@BlazingSpeed the mass effect mention is there because CDPR will release a sci-fi RPG too - Cyberpunk 2077 - I technically see CDPR as I saw Bioware a few years back before they were bought by EA... a great company making great games with new and original IPs - I hope they don't go the same route Bioware did
the man is technically right... I for one wouldn't want to see any company go away because they both make or made (past tense for Bioware) great RPGs - and we as players need all the great games we can get, no matter if it's coming from CDPR or Bioware, so if the Edmonton guys think they can do a better game than the polish guys everyone loves, I want to see them do it. one thing I don't agree with in mr. Weekes statement "the company tries to advance further and further, so much so that past games look "antiquated and quaint." - yeah? so why does DA2 look so crappy compared to DA:O?
if they would've put the citadel DLC content as the ending it would have pleased everyone... instead they just expanded more on the crappy ending they designed in the first run. if they would've charged for it, I'm willing to bet fans would have lost all faith in Bioware
I guess people buying iPhones just love the hype and mainstream stuff.... I will never buy an iphone again because it's not the best technology and the price is just outrageous... they also seem to like planned obsolescence which is a bad thing for consumers leading them to think that they need the next iphone even though they don't, it's the same thing as the old one just with a slightly different design.
@Myke311 you're not the only one that can't finish them... but I still like to play GTA games, mostly for the fun of all the things you can do. they're just too big to be able to concentrate on the narrative... same with the Elder Scrolls games
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