Lead by Diamond Dragon generals. Besides, if the glass dragons did break, they'd shatter into millions of little glass shards that would cut the penguins, especially if they swallowed any shards, ripping apart their insides.
Despite Vegeto not really being a completely sensible "combination" of the names, it is indeed the best, though it really is just Vegeta with an o on the end instead of an a. Agreed, the fights in GT were a joke. Despite all the characters being way stronger than in Z, the fights looked weaker, especially the energy blasts, total reduction of class/power. I enjoyed Buu Saga for the most part, though it dragging on so much was a little annoying, but I think the best fighting/representation of energy blasts was in Cell Saga, besides the Goku/Majin Vegeta fight, which is probably the best in the series IMO.
I may have alzheimer's, and repeat myself. I stared at that for a long time, without blinking, and somehow didn't have a seizure. I may have alzheimer's, and repeat myself. I stared at that for a long time without blinking, and somehow didn't have a seizure. I may have alzheimer's, and repeat myself. I stared at that for a long time, without blinking, and somehow didn't have a seizure. I may have alzheimer's, and repeat myself. I stared at that for a long time without blinking, and somehow didn't have a seizure.
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