Nobody should buy this game. Opinion has nothing do with it really... These people don't patch their games once a new one comes out, and refuse to even return to ban the hackers who are amazingly easy to pinpoint. Screw encouraging that kind of half-assed effort. If you like Black Ops and/or MW3 you better play a lot of it before this game comes out, or start pre-complaining to Activision/Treyarch.
Black Ops was my last. The gameplay is fun but the games keep getting stunted more and more. And unfortunately Treyarch are being dragged along for the ride. Their games would be so awesome if it weren't for Infinity Ward being shuttered. They had to start mixing ideas with the Modern Warfare series, and unfortunately WaW wasn't as popular.
Nerfing the shotguns was worth it to get rid of USAS spamming.I love pump action shotguns in games, and the one in BF3 is no exception, but the USAS was way too overpowered especially compared to the other shotguns.
Bioware are the kings of milking. This game looks awesome but still they never finish storylines and most of the DLC they release is an expensive disappointment.
Every trailer is better looking than the actual game. The new Darkness game actually had CGI trailers in FPS view just to pretend the game actually looked and played great. It's not a bad game but definitely nothing like the version they depicted. And look back on the worst games of all. Two Worlds, Shellshock Vietnam, Rogue Warrior, Turning Point, etc. In fact I followed Dragon Age 2 and don't remember one gameplay video on gamespot pre-release. They all relied on trailers with no gameplay to sell pre-orders. I think gamers are a bit too sheepish and that's why publishers aren't even trying to hide their intentions anymore. As for Dead Island I don't know what the complaints are about. That game only has one real issue, and I've played tons of it, and that is the modded weapon losers. If anybody played Borderlands imagine something like that but ten times worse. Probably 3 in 4 games is filled with people using modded guns even though the guns aren't fun to use and killing the zombies is way more intense and satisfying with melee weapons or legitimate guns found in game.
@thebanewolf Actually there are a couple of logical arguments to get this on console. PC players get screwed over and over, and as an owner of a good computer with lots of PC games I'd know as well as anyone. I don't want digital content, and I definitely don't want to continue paying for upgrades when the new multiplatform games barely function on PC or are just cheap ports that require hours of time to tweak properly. Bethesda is an extremely rare exception. Besides, it seems all the PC exclusive devs have made it clear they want to transfer over to consoles thanks to the success of CoD on xbox and ps3. Also, I'd like to play on a nice HD TV with a controller. @shadowhunter0 Clearly you've never tried a mod. The only modding that is definitely for losers is the clothing mods and body animation mods that make female characters into creepy little hentai girls. When I was looking up Oblivion mods half the ones I found seemed to have been made by pedophiles.
@T00MuchRazMataz Why should we care? Gaming isn't going anywhere, in fact it's getting more popular. Most of the people in MLG are actually bringing the rest of us down by acting like being good at a game is a skill in the real world, and being stereotypical gamers. I've met plenty of these elite athletic soldiers in games, and noticed a trend whenever I play with or against somebody with an MLG picture in their profile on xbox live. They act like they are actually professionals, and each loss is a mid-life crisis for them. But I'm not trying to criticize them, I'm asking why the hell should I care about them? There would be no issue if they disappeared altogether, so I have no reason to care at all. If you think these people are encouraging gamers, or encouraging people who don't game to try it, you would be 100% wrong.
@QQabitmoar Broken logic. I think they're pathetic, I will never watch them, let alone call them sports. And I would probably implode if I ever called one of those nerds an athlete.
@Stiler What he said is still true. They did "put out" these games by publishing. Activision would never try and sell unfinished games. They actually cancelled True Crime very close to its release because they were able to admit it was mediocre and they didn't want to be associated with it. Not to say Activision is even close to Bethesda in terms of being a good publisher, but Bethesda is destroying its reputation with these half-assed games. I had a bad feeling about this one either way though. Even the gameplay they showed looked choppy, and you can always tell a game is going to be poor when they release hardly any gameplay vids and information over the course of years but buy all the advertising they can afford in the weeks leading up to release.
Alex_09's comments