Only one that even sparks interest is Modern Warfare 2. I think all of the amazing games of 2009 have already been released for the 360, except of course Bioshock 2. I am not a fan of it, but it's obviously got a huge fanbase. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 might be awesome too.
I agree with your point on people who say they are too lazy to get into sports. I know a few people who say, "I'll get into sports later on in my life." as if it's a chore. Honestly I would rather be playing hockey or football than playing games any day, it's just hard to get that kind of a game together with my friends.
@downsideofup What is with this whole "have you ever had a woman in your room" conundrum I see here and on youtube? Are you saying have you ever had sex? Because if so just say it for crying out loud. I have had women in my room, who I would not have sex with, and have had sex with a few women I would not want in my room(sorry I was just reading Lord of the Rings :D). Bragging about sex, let alone acting as if it makes you normal and/or socially accepted is ridiculous. I know some friends that would rather still be virgins believe me, and I admit I have a regret or two of my own. I think a better question to ask is: Have you ever had another person in your room?
That Gears story arch was so expected. Not in this article but in the actual game. Seriously, I don't think I am getting more intelligent. I sure hope so, but I think these developers are just getting plain LAZY. I miss not knowing what's going to happen in a movie or game. Wow maybe I AM the only one.. I just read 4 people say "poor dom".... Which is kind of ironic enough on its own. What about, "poor locust I just slowly sawed in half"?
kscorpion call of duty doesnt have good graphics though so it doesnt matter at all really.. Not that I care about small differences really. Gotta say though, 360 slaughters ps3 with fallout, which in my opinion has the best visuals. Still each console has strongpoints so those who argue over them are ridiculous.
Alex_09's comments