Coverage - I'm not too regular with GOW3 discussion/news, as you no doubt have noticed. If a discussion were to break out here, I'd probably be even less frequent with updates >___>. Perhaps you should wait until next year, or at least when GOW3 mania picks up. In general that is what we all plan to do, as hype and new information is nice and all, but it takes away some of the experience when you finally get it, which is why either as soon as it comes out or right before, I won't be posting here or alt.TUGOWU until I've completed the game, then again that shouldn't be too long as I will probably play it non-stop until completion.
Kira - True. Though there are those animes that completely ignore the plot of the manga. That pisses me off. In most cases, I'd prefer the anime, though such changes have led me to preferring to read manga, and giving anime (in general) a second fiddle. True enough, the manga generally gets less censored for many series, and generally can go longer or give more detail, aside from filler, take Gantz for example, the anime only lasted 1 season, but the manga goes 4 times farther at least and is still going.
Indeed, I do not have a PSP. CoO would have felt quite odd for me I suppose. The blades don't look as fluid as they did in the first two games. I can understand your attitude, but believe me, it played amazingly well for a PSP title, and was pretty good for a GOW title, and it is almost completely worth it just for the Gauntlet of Zeus, which is the most broken weapon so far in the GOW series.
Alucard_rules' forum posts
Oh, dear. It seems I forgot to add my entry(though with addamantium b&, we may not start up again until someone volunteers to run this, perhaps a new recruit, to gain respect).
"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty."
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