Not trying to be an ass but your problems don't outweigh all the ones we had BEFORE the rented servers. It's either this.. or that mixed playlist(AKA: no more TDM, Conquest on smaller maps, etc.) BS that left plenty of people uninterested in even returning. If DICE and EA weren't greedy and slowly backing off supporting their still-broken game I'd agree they should be in control of the servers. But since they scaled back the number of them, then mixed them as well, this is a far better alternative. But I've been kicked from two different games for playing legitimately so I understand your frustration. The owner later apologized though so it wasn't quite as harsh.
Left 4 Dead is far more team oriented, but it is frustrating as hell. I would say Left 4 Dead is THE 4 player co op game this gen. I mean, if you don't have four decent players even passing advanced difficulty will be tough.
You're calling that Halo trailer good? My god guys.... I think you were pumped for the game, the trailer was just a reminder. If it's between those two it definitely goes to Gears of War.
I hit a guy with a sticky grenade in World at War and he ran back towards two of his friends inside the building they were camping in, I just took cover and when it blew up an arm and two legs flew out the window where they were shooting. That is why Modern Warfare needs gore, because it just makes it so much more epic when you get revenge or get in a huge fight.
Pfft. Medal of Honor is all but finished. It's not that I'm a CoD fan, they just continue making bland shooters. People need to realize WW2 wasn't what was getting repetitive, it was the same old gameplay and style over and over and over.
Modern Warfare 2 hands down. They took out ten guns. Including the colt! Whyyy? And they just updated all of the guns to look new age when really some of them look like plastic toys now. Nobody can say it was the sequel they were looking for. Remember those "FAQ" threads on the forums for that game? The gun lists were incredible. But then look at the actual game... I'm still buying it, but that's because it still is good, but there are some definite issues. I've also heard about silencted snipers not working properly, only being able to carry one claymore, and plenty of other stupid development choices, but I can't guarantee they exist.
Let's just say.. Assassins Creed 2? Modern Warfare, just like all Call of Duties, are great because of the online component(even CoD 3). Your opinion is your opinion, but come on.
I get Fallout 3 Game of The Year Edition tomorrow. I thought it came out 4 days from now but a girl called from gamestop and told me it would be there tomorrow so I'm going as early as possible. I have waited a long time to try Fallout.
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