the xBone loses another battle.... so, where are they now? still betting on Halo to save their sales for this console generation? the future looks kinda' grim for M$ in this console war.
so, the only good thing about this console generation is that the consoles will be similar to the PC when it some to the architecture and this will mean we'll get more titles for the PC which were previously console exclusives (GTAV anyone?)
apparently all the people that were asked the questions are clueless when it comes to M$ used games policy and the online every 24 hours system.. only a single girl mentioned that as the winning factor. so, either people don't care or they have no clue about M$'s stand... oh yeah... and those 2 retards saying they will be part of the "special club" of day1 X1 buyers.... those are M$ employees, otherwise I can't explain it... PS4 is the better console by any degree.
@thekazumalord they made the "bomb" announcement that the Director's cut will also be released for the other platforms: PC, X360, PS3. they should've given it as a free download for owners of the initial game.
so... if the game world will be 35 times the size of Witcher 2... will it also be 35 times the size? you need to fid that huge content on a few DVDs because not everyone has a BR player. anyway, the game looks great and it will probably be great, no matter the size of it.
@Gamernametaken @dribblesbarbax I think most people here including the GS editor agree with you... M$ just pushed too much on something that it's consumers don't want. Sony just kept the status-quo and they are praised for it. change for the sake of change (or money) is not a good thing, no matter the domain.
@EddieDominguez if you mod your console you just lose M$ warranty and that's bout it.. you can still play original and pirated games on it, you just get the benefit of having a console that can play pirated games. anyway... piracy is not the topic here and you apparently didn't get that.... this is about customer's choice and customer freedom which M$ just pissed-on when they announced the X1
Alexrmf's comments