@picho86 @Alexrmf true about the PC... but that's also something that can get hit if the performance of the Xbone is not good enough... the Devs probably won't care if the PC can handle more... they will build an universal version working on all 3 platforms, even though 2 of them can handle more pixels or bigger game-worlds
@untouchables111 @Alexrmf that was also Sony's fault beacause they didn't teach the devs all the things they could do with their console... most devs were probably using a MS software environment which wasn't optimized for cell processors... but after a very long learning curve the PS3 proved it was more powerful and capable than the X360.... this time they will use similar architectures, but from the numbers it looks like Sony has the lead
@picho86 @Alexrmf according to what the articles says, they will do it "One developer added that it rarely makes financial sense to optimise a multiplatform game for one particular platform. “It would be totally fine for us to make one version prettier without any political difficulties but it usually doesn't make financial sense,” said the developer, “unless it’s a very simple tweak.” - so... the devs will only try to make the games as good as the lowest speced box can handle... that would be the Xbone
basically this tells us... you'll have games running at the lowest common performance denominator which is the Xbone. so everyone that buys an Xbone and is not happy with the performance ... they should take pleasure knowing that because of their box the PS4 players will get the same problems too (I'm talking about limited performance)
why is everyone complaining about Into Darkness? the movie was very good... nice action and the reversed roles of Kirk and Spock really made it stand-out for me. I also liked Benedict Cumberbatch's version of Khan...very calculated and ruthless - he also had a very good motivation for killing Kirk and everyone on the Enterprise.
@marcopolo426 a poor man's KOTOR? that's a good one.... it was better than KOTOR by magnitudes (and I'm a SW fan myself)... actually ME1 was quite revolutionary when it came to the cinematic experience and the new (back then) ME universe, the mechanic of the game was also ahead of the one in KOTOR (I like it more than the one in the following 2 games). so ME is no poor man's KOTOR, it 's in a league of it's own
if they make an RPG set in the ME universe after the events of ME3 ... I'm sold. I just hope they keep the decision-making system and really use it this time if they decide on a trilogy. ME started as a cinematic-experience type of game and they should focus on that ... also... don't kill-off my hero especially since he's got so much to live for after he saved the universe.... imagine how great a story a new game would've had if you were given the command of the Normandy by Shepard himself which shouldve been a 50-something Alliance Admiral... it doesn't even matter if you need to save the galaxy... just that moment alone could've been the greatest thing in the ME universe
great video... and yeah... nailed it! games and the worlds they brought to life gave us a new (and better) way of entertainment which let you be the lead actor in your own blockbuster movie
and why the **** is it "disgusting"? did someone ask the women what they think of it? if they had a body like that what would they do... show it off or keep it under a nun's garments? you people just need to look at what happens on facebook... all the women that are remotely hot will rush to get naked for some attention and a few (hundred) likes... so all men.. stop defending the women because they can defend themselves better than we can defend them... the thing is they don't want to be defended, the only ones that think this objectifies the woman are the ugly ones that can't get naked and stir some emotions in their male counterparts
@Catz_03 you're tripping son... I remember Bioware's history clearly and the first major screw-up I remember to this day was making Dragon Age Origins a console game... it was supposed to be Baldur's Gate spiritual successor, but as soon as EA came into the picture they started streamlining everything about DA:O which was probably even more complex than what we got... EA are some money-hungry reapers (pun intended)... we need to find a way to stop them
Alexrmf's comments