of it.
@Devils-DIVISION I was absolutely shocked to find you only own ps3 games.... I don't understand why people like Heavy Rain, Killzone(buying a game for graphics has to be the worst reason to justify a purchase) and especially Resistance. Gears isn't the greatest 360 game, but it definitely is awesome, and the third looks amazing.
@rhysthepriest I think the iron sights on the hammerburst will work out fine considering that is the most powerful gun. It should take a bit more skill to use, and the iron sights won't make it so easy.
@eddyoshi Uncharted isn't a game, it's an overrated interactive video. I stopped playing after tapping X one hundred times to climb a train. Funnest game ever my ass.
People aren't hating on Halo's graphics, they hate the developer's lack of creativity and originality. I haven't played a Halo game in years, but I bet anything I still know the controls and would recognize nearly all the weapons. Isn't reach set years before the other halo games? So why are the same guns being used? The developers are just lazy and greedy in my opinion, especially when you consider the fact they are one of the most successful in the industry. I thank Halo for the xbox's success, but I think they should take a two year hiatus to release a quality game.
@rwyan Even split? I'm not trying to be a dick but 4:1 is not an even split in any way. I highly doubt this is one big Microsoft advertisement that Gamespot agreed to. @ar5n1c Thing is, if ps3 had "won" then all of the idiots who own xbox would say gamespot favored ps3. Maybe you should think, both games were set to the same gamma or brightness. And I completely disagree with your better games statement. I could easily list three amazing games only on 360, and two of them are very unique and brilliant, while the last one is more like MGS(overhyped, short, more of a movie than an actual game). Left 4 Dead, Mass Effect, and Gears of War, hell you listed Halo yourself. Also, xbox live is hands down the best part of the 360. You have no clue how smooth it runs compared to the PSN network. I play ps3 games online at my friends house often, and there is a massive difference between the two. But games have nothing to do with this argument, it is about graphics. Test this yourself if you're so doubtful. But you can't prove that gamespot favours 360. And I'm actually disappointed as an xbox owner, because the only game I want out of all of these is Dragon Age. The ps3's graphics are the only thing that got dominated here, and you are obviously confused about what a blu ray player is. By the way, you could just get a friend who owns an xbox and two of the listed games to come over and do this. Unravel the big conspiracy Detective.
@inaka_rob You stand your 360 up don't you? 3rd year with mine, and it's never had the red lights. Methinks many 360 owners can only blame themselves. If you keep it horizontal, wipe off the top and surface you place it on for dust once a month, and keep the scarred up, dirty games away, it should last you a lot longer. Also, I've heard that keeping the grey power box suspended will keep it from overheating.
Alex_09's comments